
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs


When the beautiful brunette left, Casimir was finally free to tend to his own devices. He could now examine his glyph in peace and consolidate his gains from the battle with the monkeys. He took a quick glance at his core.

Name: Casimir Nagid

Fable: Gedeon's Last Prince

Aura: [Destroyer]

Soul Core rank: I

Origin [Primus]: Arcadia's ruin

Abilities: [Hearth of desolation]

Artefacts: [Iron maiden][Gedeon's ichor][Tranquility][Gedeon's tome][Cestane Armour][Umbra Trawl core][Rabi Canis core][Rabi Canis core][Rabi Canis core][Totem Ape core][Totem Ape core][Totem Ape core][Totem Ape core]...

Heritage: none

Ether: [188/1000]

Casimir's glyph, a dynamic narrative of his recent experiences, now bore witness to the harrowing tales of his journey. The counter, indicating his ether reserves, stood at 188, emphasizing the considerable distance he still had to traverse before advancing from his current tier. Despite this, his enthusiasm for surveying the information remained undiminished. Much had occurred between his arrival at the settlement of the awakened within the tomb of the Conqueror King. The old sage, as he had termed him, had vanished soon after a bit of chatter with him and Adeline. Of course, it came as no surprise; he assumed that the old man played an important part in the running of the awakened camp, so it was not farfetched to assume that the old man had been summoned elsewhere due to other matters.

From deduction, Casimir found there was a hierarchy in place, and he had just met one of the big dogs. But there seemed to be a familiarity amongst those higher up and those beneath them akin to what one would find within families. His conversation with Adeline was a pleasant one, albeit one he had hoped to avoid. His encounter with Adeline, though enjoyable, carried a tinge of guilt, as he carefully maintained a facade to safeguard his concealed truths. He had not intended to deceive her; however, he was not in a position to divulge any information that could be used against him, so his display of a naive, young, lost boy was a meticulously calculated one. He hoped it worked.

However, his attention lingered on the collection of cores within his glyph, the remnants of the creatures he had vanquished. A decision crystallized in his mind – it was time to absorb these cores, to assimilate the essence of the fallen foes into his being. As he reached this conclusion, a surge of determination flickered in his grey eyes. With a determined gaze fixed on his glyph, Casimir began the process of retrieving the cores from his soul space. Each core representing a conquest, a battle won, and a step forward in his journey, another chapter of his tale. As he touched the first core, obtained from the felling of a Totem Ape, a faint ripple of energy coursed through him.

Entering a state of hyperfocus, Casimir became completely absorbed in the assimilation of these cores. It was as if time itself slowed, and the world around him faded into a distant background. The connection between him and the essence within the cores intensified, threading through the fabric of his being. Each core contributed its unique energy, adding to the tapestry of power that defined him. The intricacy of the whole process was nothing short of amazing. He could feel his very nature shifting. He wasn't being changed per se but it was more like he was using his dead foe's essence to fuel his own desired change. Amidst this intense concentration, he could feel the gradual surge of strength within, as if the very essence of the defeated creatures flowed into him.

Once the process neared its completion, Casimir, shifted his attention back to his glyph. The intricate pattern now bore the marks of his recent endeavours, a visual testimony to the potency gained through the absorption of these cores. The counter measuring his ether reserves had indeed risen, indicating a significant boost in his overall power.

However, amidst the aftermath of this metaphysical transformation, a surprise awaited him. As he glanced at the glyph.

[You have obtained an artefact]

Name: Casimir Nagid

Fable: Gedeon's Last Prince

Aura: [Destroyer]

Soul Core rank: I

Origin [Primus]: Arcadia's ruin

Abilities: [Hearth of desolation]

Artefacts: [Iron maiden][Gedeon's ichor][Tranquility][Gedeon's tome][Blight Scale][Cestane Armour]

Heritage: none

Ether: [214/1000] 

He focused his attention on the new artefact.

Artifact[Weapon]:[Blight Scale]

Tier[superior]: II

Description : [Once a dark predator that lurked in the depths of an ancient river gazed upon its prey with dark glee, however it met an untimely end... ]

Runes: [Overcast][Blend]

'Untimely?' Casimir thought, with a tinge of annoyance. The implications of that statement served to undermine the danger that would naturally be associated with someone with an origin like his. The dead gods had a sense of humour it seemed.

He proceeded to summon the dark weapon. A dark aura coalesced into a tangible form. In his hand materialized a weapon, a sinister dagger emanating an otherworldly presence. Casimir recognized it immediately – Blight Scale, a weapon forged from the essence of the Umbra Trawl core.

The dark dagger seemed to pulsate with a life of its own, its blade shaped from the very shadows that once enveloped the formidable aquatic predator. It was an unexpected gift from the absorption process, a manifestation of the strength and characteristics of the creature he had faced. Casimir was delighted at the newfound weapon. 

After he dismissed the new blade he looked at his Glyph one more time. He had yet to consume the ichor but he was certain he had the time to do so now more than ever. He lay back on the bed. While he drifted to sleep he couldn't help but worry, time wasn't on his side he needed to get out of this place as soon as he possibly could.

He would make sure of that.

50 Chapters now and 4 upon my return... I owe those whose collections I'm saved in a lot. To my 13 collectors let me get to work man... Ladies and gentlemen I'll see you all tomorrow same time :). As always enjoy.

Yours truly


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