
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs

The Forge

Leaving Varen's office, Casimir found himself standing in the corridor, a whirlwind of thoughts echoing in his mind. The encounter with Varen left him somewhat apprehensive. The friendliness seemed overdone, like a well-rehearsed act, and the purpose behind Varen's motives lingered in the shadows of doubt.

Contemplating his next move, Casimir considered seeking out Adeline, but once again, the elusive woman hadn't provided a clue about her whereabouts. The forges, on the other hand, seemed like a promising destination. With the potential challenges ahead, a well-forged weapon would undoubtedly prove invaluable.

'Not like I don't have good weapons or armour... I just need to have my strengths hidden.' For that reason, he had not objected much to Varen's suggestion of visiting the forge.

As he navigated the labyrinthine paths of the settlement, Casimir marveled at the interconnectedness of the awakened community. Residents engaged in various activities, sharing stories and laughter. It was a stark contrast to the solitude he'd grown accustomed to in his former life.

Arriving at the forge, the entrance emanated warmth from the roaring fires within. The rhythmic symphony of hammer strikes and the occasional hiss of cooling metal echoed through the cavernous space. Men, their faces adorned with soot, labored with dedication, crafting weapons of exceptional quality. The crafting process however seemed more complicated than he had initially assumed.

Casimir observed the magnificent atmosphere for a moment, the scent of molten metal and the harmonious clang of craftsmanship permeating the air. Sparks danced in the air like ethereal fireflies, illuminating the sweat-soaked faces of the artisans. The walls of the forge were adorned with trophies—weapons of great renown and artefacts that told tales of valour and conquest. Casimir couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation as he considered the possibilities that lay ahead. Perhaps in this respect, he was still a child who would experience excitement and trepidation. 

Choosing a tachi, a traditional Japanese sword with a long curved blade, Casimir felt a connection with the weapon. The craftsmanship of the blade spoke to him on a visceral level. As he unsheathed the Tachi, its polished steel glinted in the forge's warm light, and he marvelled at the delicate hamon, the wavy line created by the differential hardening of the blade.

'Wait if it's out on display does that mean it's not an artefact?' Before he could experiment on the blade a little behind him came a voice as warm as the flames that lived in the forge.

"This one suits you," Garel commented, eyeing the choice with approval. "A tachi, a weapon of precision and finesse. Let's see what you can do with it."

Casimir's internal monologue echoed in his mind as he held the tachi. A tachi... the elegance in its simplicity, the deadly grace in its curve. It's more than a weapon; it's an extension of oneself. He could sense the latent power within the blade, waiting to be unleashed.

Garel, noticing Casimir's contemplation, grinned. "The tachi demands respect and discipline. It's not just about slashing and cutting; it's about precision and timing. Give it a go... Casimir right? I'm Garel head of the forge." The new burly man offered his hand and Casimir took it

"Yes... a pleasure to meet you."

"Mind if we spar then? Don't worry I'll hold back."Garel offered. Casimir had no reason to decline, he could test out the Tachi and find out if it was a weapon that suited him.

The duel unfolded in a meticulously choreographed dance of steel. The clang of swords reverberated through the training ground, each strike and parry a testament to the craftsmanship of the blade and the skill of the wielder. Casimir, although not a stranger to combat, felt the weight of the tachi in his hands. It responded to his movements with a fluidity that hinted at the symbiotic relationship between the weapon and its wielder.

As the clash of steel echoed in the training ground, Garel called out, "Impressive, Casimir. The tachi suits you well. With a bit of training, you'll dance through the challenges with grace."

Casimir, catching his breath, nodded appreciatively. With the duel concluded, Garel suggested they fine-tune the tachi to suit Casimir's style. The forge, now a sanctuary of creativity and power, buzzed with activity. The smiths, observing the duel, resumed their work with newfound vigour, inspired by the spectacle they witnessed.

'What simple men,' Casimir thought. He looked down at the blade in his hands.

Embracing the tachi as a symbol of his commitment, Casimir's thoughts drifted to the encounter with Varen. The challenge ahead seemed more intricate than he initially perceived. The significance of obtaining a heritage left behind by the Conqueror King lingered in his mind, and he couldn't shake the feeling that his unique circumstances might play a pivotal role in the unfolding events.

Not long after he heard Garel's voice call out to him. The men briefed him on what to expect with his new weapon and that they already had one in stock which he gave to Casimir there and then. It possessed a few enchantments, three to be exact and was a tier three supreme weapon, which Casimir did not know of but it shared one of its enchantments with Tranquillity, the bastard sword he had received. Shortly after that, he decided to go look for Adeline.

As he strolled through the settlement, the rhythmic sounds of the forge gradually faded into the background. The buildings, constructed with a blend of ancient charm and practicality, stood as silent witnesses to the stories written within the confines of the awakened enclave. Casimir exchanged greetings with residents he passed, each nod and smile reinforcing the sense of community that had embraced him.

Amid the chatter and laughter of the awakened, he realized that he had yet to decipher the whereabouts of Adeline. The mysterious woman seemed to possess an uncanny ability to elude straightforward explanations. A resident, a woman with a vibrant aura, caught his eye. Her age, much like others in the settlement, was a deceptive aspect. Her youthful appearance contradicted the wisdom and experience that resided in her eyes.

"Hello there," Casimir greeted, approaching the woman. "I'm still finding my way around. Could you point me in the direction of Adeline?"

The woman, her eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and warmth, responded, "Adeline, you say? She could be in many places. But if you're looking for her specifically, you might want to check the gathering hall. It's a common spot for meetings and discussions."

Casimir thanked her for the guidance and continued his exploration. The settlement, with its intricate network of pathways, gradually unfolded before him. The architecture, reminiscent of an era long past, carried whispers of the Conqueror King's legacy. Each building seemed to harbour untold stories, waiting for an eager soul to unveil their secrets.

Navigating through the labyrinthine settlement, Casimir finally arrived at the gathering hall. The imposing structure stood as a testament to the settlement's commitment to unity and collaboration. The aura of anticipation hung in the air as he approached, the echoes of animated discussions reaching his ears.

To his surprise, Adeline awaited him at the entrance. Her enigmatic smile greeted him, and she chuckled at the unspoken acknowledgement of her oversight. "I should have told you where to find me. My apologies."

Casimir, dismissing the lapse with a wave, replied, "No worries. I had a bit of an adventure finding my way, but it seems I'm getting the hang of it."

With a nod, Adeline ushered him into the gathering hall. The atmosphere inside was vibrant, adorned with the diversity of the awakened residents engaged in lively conversations. Adeline guided him through the crowd, weaving through clusters of people deep in discussion.

As they ascended a set of stairs, the hubbub of the lower floor gradually faded. The corridor they traversed led to a well-polished door, a gateway to the heart of the settlement's leadership. Adeline knocked, and a voice from within beckoned them to enter.

Stepping into the room, Casimir found himself face to face with Varen's equal it seemed. The man, whose name was revealed to be Aric Stormwind, held the position of the third in command over the settlement and was entrusted with the oversight of guarding conquered territories and culling the abyssal creatures within them.

Hello, hope you lads and lasses enjoyed the Holidays. I know I did... erm Anyway back to releasing Happy New Year to all and as always enjoy. :)

Yours Truly


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