
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Cómic
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325 Chs


/Vagrant POV/



Well well well, it seems that we've got the jackpot today! We got some info from some place that there was a place that was the home of a god that didn't have a familia.

I didn't know much since me ma and pa left me in a ditch. I got back at hem by burning down their fucking home. Dumb fucks were begging for me to kill them, talking shit about how I was unpure or some shit like that.

Obviously I did them dirty by fucking that bitch that was my "mother" and let my stupid pa watch. The fuckers deserved everything that happened to them.

Now I didn't really like the boss, he was okayish but he was well, let's just say he ain't the nicest when it comes to dealing with girls. Hell, the fucker even went as far as a fucking Chienthrope.

Now I wasn't exactly the racy type but hell, the fuckhead is a deal for doing that to the kid. Now, despite him being fucking sick, he gets info really quickly.

And today, oh boy today we got some good one. We got a bunch of. us to go head to Daedalus Street and search around. Finally we found to damned place.

It was in this sort of corner near a fucking fountain. Now this was weird to me, why the hell would some fucking god decide to have their home in a fucking fountain manhole.

Anyways though it paid off really quickly. Some bits of gold, a little bag of Valis, which was probably gonna get divided up, and a fuck ton of meat and a single hanger.

Now Terry, our resident rapist, has this thing about him where he can sniff out girls. And lo and behold, the god was a goddess.

Now I had some fun a couple days ago, but that didn't mean I averse to the thought of tasting a goddess. Oh boy I can see it now, her grabbing our di-

*scream sfx*

What the fuck is happening outside right now?! I rushed my ass out of the hole and see two people right in front of us. One was this blonde bitch with this smug look on her face, and the other was this handsome fuck.

Goddamn I feel like bashing his fucking face in. (Gentlemen, may I ask as to what exactly are you all doing with our home?) the guys said as he tilted his head.

Huh, this guy may seem like he's confident, but I'm sure as hell that he's pissing himself silly. (I would appreciate it if you, you know, returned everything and left.) he said as he smiled at us.

That smile, I've seen that kind of a smile before, that's the kind of shit you see with those annoying nobles. Now I really feel like bashing his skull in. But all of a sudden, things went black for me.

And all I saw was that smile, except it wasn't a smile of niceness, not at all, that right there, was the smile of a demon. A demon that looked at me.



/Frank POV/



(Didn't I warn you boys not to do anything?) I said, watching the other idiots quake in their boots, I just killed what seemed to be a Level 3 adventurer. Huh, small world to see someone so fucking assholeish looking.

Well though, there were more of them as one very fat guy came up to me and started to clap, oh boy, we got corrupted Chungus over here. Isn't this going to be a fucking treat.

(Well then, I see that you're quite capable lad, how about you pass over the girl and we let you join in?) he said to me as he laughed lasciviously, yeap, this guy is definitely going to the kill list.

(I'm sorry what did you say? I can't speak retard.) I said while I mocked them by making it seem I was clearing out my war with my pinky.

The fat leader smiled again as I'm pretty sure he missed the last bit. No matter, I came right in front of him as I grabbed his hand and stared right into his face.

(You see, you don't matter to me, to anyone, or to anything, you are but another toy for the divines to play with. And they don't care if some shitty ones break, so do me a favor, scream as loud as you can for me.)

I'm pretty sure he's creamed his pants. In the soft serve, chocolate type of creaming, not the vanilla slush shit. (Y-You'll never get away with this! Well report you to the gods!) one of his petty henchmen said to me as I looked that one specifically as if he was dumb.

(Boy, does it seem I give a shit about what they think? I'd rather see them bleed than hear them ramble about bullshit I don't care about for hours on end.) I said as I mde my grip tighter.

The man was already blood-eyed as he stared at me with such intensity that it almost felt he was liking this. (Hey don't look at me like that. I ain't gay, sorry.) I said to the far fuck as he turned into a fucking blueberry.

He screamed at me and tried to punch me but all he did was give me a fucking poke, no scratch that, it was even less than just a poke.

(Hey stop that, it doesn't do anything to me, and it won't help you in this situation.) I said as I then used my other hand and put it in from of his stomach.

(P-Please, I'll give you anything you want! Just don't kill me! I don give a duck about these fucks, just don't touch me!) he said as I then made him think I raised my eyebrow in question.

Honestly, this guy looks like he is definitely the type to throw his underlings under the bus. But to this extent? Ohohoho, this makes me wanting to kill him even more justified.

(You hear that gentlemen? Your boss has decided to sacrifice all of you to save himself! Isn't that so touching? So beautiful? So euphoric?) I said to them as I plunged my hand into his stomach.

He screamed with pain as I swivelled his organs around a little bit, before grabbing onto one of his kidneys and pulling on it. The feeling was odd, but, to advance my knowledge in surgery, I need to have first-hand experience with the body!

And what better method would there be than to actually feel around a person's own intestines? It's unorthodox, but honestly speaking, what isn't unorthodox nowadays?

*extremely painful screaming intensifies*

Ereshkigal was looking at me as if I committed a crim- oh wait! I am committing a crime! And I did commit one earlier! But that doesn't matter for now, since (This little piggy went-) *snap* *screams of agony*( And this little piggy shouted-)

(Please, please no more! I'll stop! I'll be good I promise!) (And this little piggy is going to fucking die.) I said as I turned him around and dug up his spine, and killed him Yautja style yet again.

Predator for the win baby! (Hohoho, I didn't expect him to bleed that much! And how the fuck did he have so much food to have such black blood?) I said to myself as I continued to play around with the now-deceased man.

{Man, that was really really educational! Did any of you guys enjoy it?} I said to you guys, of course I'm talking to you! Who is you guys think was breaking the fourth wall again?

(A/N:Oi cunt! Didn't I fucking tell you to not? It's fucking painful to handle these costs, and I don't even have any fucking money! This shit is non-profit!)

Well fuck you as well asshat. It's as you say, I do as I please. Back to normality, I did enjoy "examining" the freshly dissected corpse that was given to me for free!

And the only thing I needed to do is just do the dissecting, albeit mine was a bit more, well, inhumane. Bah humbug! 'Tis of no concern whatsoever!

I looked at he rest of the idiotic vagrants and I could see that most of them are pale faced. I guess negative reinforcement really does wonders for people!

(Well then gentlemen, would any of you like to escape, without anything in your hands?) I asked them as many of them dropped their weapons, the things we owned, and Ereskigal's clothes.

(Now, get out before I change my choice.) I said to them with the best smile I could make, needless to say they got the fuck outta dodge.

Ereshkigal was shaking at the side, trembling at what she saw me do the the three men. (Come one Eresh, we need to clean up the home again.) I said and sighed, since I knew for a fact they did the place in.

After all, why wouldn't you desecrate the home of a god for the sole purpose of getting erased straight out of reality. It doesn't seem like something that bad?

Haha, dumbasses. I then took a deep breath and climbed inside, this was it, this was the moment to see how much damage they did. Oh my fucking god.

They didn't do jack shit aside from opening cabinets. That's great! Less cleaning to do! Always loving to see that there's still a bit of humanity left in people when there's nearly none left in me!

(Eresh, do me a favor and stay on the bed for the time being, I need to clean up again.) I said, donning on a cleaning apron and wrapping a cloth on my head.

Yep, time for some very specific products to be talked about! Time for some, *drum roll* *spicy music😏* Mr. Clean~ oh yeah baby~ Time to make this place sparkle!

∆Ten Minutes Later∆

Oh wow, I didn't actually expect for me to be nearly blinded by the brightness. I'm kidding it's not that bright, sure the walls are fucking pristine but it's nothing mortal eyes can't handle, let alone a god's.

(Franku, are you done cl-) Ereshkigal came out as she saw the room, needless to say she was slack jawed at the change. Before it looked like a mix between a witch's home and a meth den, now you can eat straight off of the fucking floor.

(I take pride in my capabilities when it comes to being clean.) I said as I saw her numbly nod at me. She took a seat on the stool and stayed there as I kept all of the things that we bought, and what was taken from us.

All in all, I would have to say this was a very productive day! Couple people killed, a very specific god playing games with me, just because I may or may not have done some things to the city. And me massacring a bunch of vagrants.

And now, it was time for rest. Good night you dipshits, I'll see you tomorrow! *knocks out on bed face down*



/Ereshkgal POV/



I, I was shocked to see him do such a thing to people. Yes, I, the great Ereshkigal, was shocked to see death happen right in front of me.

{What are you doing Franku-chan!} I thought to myself since I couldn't speak from the fear I felt. That beautiful smile of his was gone, and in its place was one of malice and disgust.

I couldn't believe that that's what he is! No! I won't believe it!

My Franku-chan is a man who teases me yet doesn't try to do anything to me. I-It's not like I want him to do anything to me I'm just saying if he wants, to, you know, u-umm, do that, then, there's nothing wrong with it. And I w-won't try and refuse him!

Yeah that's right! I like my own child! Is there something wrong with that?! But this side of him, I want to make sure he never has to show it in any circumstance, except for extreme ones.

Then, that's when I will allow it to occur. But for now, I need to treat him nicely. Because that's my duty as his goddess!