
The Waged War Against Kuvira

In the president's office, Korra, Wu, Raiko, Tenzin, and Mako were talking about the evacuation. "How's the evacuation coming?" Korra asked.

"Could be better," Wu said, "At this point we have evacuated almost 18 families."

"Only 18?!" Korra was in disbelief, "There are millions of people in this city!"

"I said it could be better," Korra said.

"The problem is that it's a voluntary evacuation," Mako said, "and they're aren't many volunteers. They just don't feel like they aren't in any danger."

The doors open and the group sees Bolin, Zhu Li, Lin, and Suyin.

"Guys, good you're all here!" Bolin said.

"What's with you interrupting my important meetings all the time?" Raiko asked, annoyed.

"Su?!" Korra said, "What are you—you're okay!"

Suyin hugged Korra as she apologized, Tenzin on the other hand looked to Lin. "Is our son okay?"

"Wing and Wei took him back to Air Temple Island," Lin said, "he should be resting, though that isn't the only news we brought, Bolin saw Kurvira's super weapon, that Zhu Li was working on."

"Bolin, is she going to use the super weapon on Republic City?" Tenzin asked Bolin. Everyone stopped their mini conversations and looked to Tenzin.

"Yes, she is going to attack in two weeks," Zhu Li said, "Also, to both you and Lin, I'm sorry about what happened to your son."

Lin and Tenzin looked at each other and then nodded, "Don't worry about it," Lin said, "We made him as tough as nails."

"Why are you telling us this?" Tenzin asked.

"I pretended to be loyal to Kuvira so I could sabotage her weapon," Zhu Li said, "it didn't work. But, I did hear her plans to attack."

"So Kota was right," Tenzin said to himself.

"I knew she wouldn't stop at Zaofu," Raiko said.

"My guess is that she will be coming by rail," Lin said, "It's the only way she could transport that weapon."

"Then we'll cut the railines," Korra said.

"I agree," Raiko said, "let's get as many citizens evacuated before we do, put up the announcement. The evacuation is now mandatory."

"We're on it," Mako said.

"Don't worry Mr. President," Korra said. "I won't let Kuvira take our city."

Meanwhile Asami was singing lullabies to Harumi and was smiling at her daughter until she heard some screaming.

"What are you doing Kota?!" a voice said.

"You shouldn't be moving!" the other yet the same voice said.

"Sorry boys, but I have to see my family," Kota from the other door said. The door opened to show Kota who was bandaged with Wing on one leg and Wei on the other, the twins were trying to pull him back to rest, but he persisted.

Asami's eyes widened as she walked to Kota and put a hand on his bearded cheek. She saw the hollow eye bags and massaged them tenderly.

"I-I'm really—"

Kota was cut off by a huge hug from Asami, but of course made sure to not hurt the baby in her arms. He sighed in content and hugged her back and when the two separated Kota looked to his daughter and kissed her on the cheek.

"Daddy's home," Kota said as he held Harumi close to him. Just then, Tenzin came into the room and his eyes widened as he saw how haggard his eldest son looked. Kota gave his father a smile and Tenzin didn't hesitate to hug him.

"You look tired," Tenzin said with a smile.

"Well, I am tired," Kota said, looking like he was going to fall asleep.

"There's an evacuation going on and Rohan is going with the Acolytes," Tenzin said. "I think it will be safe for Harumi to go with them."

Kota later looked to Asami who looked at their daughter with sadness. They didn't want their baby to be separated from their parents, but they knew it was the only way to protect her. They both agreed that they wouldn't her to be in the middle of a battle. Asami solemnly looked at her husband and nodded which led to Kota to look at his father.

"Alright…" Kota relented. He looked to the twins, "Can you boys take her to the air acolytes?"

The twins nodded and Asami handed the baby to Kota who gave her to one of the twins. The two went to give the baby to the Acolytes and Asami hugged Kota closely. He hugged her back and kissed her on the head, "We'll see her soon."

Asami nodded to what her husband said and just sighed.

Days had passed and Kota was helping Pema and Wu evacuate the citizens while Korra, Asami, Mako, and Bolin were scouting for Kuvira's troops.

Kota was now dressed in a green jacket that opened to show a dark blue t-shirt, he also wore traditional air acolyte trousers and had silver shards of platinum that mended together as fingerless gauntlets. The colors and choices of clothing he wore were to show his heritage of water tribe, earth kingdom, and air nomad.

He was with Suyin and the twins, his parents, Pema, and Raiko outside of Air Temple Island, waiting for Korra, Mako, Asami, and Bolin to come back with Shorty. As they did, Tenzin and Kota approached them.

"Korra, are you alright?" Tenzin asked.

"What happened?" Kota asked.

"It's Kuvira," Korra said, "our intel was wrong. She must have known Zhu Li had the information."

"What are you trying to say?" Raiko asked.

"Kuvira's army is just a few hours away," Korra said.

"What?! No!" Kota said, "We're not even ready yet!"

"And that Spirit Weapon of hers," Korra added, "is attached to a giant mecha suit, it's over 25 stories tall."

Kota looked to his mother, "Mom, get General Iroh and tell him the attack is happening today."

Lin nodded and ran off to call the general.

"Pema, find Wu and get the rest of the citizens to safety immediately!" Tenzin said, "We can't have innocent lives in jeopardy."

Kota looked to Asami and the group. "You guys go to the factory and get those suits up and running, Aunt Su, go with them."

"Where are you going?" Korra asked.

"I'll go to the front lines and help General Iroh," Kota said. "Korra I need you to say here so you can protect the remaining citizens if Kuvira cuts through and the remaining citizens haven't been completely evacuated."

Kota had been running toward the front lines where the United Forces were. Kota got off and saw General Iroh and saluted his former superior officer. "General," Kota said.

"Kota," Iroh saluted back.

"What's the situation?" Kota asked.

"We have been in this formation and waiting for Kuvira to come." General Iroh said.

Kota looked to see the troops in a formation. They soon heard metal clanging and the giant mecha suit came out of the hill. Kota's mouth was agape as he saw how giant it was. The two ran into the radio where they heard Raiko.

"Kuvira this is President Raiko," Raiko was heard through the Radio, "turn your army around and leave."

"You're in no position to give orders," Kuvria said.

"Stand down or we will attack," Raiko said.

"I don't think you understand the power I possess," Kuvira said, "let me make it clear."

Kota ran out of the tent to see mecha suit bring it's right arm up which contained the spirit cannon and shoot a beam of purple energy at the United Forces ships. Kota and General Iroh were shocked at the amount of power it held and later saw it being aimed at the soldiers. Iroh and Kota later ran back to the radio tent.

"Mr. President," Iroh said through the radio, "do I have your order to engage?"

"You have three seconds or I'll wipe out your army," Kuvira said.

After three seconds Raiko spoke up, "Stop, we surrender. Republic City is yours."

"Good," Kuvira said. "Turn your army, the Avatar, and the Guardian Spirit of Earth to me and give Bataar your location. He'll present you with our terms."

Iroh angrily growled and looked at Kota. "I will not surrender and neither will Korra," Kota said.

"Get back to the city before she sees you," Iroh said. Before Kota left, Iroh called out for him, "and Kota. Find a way to beat that thing."

"Of course sir," Kota said. He ran out of the tent and back to the city.

When Kota ran back to the city he remembered there were two people he could count on, they were some of his old friends from back at school and he decided to see if they were still around.

He later took out a photo from his jacket's inner pockets and looked at the photo. It was a photo of Kota and his two oldest friends, Koda was wearing zaofu clothing that was covered in various shades of green and most wore large metal jewelry and plating around their necks and forearms. He was standing in the middle of the photo as the tallest while one of them named Rokuta was on his right. He wore fire nation clothes while the other named Mowgli wore Northern Water Tribe clothing. Those three were really close friends as they would spark up trouble in school and were Junior-bending champions of their time.

He went inside an apartment building and knocked on a door. When the door opened to show an older Rokuta and his roommate and old friend Mowgli, "What's up?"

"No time, I need you and Mowgli to come with me right now," Kota said.

"What happened?" Mowgli asked.

"Raiko just surrendered Republic City to Kuvira," Kota said, "and I need you two to come with me to take the giant mecha suit down."

The two looked at each other and then looked at the bearded earthbender. They nodded and Kota smirked, "The Treacherous Trio is going to be back in business."

Kota and his friends approached the factory. Kota opened the door and his friends followed. "Raiko surrendered," Kota said. "It's up to us and I brought some help."

Rokuta and Mowgli walked in and waved to everyone. "For those of you who don't know, this is Mowgli and Rokuta," Kota said pointing to each of them, "I have asked for their assistance and will help us defeat Kuvira."

"How are we gonna fight an entire army, a mecha giant, and that crazy weapon?" Bolin asked.

"We can't fight it, but we could cripple it." Asami said, "Zhu Li, when you were spying on Kuvira, did you learn anything about that metal monster?"

"I had no idea they were building it," Zhu Li said.

"Guess Bataar Jr. is a better inventor than I thought," Varrick said, when he realized what he said he quickly added, "don't tell him I said that."

"Actually, I have an idea," Kota said. "Since Jr. built it, we can just capture and interrogate him." Kota looked at his friends, "Boys what do you say?"

Mowgli and Rokuta nodded, "Will do."

"Are you sure?" Korra asked, "No offense, but how can a firebender, waterbender, and an earthbender get Bataar Jr. without getting seen?"

"Oh if you knew how he was back in school," Tenzin said with bemusement.

"Let's go," Kota said to his friends.

"On it," Rokuta said.

Shorty was flying just a few feet away from the Airship and Kota looked to Rokuta and Mowgli. "You boys ready?" The two nodded and Kota jumped off the bison and gently landed on the top of the ship. Kota ran to the hatch and metal bent the lock for the three to go in. Mowgli and Rokuta jumped in with Kota who jumped in last and closed the hatch while jumping down. They snuck down stairs and walked through the hallways without making a sound.

When they saw Bataar Jr, they took cover and tailed him into a room that they quickly got in before it closed completely. When Bataar saw them, Mowgli was quick to knock him out with a shoulder chop while Kota held him upwards and Rokuta gagged and bagged him as an abductee. Kota was the first to get out of the hatch. One of the two threw the bagged and gagged Bataar up and Kota caught him. When the other two got out they all jumped off the airship and later landed on the saddle of Shorty who was flying to them. They later saw the bag thrashing and the three knew they had to hurry so they flew back to the factory.

In a warehouse, Kota was with Bataar Jr. trying to interrogate him. Rokuta and Mowgli were outside, making sure no one would get in.

"Where's everyone else?" Bataar asked.

"Don't worry about that," Kota said, "I didn't tell them where I would keep you as they will come and it will attract more attention."

"You've made a terrible mistake." Jr. said, "once Kuvira finds out I'm missing you three are done for."

"That's why I have brought you here," Kota said. "You will tell me how to stop that giant or else."

"Or else what?" Bataar asked.

Kota smirked, "I will take away the one thing you care for the most, Kuvira."

"What do you mean?" Bataar asked.

"Kuvira may win," Kota said, "she might chase us out of the city, but she won't be around to enjoy the victory. Because wherever we run, I'll take you. I will make it so that you will never see the one you love again. Is it worth losing Kuvira?"

"You can't," Bataar said.

"Oh I will," Kota said darkly, "unless you tell Kuvira to back off. You two will still have the earth empire, just leave the United Republic alone."

Bataar looked down and sighed, "Alright. Give me a radio and I'll tell her."

Kota nodded, "Boys!"

Mowgli and Rokuta walked in and gave Kota a radio to put by Bataar's ear. "Kuvira, it's Bataar. I've been captured, my airship was ambushed and I was taken by force. Kota refuses to release me unless we back down and leave the city, it's just him and his two accomplices."

"Are you injured?" Kuvira asked through the radio.

"I'm fine." Bataar answered.

"Is Kota there with you now?"

"Yes," Bataar then proceeded to talk to Kuvira, "listen to me. If you try to take Republic City, Kota will never let me see you again and I refuse to live that way. Forget the United Republic we have our empire, we have each other. Let's go back home and get married, the only thing that matters is that we're together for the rest of our lives."

"You're right," Kuvira said through the radio. "The city isn't worth sacrificing our life together, I love you Bataar."

When there was radio silence Kota untied Bataar, "Maybe we could be a family again after this is over," Kota said. Rokuta looked out the window and saw the giant mecha suit aiming the weapon at them.

"Uhh, Kota we have a problem," Rokuta said.

"No! She wouldn't!" Bataar said in disbelief.

"We need to get out of here, now!" Kota said. The four men started to run out and then all of a sudden the beam hit the building and crumbled on top of them.

Lin, her officers, and the President saw the one warehouse Kota was in and saw it was crumbling down.

"You guys protect the President," Lin ordered. "I'm going to check for survivors."

Lin jumped to search the broken down warehouse and saw Kota, Mowgli, and Rokuta with Bataar Jr. who was unconscious.

"Mom!" Kota called out.

"Thank goodness you boys are okay," Lin said. Later they saw Korra, Mako, Bolin, Suyin, Wing, Wei, Opal, Tenzin with the kids, Varrick, Zhu Li, and Asami running to them.

"We were in Asami's office coming up with a plan, what happened?" Tenzin asked.

The giant mecha suit shot an energy beam and destroyed the warehouse," Kota said. He later looked to his wife and Varrick, "Sorry guys."

"I still have prototypes at another part of my office," Asami said. "If we could get those ready to fly, we'll be able to at least give a little air support."

Kota looked to Suyin and Mowgli, "Aunt Su, Moe, take Jr. the injured into Asami's office and heal them. Asami, Varrick, get those suits working as soon as you can and Roku help them out."

The said group of people nodded and ran to Asami's office.

"We have to face Kuvira on our own for now," Korra said.

"Correct," Kota said, "now let's move, now!"

Everyone was running down the city and Meelo stopped to see paint, "A paint store, that's it!"

He ran to the door and used airbending to force the door open. "What are you doing Meelo?" Lin asked.

"I just got an idea on how to beat the giant," Meelo said. "Now everyone grab some paint and find me some balloons."

Kota, Mako, Bolin, Lin, and the twins were watching as the airbenders were blinding Kuvira with paint balloons. When Tenzin landed on a roof he looked to Lin and the earthbenders, "Now!"

Lin, Kota landed on one of the suit's feet and the twins landed on the other. Kota managed to take out the joints.

"The joints are made of platinum," Wing said.

Kota grunted, "Mom! Boys! Get off, Bolin help me out!"

Bolin nodded as he started to lavabend the food the twins were not able to bend while Kota took out the joints. He later saw cables wrapping around and jumped off the foot, he had managed to take off the joint from the foot, but there was another unknown metal that they had inside the joint that Kota couldn't bend. (It was tungsten btw)

As they were wrapped around the legs, Kota looked to the other airbenders. "Now!"

The airbenders started to create a gust of wind and they managed to blow the suit, but it wasn't enough they all regrouped at the ground and they ran back to Asami's office.

Kota and Lin then decided to get some outside help.

Throughout the time Lin and Kota went to get help, Varrick had managed to make an Electromagnetic Pulse to disable the machines, but not the 25 story mecha suit. So they asked Jr. what that is and he said it was due to the fact that it was powered by a spirit vine.

"I'm sorry," Jr. said, "I wish I could help you."

"It's not," a voice said. The group looked to see Hiroshi with Lin and Kota behind them.

"Dad?" Asami said.

"I got him out of jail to help," Lin said. "I figured we could get as many geniuses as we can right now. If the prison is still standing if we're done, we'll throw him back in."

"I know what you think of me," Hiroshi said, "But I love Republic City and I would do anything to save it."

"You think you know how to beat this thing?" Korra asked.

"You must act like an infection," Hiroshi said, "break the skin and attack the vital organs, disconnect the heart and the brain and the beast cannot live."

"How are we supposed to get inside?" Korra asked.

"Future Industries has plasma saw that can cut through platinum," Hiroshi said.

"Aren't the saw too big?" Kota said.

Asami agreed with her husband, "We'd never get the suits off the ground."

"I think I can add an electrical element to the welding torch on the suit," Hiroshi said, "and convert it into a plasma saw, then we'll have to land on the giant and cut a big enough hole for someone to get in."

"Like a metal mosquito," Asami said.

"If that's the case we'll have to attack to keep you guys safe from being squished." Kota said.

Kota and Rokuta stayed behind to help out the mecha tanks, Mowgli was somewhere else, healing the wounded with his waterbending. Kota saw Hiroshi coming towards him, "Is it okay if I can talk to you in private?"

Kota looked at his friend and he nodded so Kota followed Hiroshi into a hallway. "What can I do for you?" Kota asked.

"I wanted to tell you that whatever happens to me, just make Asami happy," Hiroshi said.

"Wait," Kota said now confused, "surely we're all gonna make it out alive, right?"

Kota's expression dropped when he saw how serious Hiroshi and Kota shook his head, "No… you can't. Harumi won't get a chance to see her grandpa."

"I made an eject button that will eject Asami's seat and save her," Hiroshi said. "Surely you know that certain things come with a sacrifice, right?"

Kota looked away in frustration as he heard what Hiroshi had said.

"Are you okay with this?"

"I have good faith in you," Hiroshi said. "I couldn't ask for a more loving husband for Asami than you."

Kota took a deep breath and looked at Hiroshi with the utmost seriousness that made Hiroshi think he was the spitting image of his father, "Alright."

Kota was the only one to run out of Asami's office to join in on the fray and saw everyone attacking the giant Mecha suit, it was trapped in ice by time he got there. Kota looked from the birdseye view and saw Asami's hummingbird suit he stood by as he saw the hummingbird suit Asami was in cutting a hole. But he saw the hand coming to smash the suit, but he saw Asami's seat being ejected. He gritted his teeth as he turned into his guardian mode and ran to grab Asami in a bridal carry and landed on the ground.

Asami looked up and saw her husband staying at bay. "What are you doing?!" she asked, "We need to save Dad!"

Kota stood there and turned into his base and looked at Asami with a saddened expression. "Your father has tasked me to protect you at all costs," Kota said, "I'm so sorry."

Asami started to tear up and hugged her husband and cried with her face in chest. Kota looked up and saw Mako, Korra, Suyin, Lin, and the twins get in. He hoped that Hiroshi's sacrifice wouldn't be in vain.

After a few minutes, the Mecha suit's arm with the spirit cannon started to fall off, with the cannon falling into the spirit woods. Later the top part of the suit exploded and the head flew to another part of the city. Kota looked around and saw the forest being lit up with purple energy, he figured Korra and Kuvira were there and then a massive shockwave of purple energy was created and Kota took Asami to take cover, but when nothing happened, they went out and saw a new spirit portal was out.

The two approached and saw Tenzin, Mako, Bolin, and the kids.

"Where's Korra?" Mako asked, his right arm being burned.

"We need to find her, now." Kota said.

They all started to proceed the search, but saw the spirits come out.

"No way," Kota said.

"The Spirits have returned," Tenzin said.

Mako looked ahead and saw Korra's figure coming out of the portal. "So is Korra!"

They all averted their attention to the portal and saw Kuvira and Korra coming out. Bolin ran up with excitement, "Haha, you're okay!"

Kota looked around and saw Mecha suits coming to surround them.

"Release Kuvira," one of the troops said. "Or we will attack."

Kuvira walked up, "Stand down. This battle is over, I owe the avatar my life. Her power is beyond anything I hope to achieve. I'll accept any punishment the world sees fit."

After Kuvira was cuffed and taken away by Kota's mother and Aunt, he walked to Korra and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Way to go, kid."

Korra smiled as if she had an older brother who finally approved of something she did for once.

A week has passed and Kota's hair has now been cut with the sides short and a slightly longer top that was slicked back. He was in formal Zaofu clothing and his beard was shorter, but still covered his face. Sitting next to him was Asami who was in a red dress and had her hair down. Asami had Harumi on her lap as they were hearing Bolin's speech to wed Varrick and Zhu Li.

Later after the ceremony, there was jazz music playing in the background and Kota was walking around. He was walking to Korra who was talking with Mako, he chuckled and approached the two, "So have you two former lovebirds been reconsidering a second chance at each other?"

Mako and Korra looked at each other and then at Kota, "Maybe, but we both agreed that it will be when we're ready." Mako said. Kota smiled and nodded; he later looked to see his wife talking with his parents.

"I have to go," Kota said with a smile. He later walked off and approached his wife and parents who were walking away with Harumi in their arms.

"Hey," Kota said.

Asami smiled at her husband, "Hi."

"Are you okay, honey?" Kota grabbed her hand as she looked out at the portal.

"I'm really sorry about Hiroshi," Kota said with sadness, he later looked at Harumi who was being cooed by Tenzin, Lin, Korra, Mako, and others. "Now Harumi will never get to know her grandfather."

"Actually I took her to meet Dad," Asami said. Kota looked at his wife with surprise.

"How did he react?" Kota asked.

"He was happy," Asami wrapped her arms around her husband's neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. They looked at their daughter with content, "he said that she looked like me and had your eyes."

Kota smiled and nodded, the two looked at each other, closed in, and gave each other a quick kiss before sighing. "After everything that has happened, I could use a break," Asami said.

Kota smiled, "Sure, that sounds great. Mom and Dad would love to watch Harumi while you and I can just relax, where do you want to go?"

"I want to go to the spirit world," Asami said, "I want to explore more of it."

The couple later changed into their signature clothing and had told Tenzin and Lin that they were going to be on a short vacation. They also asked if they could also watch their daughter and they happily accepted their request.

Kota and Asami were at the heart of Republic City and looked at each other. Kota grabbed his wife's hand to which Asami squeezed it and they went into the portal. As they were going in, they looked at each other and smiled and then were transported into the spirit world.