
The Memoir Of An Immortal

"Two years!" It's been two years since I broke free from the shackles of the underworld and started a new journey as an immortal. I wasn't searching for a way out, though I was tired of my endless suffering in the underworld. He found me when I wasn't searching for Him, I've been granted amnesty despite my numerous sins against the Supreme immortal. "Tony Storm, I have a great assignment for you! Are you willing to start this journey?" I nodded my head weakly and that's how it all began. Regaining back the dignity of the human race from the rulers of the underworld, I now journey freeing those that were once like me and making sure I don't fall back to the underworld.

caleb_eleojo · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Entry 1 - Reminiscence

"Two years!" It's been two years since I broke free from the shackles of the underworld and started a new journey as an immortal. "I'm sorry I was set free, I didn't break free!". I wasn't searching for a way out, though I was tired of my endless suffering in the underworld.

"Clang! Clang!" My chains rattled gently as I looked up curiously before my expression morphed into one filled with shock. Before me a speck of light floated gently in space as if supported by something. The pure unadulterated Holy aura pushed back the darkness around it, as I stayed still for a moment waiting for the sound of rushing waters of demons mowing their way down to my cell.

"That's strange!" I said to myself as I wondered what sadistic games they were playing at this time around, "heyyy!" I shouted to draw attention already tired of waiting for my horrifying torture. But nothing happened, instead the speck of light grew larger and larger. First it became the size of a thumb, then a palm, a ball and as big as a two-storey building before morphing into a huge gate covered with golden patterns.

"Aargh!!" Tears rolled down my eyes as I gazed into the eyes of a four-headed creature engraved on the massive golden gate. "Come!" It seemed I heard a voice, lights flooding my cell as the gate that looked immovable like a mountain gave way. I squinted my eyes to look at what was on the other side of the golden gate and my heart shivered in excitement as I stepped forward slowly, beholding the beauty and wonders ever known to anyone.

"Come!" The voice calls softly again but all of a sudden there was a huge "bang!" with everything blowing into bits of dust, as a huge black scaly hand descended sharply only to be repelled by the light. The cell I was locked in for all this years was no more, leaving only dust and broken walls.

You must be surprised, why I'm not in the notorious lake of eternal flames with demons plunging sharp three-pronged spears into me. Well, the almighty hadn't condemn me yet, as I was still alive on earth.


"Ha! Ha! Ha! So that wretched serpent can't hold it any longer!" I guffawed as I got up slowly under the immense pressure, making my way to the other side of the massive golden gates. "Ha! Ha!" I chuckled as I stepped through the gates, I couldn't help but feel good seeing the wretched serpent struggle against the light.

Goodbye to the old and welcome to the new, no more chains and oppression of any kind. I knew things were never going to be the same after stepping through that gate, but the light gave me a measure of comfort. It calmed my nerves and my pounding heart in a way I had never felt before.

The scene that unfolded before my eyes after stepping through that gate, is one I would never forget. "Boom!" Flinching slightly at the sound of the gate slamming shut, I looked around with my mouth opened wide. The boundless green land covered with grasses, trees and flowers all looking full of life. The golden light blanketing the skies whose source I could not determine.

I looked further and I saw a city made of pure gold as clear as glass such like I have never seen before. The city had a large high wall with twelve made from pearls. Unknowingly my legs had already taken me to the front of the three-eastern gates while I was taking in the wonderful sight. I paused for a moment wondering how I crossed a great distance in few steps.

Shaking those confusing thoughts off my mind, I proceeded to walk into the city only for a great broad sword to slam into the ground, blocking me from advarcing. "Halt!" My vision darkened for a moment as a voice as loud as thunder boomed in my ears, I slammed my hands over my ears hurriedly as I looked up. Bright red fiery wings that seem to lit up the firmament, legs like bright red molten magma and an upper body covered in flames.

"Wow! This guy is way cooler than those horrible creatures with meaty wings!" I said to myself as I remembered those demons in the underworld. "Nothing unclean shall enter into the city of the Lord!" His voice boomed in my ears again as my knees buckled beneath me.

"But what does it mean by unclean?" I asked myself silently with my head lowered a bit, "ooh!" I exclaimed with a look of realization as I gazed at the tattered robes that barely covered my body. "How can I be clean?" I asked with determination blazing in my eyes, "if taking a bath and wearing pure white robes is what it takes to be clean, then I'm ready!" I declared silently in my heart, only I never knew what hat kind of bath I would take.

"Child!!" Everything in my vision swiveled rapidly in the blink of an eye as I found myself in the boundless grassland. "How did I get here?" I asked myself noticing something diffrent from the first time I stepped on the boundless green land. There were no flowers or trees except just one tree that seemed to connect the sky and the ground. "I have never seen such a tree in my life!" I muttered in shock at how great the tree was.


"Eeh!! It happened again like before!" I screamed in shock as I stood below the tree, standing opposite me was a man dressed in a linen robe whiter than snow. His eyes are so gentle and full of understanding, his face was so ordinary it would not attract attention when placed in a crowd. But at that moment, He had all my attention and He still does.

"Tony Storm!" My eyes widened as he called my name, everything went still at the sound of His voice. "I have a mission for you, something only my family can shoulder.." He paused for a moment, "will you be my child?"
