
Deal Gone Wrong

The gang are in Suyin's airship as it flies past many mountain ranges and in the ship's meeting room Suyin, Lin, Tonraq, Mako, Bolin, and Asami discuss their plan on how to get to the Northern Air Temple and Suyin places the airship figurine in front of the temple.

"I say we make our approach from the west, drop down from the airship cables, ambush the Red Lotus before they know what hit them." Suyin said.

"It will never work. That Combustion Lady will pick us off one by one." Lin said.

"Do you have a better idea of how to save the Airbenders?" Suyin asked.

"Yeah, we come up from the valley, scale the side mountain and take them off guard." Lin said.

"That could work." Tonraq said.

"And give them the high ground? No. If their Lavabender spots us, he'll melt the mountainside and us with it." Suyin said.

"I've got it! I'll disguise myself as a lost hiker and once I'm at the temple, I'll distract the Red Lotus with my bird calls." Bolin said, making bird calls and whistles. "That's when you strike." Bolin said but everyone gives him unapproved looks.

"Bird calls? Really?" Mako asked.

"Well, I don't see YOU offering any suggestions!" Bolin countered.

"It doesn't matter, none of these ideas will work. The minute Zaheer realizes we're up to something, they're gonna wipe out the Airbenders and kill Kota." Korra said.

"There's so much at stake." Suyin said.

"Then I think you'll agree that the only plan that will work is for me to give myself up to the Red Lotus." Korra said.

"What?!" Mako asked, shocked.

"No! I won't allow those to happen." Lin said.

"We'll find another way." Tonraq said.

"I've already spoken about this to Lord Zuko and I talked about this as well before getting on board and we have given it a lot of thought." Korra said.

"You can't just expect us to sit here and let Zaheer take you." Asami said.

"The world has been out of balance for too long; it needs the Air Nation back again and I can't let Zaheer destroy it and everyone we love. Help me save the Airbenders, then you can worry about saving me." Korra said.

"We're with you." Tonraq said.

"Whatever you, we're here." Suyin said.

"I'll go and radio Zaheer," Korra said.

Korra is now in the ship's radio room, using the radio.

"Zaheer, you there? It's me." Korra said.

"I've been waiting for you to call. Do we have a deal?" Zaheer asked through the radio.

"Yes. You can release the Airbenders and Kota and I'll turn myself over to you." Korra said.

"And take away the only leverage we have? No. I can't do that. Listen carefully. Here's what I want you to do." Zaheer said.

In the ship's meeting room Mako is waiting for Korra while Bolin is pacing back and forth.

"Will you sit down? I'm already tense enough as it is." Mako said, annoyed.

"I'm just worried about Opal and Pabu's not here to comfort me." Bolin said, sighing, "I hope he and Naga are doing well at Zaofu."

"Look, I'm worried too, but Korra knows what she's doing. I'm sure we'll get the other Airbenders back." Mako said and they saw Korra returning to the meeting room.

"Did you speak with Zaheer?" Tonraq asked.

"Yes. He wants me to come to the top of Laghima's Peak at noon, alone. Once Zaheer has me, they'll release Kota and the Airbenders over to you at the temple." Korra said.

"I think I figured a way to play this so that the Airbenders, Korra, and Kota can all come out of this in one piece." Suyin said.

"How?" Lin asked.

"Zaheer doesn't know many of us there, so we have the number advantage. I say we split into two teams; Mako, Bolin, and Asami will go to the temple. Meanwhile, my Metalbenders, Tonraq, Lin, and I will get in position at the bottom of Laghima's Peak." Suyin said.

Meanwhile in a different chamber of the temple Zaheer is meditating.

"Let go of your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty and become wind." Zaheer said as P'Li entered the room.

"The Airbenders are secure." P'Li said.

"Thank you, P'Li, for everything." Zaheer said.

"Of course." P'Li said, starting to leave.

"I want you to know, not one day went by in that prison when I didn't think of you." Zaheer said standing up.

"The years apart only made my love for you stronger and deep down, I knew you would find a way to get me out. It's just like when you saved me from becoming that warlord's killing machine when I was a girl. You've shown me what true freedom means." P'Li said, tearing up.

"And after today, we'll show the entire world what it means. No more prisons, no more running." Zaheer said, clasping his hands with P'Li's.

"I love you, Zaheer." P'Li said.

"I love you too." Zaheer said as they kissed.

Suyin's airship lands at the bottom of Laghima's Peak and Suyin and Tonraq walk out of the ship.

"Radio the second you see those Airbenders." Lin said, giving a radio to Korra.

"Will do, Chief." Mako said and Lin nodded before joining Suyin and Tonraq.

"Be careful, Korra." Mako said to Korra.

"Good luck." Korra said.

Mako and Korra hug while Bolin who starts sobbing before she gets out of the ship and it flies off.

"Korra." Tonraq said.

"Don't worry, Dad. We'll be fine." Korra said and Tonraqs hugs her.

"I just want you to know how proud I am of you. The risk you're taking to save the Air Nation will be remembered for generations." Tonraq said.

"I love you, Dad." Korra said.

"I love you too, sweetheart." Tonraq said.

"And, Dad, watch out for Zaheer. He's not very fond of world leaders." Korra said.

"I can handle Zaheer. Just stay focused on your mission." Tonraq said as he joined the Metalbenders who were climbing up the mountains.

Korra opens her glider and flies up the mountain.

The airship is heading for the Northern Air Temple and Mako and Bolin see damage to the temple.

"Oh, man..." Bolin said.

"Must've been some big fight." Mako said.

"Mako, have you found the Airbenders?" Korra asked through radio.

"Not yet. We're just arriving. Don't turn yourself in until we get a visual." Mako said.

Asami steers the ship while Bolin ties the tethering ropes and approaches the temple where they find Ghazan.

"This way." Ghazan said but the trio glanced at them suspiciously.

"You want the airbenders or not?" Ghazan asked, walking away. Asami and the brothers looked at each other before following Ghazan.

Korra flies toward Laghima's Peak and she finds Zaheer and P'Li.

"Drop your staff and surrender yourself." Zaheer ordered but Korra remains still. "Don't make me come get you." Zaheer said but the two remain firm.

At the Northern Air Temple where Ghazan Mako, Bolin, and Asami arrive at the chamber where they find Tenzin still chained to the floor and gagged while the other Airbenders are bound up and hooded. But their eyes widened as they saw a shirtless and unconscious Kota tied on the ground. He was bloodied up and bruised, and there were three stab wounds on his body, one on his left shoulder, one on his right leg, and one on his right arm. He also had scars and was continuing to bleed out.

"Mako, what's going on?" Korra asked through radio.

"They're here and so are Ghazan." Mako said through the radio, "But, hurry, Kota is bleeding out."

"Tell Ghazan to let the Airbenders and Kota go!" Korra said.

"You're not in position to make demands. Now, turn yourself over, Korra. This isn't a negotiation." Zaheer said but she remains firm. "Wipe them out." Zaheer ordered.

"No!" Korra said, "I'm coming."

"Stand down." Zaheer said as P'Li approached Korra.

Korra drops her staff and radio as P'Li places handcuffs on her wrists and ankles.

"Don't bother trying to Metalbend out of these. They're platinum, now good thing we tortured the only platinumbender." P'Li said, pushing the Avatar to Zaheer.

In the chamber, Ghazan hears Zaheer.

"We have them." Zaheer said through the radio.

Ghazan motioned for them to approach the Airbenders and Kota.

"It's okay, Tenzin. We're getting you out of here." Mako said.

Mako looked ahead with a sad expression as he saw Kota being held in Asami's arms, his head was cradled in her arms as she saw her boyfriend was barely hanging on to his life and was bleeding out.

"Asami…" Kota weakly said.

"It's okay, I'm here okay," Asami said. She ran her hand in his hair, with tears falling out of his eyes.

Mako walks to the other Airbenders but they start melting into pools of water revealing Ming-Hua who sends a water blast.

Mako blocks the attacks with his fire.

"Korra! It's a trick! The other airbenders are not here! Don't turn yourself over!" Mako said on the radio.

"We had a deal!" Korra yelled.

Korra struggles and then unleashes an air blast separating Zaheer and P'Li.

Lin, Suyin, Tonraq, and the other Metalbenders are still climbing.

"Chief, it's a trap! Get Korra outta there!" Mako said through radio, "we also need a medic. Kota is severely injured!"

"Go! Go!" Lin ordered.

The Metalbenders ascend the mountain as Korra unleashes Firebending and Earthbending at Zaheer who dodges out of the way and then Airbends at Korra getting her to the ground. When the Metalbenders arrive to rescue Korra, P'Li approaches them, "Get the Avatar on the airship! I'll take care of them." P'Li said.

P'Li fires a combustion blast at the Metalbenders but Lin dodges the attacks while the other Metalbenders are blown off but they fire their metal cables to ascend back to the peak while Lin keeps dodging the combustion blasts and sends two rock slabs at P'Li who blasts them with combustion blasts, Suyin joined Lin as well.

Zaheer tries to push Korra into the airship but then Tonraq arrives and attacks Zaheer with his Waterbending, but Zaheer and Korra dodge it. Then Korra falls off the cliff but Tonraq manages to get her and throws her at Zaheer and delivers a fire kick at him but Zaheer creates an air dome to protect himself. As they were fighting, Tonraq manages to get rid of the fireball and then cuts the tethering ropes making the airship fly off.

"Nowhere to go!" Tonraq said and then attacked Zaheer who dodged the attacks.

Meanwhile at the Northern Air Temple the fight continues with Ming-Hua scaling the walls and lands next to Ghazan and slashing ice at Mako who keeps dodging and delivers a flaming kick. Ghazan on the other hand uses his Lavabending to get Bolin who blocks with his earth columns.

Mako then shoots fireballs at the criminals while Asami is tending to Tenzin.

"Where're the Airbenders?" Asami asked.

"I don't know. Zaheer moved them out of the temple." Tenzin said, "How's Kota?"

Asami then looked to Kota and Tenzin followed her gaze and his eyes widened in shock at what they did to his son.


Mako keeps firing fireballs at the criminals but Ming-Hua uses waterbending to stop the fires.

"This is getting tedious! Hey, Ghazan! Here's an idea; bury them already!" Ming-Hua said.

Ghazan leaps forward and Lavabends a large portion of the floor and spreads the lava across the room and the exit path.

Asami looks around in fear and starts picking at Tenzin's shackles with her hairpin.

"Come on..." Asami said as she punched the hairpin and freed Tenzin. "We need to get to the airship." Asami said, supporting Tenzin.

Mako picked up the bashed up and unconcious Kota and felt how heavy he was, but ignored it.

"Not gonna happen. The exit was blocked." Bolin said bending an earth barricade to stop the lava flowing but a pillar falls over.

"Where's Oogi?" Mako asked.

"Gone. All of the bison flew off during the attack. I know another way out. Bolin, get us to that wall." Tenzin said.

"On it!" Bolin said as he bends the wall behind them.

Ghazan and Ming Hua exit the temple and Ghazan Lavabends the entire exit path and they go for Suyin's airship and they start to fly off while a garden collapses.

Mako, Bolin, Asami, Kota, and Tenzin arrive at the meditation room but Bolin sees lava flowing for the room but blocks it off.

"Through there." Tenzin said as Bolin opened a floorboard and they went into a tunnel.

Mako makes a light with his Firebending and they start moving through the tunnel but Bolin starts getting uncomfortable.

"Is it just me or is it getting hot?" Bolin asked but saw lava flowing. "Not good!" Bolin said as he blocked off the lava flowing. "Let's move, people!" Bolin said.

"Gee, what do you think we're doing?!" Mako asked.

"Sorry." Bolin said.


Meanwhile P'Li continues to bombard the Metalbenders with their respective attacks but Lin and Su try to counter by shooting slabs at P'Li to use her combustion to destroy the slab.

Korra kicks a boulder at Zaheer with Tonraq using a water whip but Zaheer dodges and delivers a big air punch at Tonraq until he falls. Zaheer creates a small tornado to trap Tonraq.

"Say hello to the Earth Queen for me!" Zaheer said.

Zaheer throws Tonraq off the cliff with the tornado.

"DAD!" Korra cried.

P'Li keeps firing her combustion blasts at Suyin who dodges and regroups with Lin and hides to avoid their attacks.

"We're pinned down." Suyin said.

"I'm gonna draw their fires. You take them out." Lin said.

"Lin, no." Suyin said.

"I love you, Su." Lin said and ran out from their earth shield. "Come and get me, you Third-Eye Freak!" Lin yelled.

Lin dodges P'Li's combustion beams and retaliates with her earth slabs which P'Li destroys while Suyin glances out for the right moment to strike as Lin continues to dodge their attacks and attacks back with more earth slabs but P'Li destroy the slabs and attack at the police chief who dodges and creates an earth shield to protect herself but the combustion beam attack her and send her toward the ledge but Lin props herself up.

"Goodbye." P'Li said as she prepared to finish off Lin.

Suyin runs out of hiding and bends her armor at P'Li's head covering it.

Zaheer hears the explosion and looks back to watch in horror at his girlfriend.

"P'Li!" Zaheer shouted.

Korra sneaks behind Zaheer who is still shocked and distracted and Korra sends out a fire blast at Zaheer who dodges the attacks and Zaheer sends out an air blast at Korra knocking her out.

Zaheer picks up Korra and carries her over his shoulder while walking toward the edge of the cliff.

Lin and Suyin ascend to the peak and confront the criminals.

"It's over!" Suyin said.

"Let go of your earthly tether." Zaheer said.

"Release the Avatar!" Lin ordered.

"Enter the void." Zaheer said.

"This is your last warning!" Suyin said.

"Empty and become wind." Zaheer said, jumping off the cliff.

"No! Stop!" Suyin yelled.

Just then Zaheer is now floating in mid-air and Lin and Suyin unleash cables at the Airbender who dodges and flies off.

"Did he just… fly?" Lin asked.

In the airship Ghazan and Ming-Hua see Zaheer fly past them.

"Guess he doesn't need a ride." Ghazan said.

At the mountainside a Metalbender is clinging to the rocky walls with her cables while Tonraq grabs hold of the other cable but Tonraq sees the Red Lotus leaving with Korra.

"Korra…" Tonraq said.

At the temple's tunnels Mako, Bolin, Asami, Kota, and Tenzin try to escape through the tunnel but lava keeps coming after them.

"We can't outrun it! This way!" Bolin said bending the tunnel on the side and they entered the tunnel as the lava approached.

A rock falls from the mountain by Bolin's bending but the lava is still going for them.

"Now what?" Mako asks and Bolin approaches the lava. "Bolin!" Mako calls but Bolin stretches his hands and brings his hands together to push the lava back and solidifies it.

"Incredible." Tenzin said.

"You're a Lavabender!" Mako said.

"I know I just found out." Bolin said.

Just then two bison come flying at them and on them are Jinora and Kai.

"You guys need a lift?" Jinora asked.

"Kai! Jinora! You're both okay!" Tenzin said.

"More or less." Kai said.

"Hop on." Jinora said as Tenzin, Kota, and Asami get on Jinora's bison while Mako and Bolin get on Kai's.

The two bison begin flying off as Tenzin looks back sadly at the Northern Air Temple collapsing.

At the mountain foot the same Metalbender puts bandages on Tonraq's arm.

"I owe you my life. Thank you, Captain." Tonraq said.

"Please, call me Kuvira." Kuvira said.

Just then everyone hears bird calls and they see the two bison flying down and landing as Mako, Bolin, Tenzin, Asami, Jinora, and Kai get off, Kota is still resting on Jinora's bison.

"Guys, we need to tell you something..." Jinora was cut off.

"How did you guys manage to escape?" Lin asked.

"It was all Bolin. I thought we were done for, but out of nowhere, he can LAVABEND." Mako said.

"I always knew you had the potential for something big. You just needed to believe in yourself." Suyin said.

"You're right. Being moments from death was a pretty good motivator too. Of course, we wouldn't have made it back if it wasn't for Jinora and Kai." Bolin said.

"Glad we can help." Kai said.

"Where is Kota?!" Lin asked. She then sees Kota who was still lying on Jinora's bison. She, Suyin, Jinora, and Asami ran over to see he was still bleeding out. Lin then put a hand on his son's cheek and looked down in sadness, how could she let this happen?

"I'm sorry," Tenzin said.

"It's not your fault, Tenzin." Lin said, "We should be used to our son's tenacity."

"Did Zaheer get away with Korra?" Tenzin asked.

"I'm afraid so." Lin said.

"Apparently, Zaheer can fly now." Suyin said.

"What?!" Tenzin asked, shocked.

"How?" Asami asked.

"You're not making this up, are you?" Bolin asked.

"I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes." Lin said.

"I've heard the legends about Guru Laghima's ability to fly. I'd never imagine they'd be true." Tenzin said.

"What's our next move?" Tonraq asked.

"Jinora has an idea." Kai said.

"Not now, kid. This is serious. We need to figure out where they've taken Korra." Lin said.

"And find the Airbenders." Tenzin said.

"THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU!" Jinora shouted, making everyone look at her. "I know where the Airbenders are and I'm sure that's where Korra is to." Jinora said.

"Where are they? How did you find them?" Tenzin asked.

"After Kai and I got blasted from the sky, I woke up on the side of the mountain. That was when this bison found me." Jinora said, petting her bison calf.

"The same happened to me." Kai said.

"Kai and I regrouped and we tried to sneak back into the temple to see if we can help anyone, but that was when we saw the airship leaving. We decided to follow them into some caves a few miles from here. The Combustionbender and some people put the Airbenders into the caves." Jinora said.

"Was it Ghazan and Ming-Hua?" Lin asked.

"No. There were just four more of them." Kai said.

"Must be more Red Lotus members than we thought." Mako said.

"Kai and I obviously couldn't fight them ourselves, so we came back here hoping we'd find you guys again." Jinora said.

"We need to get to the caves." Lin said.

"Yeah, we're not all gonna be riding on our bison." Jinora said.

Just then someone lands on the ground and it's Oogi.

"Oogi!" Tenzin said, petting his sky bison. "I am glad to see you, my friend." Tenzin said.

Everyone gets on Oogi while the Metalbenders remain to tend the wounded and Kuvira walks to Suyin.

"I want to come too." Kuvira said.

"No, Kuvira. Stay with the injured. We'll be back once we return with the Avatar." Suyin said and Kuvira nods.

Jinora and Kai mount onto their biso, but Lin stops them.

"Jinora, Kai, stay here." Lin ordered, "We need people to protect your brother."

The two got off their bison and went to Kota who was currently being treated by some metalbenders. Mako approached the two.

"Thanks for saving us. Kai, sorry for giving you a hard time." Mako said.

"That's okay. I probably deserved it." Kai said.

"You did," Mako said.

He looked to Jinora and patted her on the head.

"You be a good kid and take care of your older brother," Mako said to Jinora. They looked at the unconscious Kota who was going under intensive treatment by the medics, "He has been put through the ringer."

Jinora smiled, "I will."

Mako smiled at the two and got on the bison, getting ready to rescue Korra.

"I'll stay as well," Asami went to Kota and put her hand on his hair and held his hand, "I want to be here when he wakes up."

Inside the Red Lotus' hideout Zaheer is sitting in midair meditating and Ming-Hua and Ghazan arrive.

"Why didn't you tell us you can fly?" Ming-Hua asked.

"I wasn't sure I could. Only one other Airbender in history had the ability." Zaheer said.

"How did you figure it out?" Ghazan asked.

"I found true freedom. I am no longer bound to this earth by worldly desires. I have entered the void." Zaheer said.

"Where's P'Li?" Ming-Hua asked.

"She sacrificed her life for our cause. Let's make sure it wasn't in vain." Zaheer said.

In a cave with the Red Lotus insignia on the cave walls Korra is chained up on all four limbs and Zaheer, Ming-Hua, and Ghazan as well as two more Red Lotus members arrive at the cave and Korra starts waking up and sees Zaheer.

"You... You killed my father!" Korra yelled breathing fire at Zaheer but was not hurt.

"I understand your grief. I also lost someone important to me today, but your pain will be over soon." Zaheer said.

"Bring the poison." Zaheer orders as the two Red Lotus members walk forward and one of the members bend out what looks like a black-silver liquid as Korra looks at the poison in horror.