
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Cómic
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325 Chs


/Frank POV/



(Alright then old man, give me one reason why I should leave that doesn't include you blasting your ass off about royalty that doesn't even care for what's happening now because they're all scars that there's not gonna be another Demon Emperor.) I said to the old man as the motherfucker actually was making me heave a little. That's right, this man is actually making me tired a little. Provided this is only me at base strength and speed, so like, yeah.

(Junior, you have no clue as to how strong the royals are.) the old guy said as he was heaving a lot more than even me. (Mhm, haven't heard that before over a thousand or so times already. Listen man, I can respect you since you're not using a sword and not trying to do something stupid like some sort of blad technique where you dance clockwise or some bullshit. But please for the sake of not being an asshat, don't say that somebody is extremely strong when you haven't even met them. Words and rumors will only be clarified, when you actually see shit with your own eyes.) I said as the old man just smiled as he then stood up again as he brandished his hammer and then spoke to me. (Shall we end this already? I'm already quite old as it is, and I don't have much time.) he said as I then rolled my eyes as the Kriegers were already surrounding him. (You know what? No, I'm not going to give you the luxury of getting a final hit in. That's not how I wanna roll with this. You fight my soldiers.) I said to him as he then looked at me angrily as he then realized that he was already surrounded by dozens of soldiers that had strange masks on their faces.

(What manner of warrior are these?) he most likely asked himself as I shrugged and answered him for the sake of simplicity (The type of soldier that follows their orders, no matter the cost. Kriegers, execute.) I said to them as they all then collectively raised their guns and fired a good amount at the old man. There wasn't anything such as Profound Energy within their bodies, so they were able to perform a lot of fucking damage on the old bastard. And thus, I suppose, we won the battle, but the war is sure as hell not over yet.

(Alright then, have Citadel soldiers start up the building process, I wanna see this place turn into a fucking fortress yesterday!) I ordered the Kriegers that weren't dealing with the dead body and then left to see the damage. There were does of orphans in the streets all crying over the bodies of their parents that were most likely cultivators or supported cultivators. And there were also adults that were mourning the deaths of their parents, children or lovers. {Well, war's always the same no matter where you try to go in the multiverse. Thank God that I ain't in the Omniverse then.} I said to myself as I walked past and saw the giant mass graves that the Kriegers were making for the enemies and thank God that we only had minimal casualties. Well, minimal in the sense that it was only Kriegers and Orks that ended up dead. (Kriegers what are you doing? Those are feed for the 3199 instances. Don't burn those bodies, just throw a 3199 instance into it and let then breed.) I said as they immediately saluted me and then went to locate a giant bird creature SCP.

{Alright, on the western front, we have woods. On the east, we have rocky mountains. On the south and north, plains and more plains. This is actually not half bad.} I thought to myself as I then reviewed possible tactics that we could employ. {Seeing as how those mountains are very close and have at least one river that goes through the plains, I guess it's safe to say that we could go and place explosive charges on the weak parts of the rock to make a rock slide that could provide us temporary cover. As for the forest, well, thank God that the trees are just big. No, actually, fuck god for that. I wanted to make use of punji sticks to reduce the morale of any enemy troops that try to weave through it. But then again, they can fly either way, so they're not going to really make use of it.} I thought as I then walked even further to see the plazas filled to the brim with people taken hostage. I then walked over to a Citadel soldier as they immediately bowed their head slightly as they greeted me. (Good day Omega, we have the people that aren't sullied with cultivation. And anybody that hasn't started to become a cultivator but had veins for it were immediately reconditioned and placed back into the batch.) they reported to me as I nodded. (Good job lad, alright, tell the others that I'll be speaking to the prisoners and tell them who we are, and while that's happening, contact the ships to start bringing in the building materials. I want the fortifications that'll make this place into a vault and gauntlet of hellfire and freezing liquid nitrogen. Cultivators have never played fairly, so I think it's due that we give them a little taste of the course meal that's gonna be served to them.) I ordered the soldier d they then thumped their chest and immediately ran to go and do my bidding.

(Now then, hello there all of you.) I greeted then just like anybody who's still a decent person. (I suppose that you all want to know what exactly is happening and why was the city ravaged and torn apart by mortals?) I asked them as there were many that were already looking at me with sneers. (Well, let me explain what I am, and what I am going to do to you all.) I said as I then see Kriegers that were doing other things and then told them something that they needed to bring.

(What I am, is what cultivators would call a mortal. That's one of the less annoying things that they would call me. The wrist being peasant and wastrel. Well, they never actually called me a wastrel personally, but I've seen it all one too may times before.) I said to them as I then looked at all of them and took a deep breath. (I killed your loved ones because I don't want mine to live in a world where they'll be hunted down like game for the sake of entertainng those who aren't even good people. No, I plan to cut the cancer immediately, and ensure that all who want to live in peace without the fear of cultivators trying to make trouble when there's absolutely no need for it will be safe. I plan to kill every single cultivator that isn't allied to me, not their children, not their pets and not even their gods will be safe from the wrath of the man who has a plan. I will kill you all, if you don't join the safety of the Citadel.) I said to them as they all looked at with with mixed expressions.

There was fear, contempt, anger and a bevy of other emotions that were swivelling all in the crowd, that is until one of them, a child, stood up. (I don't see why we should follow a cripple!) he said as he then looked at me with anger. (And what's the issue with following a cripple?) I asked him as he then looked at everyone else and then clenched his fists. (Because cripples are weak! They don't have the power to become smart or even lead!) he said as I then chuckled as I then continued (Then do you think that I'm a cripple? Because I have no powers? No techniques, no gods to serve? Nobody's asses to kiss? Nay young one, strength, let me tell you this, strength is not the truth. Strength is simply one path to the truth, the general path if you may. And I can say with absolute certainty, that cultivation, as great as it may seem in the first bits, is but one path that you could go for when you search for strength.) I said as I then widened my arms as I then said (Do you see what I have wrought upon your city child? The bodies that I have my soldiers throw into pits and left to be fed on by the creatures that I breed? And have you not seen what they are? They're also cripples, by the same standard that you all believe in. My precious Citadel, is the place where we are free from the wasteful and idiotic world of cultivation where we pursuit dreams and happiness, all without the need to live longer than the normal lifespan. And simply put, since I fall into the level of what you consider a cripple, then I believe that you're all works than cripples then. Each and every single one of you, both alive and dead.) I said to them as the little kid then grunted as he then got into a fighting stance. (I challenge you to a battle for th-) and right as he was about to talk further, I immediately lopped off his limbs with the help of my Stand and then walked off of the area where I was talking and pulled out my Bolter, said (I accept.) and shot him straight in the cranium and watched as the people around me were all terrified for killing a child so quickly without a single shred of remorse.

(Let me explain this to you all, I will not tolerate this, madness and idiocy of thinking that just because you sit crosslegged on your fat asses for years on end just to live a couple more years makes you valid for the treatment of being called a god. No no no, I care not for gods and nothing for those who try and proclaim that they are. I will kill all, who even think subconsciously that no Profound Energy equates to weakness, because I will shred apart all of your views as to what you think I can do without the need for your "Profound Energy". Humanity, humanity is strong without the need of gods mingling with us. You know why? They made us imperfect, and that means there are holes within us that we ourselves can fill in. We can grow beyond the gods themselves and show that we can and will not be held down by the standards that they push onto us. We WILL make them all bleed.) I said as they all got even more scared over time as I then saw the Kriegers return with the necessary equipment for the ones that I don't want to bring into our fold.

(Put them in the chamber. And may whichever of the divines that witness this know fear that this will also be their fate.) I said as the Citadel soldiers then started to fire in the air as they all made the people go into the chamber of secrets ooh~ I'm just joshing you all, this right here, oh you already know what I'm about to do to all of them. (Pump!) I said as a Krieger then gave me a pump as I pressed the button and then heard them all scream, cough and wheeze as I then pulled out a record player and played something light for the occasion.

I immediately pulled out a flint and steel and then waited for the chamber to end as I then had it aerate the gas out safely by neutralizing it.

And as I peered inside, I felt a little bit of myself shiver in madness as I saw them all on the verge of death, their skin bulbous and atrophied as some of them asked to be released, others cursing me as I showed them all my flint and steel. (Sorry about this, it's a real shame that you all didn't want to join.) I said as I set fire to the place and then watched ad there were still a little of them screaming and pleading for the pain to end, and then, everything went silent.

2083 words. I'm gonna be real honest with you all, I actually didn't think it would go this dark that quickly. Albeit it's no real biggie. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts