
The Mechanics Droid Army

The world of Estrade, which has been suffering a great famine all over the world gains hope after a meteorite from another world creates a large hole in their barren ground. The meteorite contained all sorts of ores and minerals, but most importantly of all, a droid. With the rise of Battle Droids and Support Droids, along with the unlimited minerals and ores the meteorite gave, the world of Estrade rose into the technology era. Battle Droid's popularity rised through the roof as a game which made Droid Masters compete against each other grew popular. Xavier Blaine walked the streets, tall buildings, droids and people teleporting.. "I transmigrated?"

234_RT4 · Ciencia y ficción
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7 Chs


I wince as a furry rodent bites me, I grab the fur on it's neck and pull it's teeth away from my shoulder, it falls to the ground on its back, the rodent struggles to get back up and wriggles it's legs in an attempt to do so.

I use the rock that I sharpened and swing it down on it's skull. Blood seeps out as soon as I pull it out, the rodent struggles for a while before it accepts it's death.


{ Task completed. Defeated 5 Rolznirs! }


{ Task Rewards Obtained: Low-Ranked Droid Capturing Ring. } I tapped collect on the panel and saw an icon on the upper left of the panel turn bright red. I tapped it and realized it was my inventory.

I stared at the Capturing Ring for a while. Hmm.. I don't really have a use for it currently, a wise move would be strengthening myself up before I wield some strange looking robot.

I wipe my sweat as I sit down on the cold floor, the environment of the alleys were down bad. As long as you could see you'd see garbage and feces, human or animal anywhere. It seems the government here is trash enough.

I take a look at the sky and see that it is dark, I sigh, preparing myself for the cold, and when I say cold, I mean cold COLD. It's freezing when the sky turns dark.

I couldn't steal blankets or anything to warm myself up in the night because this worlds technologies are too advance that almost everything they sell is on the online market, smh.

And I also found out this bodies age, at least I think so, but I do have a faint idea because of how short I am but since this world is a sci-fi type, I thought I might've been a dwarf or some other species.

I sit down visibly uncomfortable with the cold, I hug my legs to find warmth only to find nothing. It took me two days to complete one task, how annoying.

I need to get stronger to avoid annoying stuff.. my eyes start to feel heavy and weak. I shut my eyes and drift asleep.


I wake up basking in the sun's rays, I stand up and do a stretch. The first thing on my mind, get stronger. As if it heard my thoughts, I heard a familiar ding.

{ Task: Beg on the streets and successfully make 50 chronus.}

{ Rewards: Body Strengthening Scroll I

Chronus..? i'm guessing that's the currency of this world, well begging won't be that hard.

Plus the rewards pretty interesting, body strengthening, huh.


I take it back. Begging is hard. I did settle down near a place that was often bustling with people, but that didn't work.

I sat down on the cold floor as I counted my money. I grimaced, five chronus coins and one hard-bread. If I gained this much in one day how am I gonna gain fifty?!

I sigh, well obviously through hard work. For the hard-bread however I rate it four stars for it being so damn hard to bite into, I'm just thankful those other kids who are living in the alleys as well didn't sniff my food out.

Fighting those kids would've been annoying.