
The Mating Dance

Anna and Rayne are two adopted sisters Whose lives turn when they learn that they are not human. In their journeys, they learn that they are royalties and they are more powerful than they could only dream of being. In their travels, they are invited by the Elders to the Blue Moon ball, or as the masses know it, The Mating Dance. There they dance and find love and also see death, The Beast, A creature cursed from long ago and knows only blood and death. But within all the confusion Anna gets taken away and everyone has to find her hoping that the beast has not taken her.

nanomi_yuki · Fantasía
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18 Chs

chapter 9


"Oh my God," I said, Daimen was the king of Lycans. I almost vomited right there in the hallway but Drew handed me a glass of water. "Anna it's not the end of the world you know, It was a one-night stand. You should be fine." He said, and I froze. He thinks I had a one-night stand with his Alpha and King, I looked up at him in horror, "It was but it wasn't." I said in an almost whisper, Drew began to stare at me strangely and I could see the gears in his head shift and change and his expression beginning to match mine in understanding.

"Anna, what do you mean by that?" He asked in the same whisper-like tone, I opened my mouth to answer when Marcel called us from the living room. Drew and I look at each other before joining the others. Upon entering the living room I saw that Marcel Andy and Ben were in the kitchen making food. "Um," I chuckled, "What is going on?" I asked the girls, It was Ben that answered. "I figured since everyone both haven't gotten any sleep or eaten since you left last night I'd make us breakfast." He paused, "Then these two joined in and now we have a massive brunch." He finished with a dead-pan expression as he stared at me. Yeah, I'm never gonna live any of this down for a long time.

I joined the girls at the table and they neither looked at me nor said a word to me. I held my breath, telling them now or when I was dropped off is no excuse for not telling them. But it's true I lost Andy on the dance floor. The boys placed everything on the table and it was delicious, I swear you could hear everyone's stomachs rumble. After Marcel said grace we all dug in and it tasted just as good as it looked. Drew and Ben washed the dishes and both Marcel and Andy left, "Anna, now I'm sure you have something to tell us now that they are gone." Amber said, "And, just so I'm also from the immortal realm." Ben said, I was shocked and curious as to what Ben could be but I told them what really happened, but I left out his real name and the fact that he was a Lycan King for that matter. Rayne and Amber were satisfied but as expected I was scolded and for good reason.

It was sometime later when I started to get ready for work at the cafe, the shift was normal and there were a few handsy customers but nothing out of the ordinary. I was on break when I got texts from Andy. "Hey, you doing ok?" I read the message and was surprised he didn't try to question me again, "I'm good, just on break atm. what about you?" I continued eating until I got another message, "Yeah, just trying to figure out what all happened last night." I sighed, there it is. I replied back to him, "I lost you on the dance floor and ran to the cafe to get rid of a creep and left my phone here." I knew I couldn't keep lying to him but I knew telling him the truth would hurt him more. When my phone buzzed again I was surprised it was Daimen, "Hey, I'm sorry about this morning. What are you doing right now?" "I understand, Drew told me. And I was called into work for the evening. Why did you run?" I sent. My break ended and I went back to work. It wasn't until late in the evening when I was driving back home. They were doing some reconstruction on the route home so I took some back roads, I was at a red light when I checked my phone. "Still no reply." I sighed in the darkness of my car, with only the stoplight illuminating me. I didn't notice when the light turned green and not long after taking off did a naked man run into the street. I almost wreck my car trying to avoid him but as I came to a stop I was faced with a naked Daimen.

He watched me, and just continued to stare at me as I went through the emotions of a shock to anger. I was about to get out and yell at him when Rayne called me. I answered, "Yeah?" I tried to calm myself so that she wouldn't question what I was doing, "You on your way home yet?" she asked, "Yeah, I had to take the backroads due to construction. I should be there soon." I said, with that, I hung up. When I looked back up Daimen was gone and I was back to being pissed but just as I started the car I got his scent. When I turned I found him in a shirt and loose shorts sitting in my car. I couldn't hold it, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR EVER LOVING MIND!" I yelled at him and I physically saw him jump. He stared at me like I was a whole other person, "What!?" I said, "Your eyes." he said, "They are as gold as mine." I was taken aback by his comment. Without thinking I drove off and went straight home, I didn't want to talk, I didn't want to let the windows down, and I didn't want to look at him for the moment. When I pulled up to the building I turned the car off, got my bags, and got out of the car without even saying a word. I didn't know or cared if he got out and followed me. I just wanted a nice hot shower and go to bed.

"Anna!" He yelled as he closed my car door, I kept walking, "Anna, wait please." he said just before he grabbed my hand. I spun around and dropped my bag as I went to slap him across the face. He caught my wrists and held me there for a moment before kissing me deeply. It took me a second before I went for his balls with my knee, but he spun me back around and held me against his chest, "Anna, listen baby. You need to take deep breaths, You are about to shift from anger and that is not a safe way to shift for the first time." He held me for several moments as I swayed in his arms and stared up at the moonless night and all the stars in the sky. the way they glimmered and danced always calmed me down. "Let go." I said to him, He did so and took a step back. "Anna, If you know about Drew then-" "Then I should know that you are a King, right?" I cut him off, "Or how Drew automatically assumed we were a one-night stand, how long have you been doing that?" I asked, but I held up my hands just as he opened his mouth, "Nope, I don't want to know." I sighed and gestured for him to proceed on to whatever ramblings he needed to say. "Anna, I was scared that now that I've found you, I would have to return to the Kingdom, but I'm not ready for that." He took a step forward and I took a smaller step back, "But you need me more than any fear I have about my duties and I want to make it up to you. Please, baby." He said, I didn't know if I wanted to take his words to heart but I also respected that he realized why and wanted to better himself. Just then Drew came outside, "Anna," He called, I turned to him as he walked over to us, to Daimen. I looked between the two and went to grab my bag and went inside. "Don't hurt him," I said to Drew before going upstairs to the flat.

when I came home Suzie was the first to greet me. I jumped in the shower and joined Ryane on the couch as she was watching Harry potter. "How was work?" She asked as she popped popcorn into her mouth I grabbed a handful and told her about my day and how I still felt bad about lying to Andy and asking if she thought he liked me in the way I was assuming he did. "He does, and I'm not all that surprised you didn't know. How are your nightmares by the way? You haven't said anything about them."

"I ate a few pieces of popcorn, "Still a pain in my ass." I said, Rayne got up to refill on popcorn, "Oh and since that night they've been about this huge oversized wolf. I have no idea what that's about." She turned to me just as she sat down. "Hmm, that is definitely weird."

I got a text notification on my phone, it was Drew, and it said. "Hey so me and Daimen are gonna be training you on shifting okay, don't worry I'll be training Rayne too." I turned to Rayne, "Rayne?" I looked away from my screen and she paused the movie. "Drew is gonna be training us on shifting." Her face shifted to match mine in surprise and fear. Drew is a Lycan, and a guard of the Lycan King, "This should be both terrifying and interesting." She said, I could only nod in agreement. "That or hell on earth." "Don't say that." She said, and we both started laughing.