
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs


Varen rose from his seat as Adeline introduced him, extending a firm hand toward Casimir. "Casimir Nagid, a pleasure to have you here. I am Varen, overseeing social affairs in this sanctuary of the Forgotten." His voice resonated with the wisdom of one who had weathered the storms of time.

Casimir reciprocated the handshake, feeling the gravity of the man's presence. His senses were keen as ever and unlike the old sage Varen didn't seem to have as tight a hold on his ether. From what Casimir could tell he was a tier three, like Adeline and Ivan.

'He might not even have an aura.'

"The pleasure is mine, Varen. Adeline mentioned you play a crucial role here."

Varen gestured towards a chair opposite his desk. "Indeed, I do. Please, have a seat. Let us discuss the rules and the way of life within the Conquerer King's temple."

As Casimir settled into the offered chair, Adeline nodded at both men. "I'll leave you to it then. Casimir, feel free to seek me out when you're done. There's much more to share."

With a polite nod, Adeline excused herself, leaving Casimir alone with Varen in the intricately adorned office. The room held an aura of history, with shelves adorned with ancient relics and maps, detailing the vastness of the awakened world.

Casimir, a man of keen observation, took a moment to scan the room. The walls were lined with tapestries depicting battles and triumphs, while the desk bore the weight of ageless tomes and scrolls. The furniture, though not of modern design, held a regal charm that spoke of a bygone era.

Varen, amused by Casimir's inspection, leaned back in his chair. "I see you have an eye for details. This office, a reflection of our history, dates back to the time when King Nendagon was forging his path to the throne. The architecture preserves the essence of his younger years. I can't say for sure but I believe then the designers are a bit more... bold."

Casimir took note of the use of the word 'us' when Varen was describing the design of the little office. Perhaps he was from an era in which the kingdom that the Conqueror King had led still existed.

Casimir, intrigued by the rich history woven into the room, nodded appreciatively. "It's a living testament to the resilience of the awakened isn't it."

Varen chuckled. "Indeed, Casimir. Now, let us delve into the important bits I can give you a history lesson later."

Varen leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Casimir, as he began to unravel the purpose of the challenge. "Casimir, the challenge of the Conqueror King is no ordinary challenge... it is a special challenge and differs from other challengers. it is part of a handful of special grade challenges on this planet. It's a divine task bestowed upon the awakened by the dead gods themselves. The purpose is to find individuals worthy of inheriting a heritage left behind by the Conqueror King. This heritage is deemed crucial by the gods because of its strength when fighting against those of the abyss, hence the creation of this challenging ordeal."

Casimir listened intently, absorbing the weight of Varen's words. The challenge, it seemed, held a significance beyond the realms of mortals. Amidst it all Casimir took note of certain things Varen had said, making a mental note each time he met something he was intrigued by.

'So from his words, challenges for heritages are a normal thing. However, some challenges are more special than others... which must also mean some heritages are more special right? he also said those of the abyss and not creatures of the abyss... interesting. Also, the way these lot revere the dead gods make me feel like a heretic...'

Varen acknowledged Casimir's unique circumstances with a nod. "Your presence here is an exception, Casimir. Typically, only individuals with a soul core tier above 3 are allowed to undertake this challenge in particular. Your case is intriguing... to say the least."

Inquisitive, Casimir couldn't help but ask, "How exactly does this challenge work?"

Varen's eyes gleamed with the shared weight of knowledge. "The challenge unfolds within the temple's labyrinthine corridors. There are waypoints, Nexuses of sorts scattered throughout, each linked to specific territories within the temple. These territories are akin to battlegrounds, and challengers must conquer every single one to complete the challenge."

Casimir's mind processed the information. Waypoints, territories, conquering—it sounded like a strategic conquest rather than a mere test of strength. "How many territories have been conquered so far?"

Varen's expression turned somber. "That is a very good question, you are a sharp lad it seems. We are yet to conquer three territories only and have conquered 6. One is in the process of being conquered, but we're waiting for our strike force to return. It's a delicate operation, and we can't afford any missteps."

The revelation of the challenge's intricacies hit Casimir with a realization of the daunting task ahead. The temple, with its hidden territories and divine inheritance, was a puzzle waiting to be solved, and Casimir found himself at the nexus of something very enticing. Varen, leaning back in his chair, shifted the conversation towards the practicalities of daily life within the awakened settlement.

"Casimir, there are rules and regulations that govern our existence here. While the ruins offer sanctuary, they demand a certain level of order and cooperation. I trust you'll adapt quickly, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask."

Casimir nodded, appreciating the guidance. The settlement, though mysterious, had its own rhythm, and he needed to find his place within its unique cadence.

'Perhaps Adeline could be of some help,' He thought.

"In the meantime," Varen continued, "I suggest you visit the worksmiths. They are skilled artisans who can forge weapons and armour that may prove invaluable in the challenges ahead. I'm sure you'll find something that will pique your interest."

Taking in Varen's advice, Casimir made a mental note to seek out the worksmiths. The idea of tailored equipment appealed to him, considering the unpredictable nature of the challenges he was likely to face.

As the meeting drew to a close, Varen extended a hand. "Casimir, it was a pleasure meeting you. If you ever need guidance, my door is always open."

With a firm handshake, Casimir bid farewell to Varen

Here are today's Chapters for you all. Enjoy. :)

Yours truly


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