
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Cómic
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325 Chs


/ Child Frank POV/



Shit, other me really went and did a fucking bad one didn't he? Did he really have to kick in Kocksuki's ass just because he tried to blow him the fuck up?

Actually scratch that, it's murder. I'm not dealing with that. But there's a couple problems, Recovery Girl isn't here. That's really really not good. Like, absolutely bullshit levels of not good that I would like to blame someone for.

Someone named Anti perhaps? Anyone? Hello? Wow, absolutely not a single fucking word. Man this is getting annoying. Iida is still in agony from his leg getting turned into a very odd looking pretzel.

I mean, it's not really that bad, it's just swelling a lot more than what's considered normal for broken bones. And why would other me bring the dildo out? I don't know either. What I do know is that Iida was going into shock from the pain and it wasn't advised to do nothing, so I told them to stay put til I could get Recovery Girl.

We were wright outside of her office, so I don't really see why she shouldn't be there. So I thought where she could be. (Alright Frank, if I was a geriatric super hero capable of healing a metric shit ton of damage, where would I be at?) I asked myself that question over and over again while I looked.



/3rd POV/



Frank's efforts were seemingly getting more and more pointless as he searched, that's until he remembered that the teachers were probably grieving in the principal's office. There was a couple things that he could go and do right now, one of which was abandoning the class, but they were entertaining him with their sadness and all their despair.

Anything else that he did was simply just because it happened. (Hey umm, not to be a bummer, but the dungeon master just came into our room and injured one of our classmates, can Recovery Girl specifically come over and oh you know- SAVE THE DUDE?! HIS LEG IS ALL KINDS OF COLORS FROM THE SWELLING!) Frank shouted as the room filled with snivelling teachers soon got out of it and ran towards the infirmary.

(How long since he got the damage?) one of them said as they looked into Iida's eyes. They were dilating, which wasn't a good sign. (About a couple minutes ago, the dungeon master, and don't get mad since he did do this, he went and used a giant metal dildo to do that to him.) Frank said as the teachers soon looked at Frank with question-filled gazes.



/Frank POV/



(Don't look at me like that, ask the weirdo dungeon master that decided to make a weapon like that. Or at least that's what I think he's using that for.) I said to them while shrugging. They weren't completely powerless against me, but come on, it's not as if they could handle all my power if I went out.

I just kept an eye on all of the teachers that were still technically here for us. I mean, they have to, that's what their job is to do as both heroes and teachers of this school.

Well, not that it'll matter in the end. But ona more serious note, they finally patched up Iida. Katsuki however was still stuck in the classroom since we never bothered to grab his still semi-conscious ass.

What did you expect? I don't exactly like the guy, so I'll just leave him to the fish for the time being. What I do wanna do is something that would mildly intrigue you all. I decided to roll yet again. I know I know, it's not a smart thing to do.

But who said that I like doing the smart thing all of the time? I gotta be a bit of a nutjob once in a while.

(A/N: Anti here, now I just wanna say something really quick. I am not giving Frank Gamer's Mind or the other Gamer powers. Gamer's Mind doesn't make sense, we all know damn well we aren't the mot collected beings when it comes to games. The gamer body thing? I don't like it, plushie technically already has it, but it's better. The character's hitboxes in Minecraft are specified.)

And now, I'm just taking a quick look at what I just got. And I gotta say, this is quite the roll. It was only one, but goddamn, this ain't damn bad at all.


[Congratulations Host, you have obtained the following:


[Create World]

- a sub-ability connected to the Minecraft Mode. You are capable of "loading up" worlds to your design. Note: Pease be advised that you are capable of loading up into only one world at a time. It's pretty obvious that this is how it works.



Oh yeah, this is just fucking amazing. This means that I could just tho and make an entirely new world whenever I want. And from I've gathered, I can makes as many as I want. Infinite fucking worlds, what a fucking blessing.

And since I can bring people into the same mode as me, I could cause a lot of damage if I left them into a world that they can never leave. But I wonder, what happens if I left someone in hardcore and killed them in one command?

Would they be stuck in spectator mode? Or would that means that they would have to delete the world?

{Hey system, it's been a while, but I have another question.} I thought as I knew that I was being a bit of an asshole for not taking with it for a really long time. It was literal fucking years since I talked to it.

[What would your inquiries be about host?] it asked me as I gave all the questions that were stuck on my mind. [That is quite an interesting question host. The being, should you wish to kill it permanently, would be stuck within the world for all eternity. They are incapable of deleting and going out of the world host.]

. . . wow, that's just . . . . cruel. I like it! {Well that's nice, I guess I could consider this my personal method to making prisons for anyone that I want gone forever.} I thought as I continued jogging back to the classroom.

Wait a minute, why the shit are there bodies strewn across the floor? And why the fuck are the girls cuddling up into a ball? Oh wait, it's me,. I should probably expect him to do something dumb.



/Dungeon Frank POV/



(And that girls, is why you never play truth or dare with someone clinically insane! Now, are there any more questions? Or do I need to put a bullet in one of you? It doesn't really matter where I shoot you at, it's still gonna hurt before you either A. Live or B. Die from blood loss or something else.) I said to them while they stayed in the corner.

Man I love being the bad guy. Ain't a single thing people are gonna be able to do when you technically have no real weaknesses.

(Well, you know what? I'm feeling mildly generous today. I suppose that you girls could go, only i-) I was talking when I was rudely interrupted by the other me. (What the hell are you doing here?) I asked him as he looked day me with some hostility.

(I should be asking that, asshole. Why you hurting them? They didn't even do anything to you, you know? We may be the same but we can't be going off diverging for shit like this.) Other me whispered to me as I then scoffed.

(Oh please mate, it's not as if they matter either.) I said to him as he shook him head. (So what's happened to the engine leg dude? Do you get him fixed up already?) I asked the other me as he nodded.

(We're gonna have to do something mildly stupid right now. And I don't know if it'll work right.) he said to me as he grabbed my arm and started to merge with me. (It's gonna be easier for the both of us to do it this way.) he said as he also hugged me and merged even quicker.

(You already know what to do with the three.) he said as he finally became one with me. I am now complete. (Well well well girls, it appears that you've just seen something that you shouldn't have.) I said to them as they looked at me in terror.

(Oh come on, it's not as if you were gonna live through this anyways. Your existences, are completely worthless to me and what I have planned.) I said as I quickly pulled out my Bolter and went towards the three.

(Rest in pieces kids!) I said in a mock-joyful tome to my voice as I pulled the trigger. Their bodies went splat so fast that I wasn't quick enough to close my eyes to make sure he blood didn't get into it.

I ended up causing something worse to happen aside from three student deaths. I ended up accidentally pulling the trigger and shooting a couple rounds straight into the walls. The hole room was nearly gone as I noticed that there were dozens of bodies just ly- I'm joking, there's no bodies since there seems to be a very big lack of parallel rooms.

Oh don't worry, I have a couple ideas as to what I wanna do with the rest of them. I have a little toy known as a gun that I'm gonna make good use for killing a lot of people.

But that's boring, but you know what isn't? Creepers. They're not boring since they blow up when you least expect it to. You really gotta love the fact that I'm just doing this for the sake of it right?

So I did the only natural thing that I really knew how to do, I grabbed a command block from my inventory and went creative mode instantly.

I then places on the command and walked away from the soon-to-be bomb detonation site. I could hear the nigh infinite amount of hissings happening right now as I watched the tide of green just appear right on top of this purple block.

{And thus, I'll turn it off after it's finished it's job.} I thought as I then fell right into one of the holes and teleported immediately towards the 100th Floor. (Well, that was mildly successful, but I never anticipated that I wanted to kill a lot of people. Oh who gives a shit anyways? It's not as if they'd have the power to do so.) I said to myself as I walked into a very normal gaming room with my super PC right at the wall.

(Come to papi!) I said as I then tended to it before switching it on. I didn't need to do much, just a little bit of gaming here and

there to make me feel a little more alive than before. {I guess, Minecraft it is.} I thought to myself as I booted up the recognizable logo of the company that owned it.



/3rd POV/



It had already been ten minutes since Frank has just left them class to go and check on the room when they heard a strangely muffled footstep from the corridor.

One of the teachers offered to check when they heard an explosion go off and take out a chunk of the building. They didn't really know what caused it but when they looked over, they were so shocked by the abomination that they felt they couldn't move one bit.

The monster was completely plantlike, but the problem about it was it's soulless eyes with the perpetually frowning mouth, that's what they thought it was at least. There was nothing more to say, it was such a terrifyingly silent being that they feared what it did.

But thankfully and unthankfully, they had just found out what it did. And they were not happy with the new problem that they had just been given.

2026 words, say it with me folks, Creeper, Aww Man.. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts