
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs

Temple (3)

As tempting as it was, Casimir decided not to. Now wasn't necessarily the worst time, but it wasn't the best either. It was still a bit early in the morning, and he had no idea what the repercussions of consuming the Ichor would be. So, he convinced himself he'd do it, probably in the evening. For now, he had to worry about Adeline and the true nature behind this temple. So he got off his bed to dress up. He didn't have any clothes besides his military uniform, and upon inspection, he realized that the residents of this place wore a sort of traditional garb. It was a hybrid of a tunic and a robe. It wouldn't be fashionable in this time, but it still looked good.

Casimir decided to leave the confines of his residence, the faint morning light filtering through the broken pillars and revealing the intricate patterns of the ruins. The settlement was already stirring with activity as residents prepared for the day ahead. Casimir made his way towards the heart of the camp, guided by the faint hum of voices and the subtle echoes of footsteps on ancient stones.

"Good morning! How's the day treating you?" he asked, striking up conversations that ranged from daily activities to shared experiences within the awakened world. Despite the diverse backgrounds of the Forgotten, a shared camaraderie seemed to bind them together.

In the midst of these interactions, Casimir realized that Adeline had not provided him with specific directions to the building where the leadership convened. A momentary pause marked by a furrowed brow suggested his slight dilemma. However, the awakened community's hospitality shone through, as one of the residents he had spoken with offered to guide him.

With a nod of gratitude, Casimir and his newfound companion continued through the labyrinthine paths of the ruins.

"So, you're new here?" the guide inquired, leading the way. "Adeline tends to forget to give directions. Happens to the best of us."

Casimir chuckled, "Yeah, just arrived. Still figuring my way around. What about you? How long have you been part of this place?"

The guide, a resident who had called these ancient remnants home for years, shared tidbits about the settlement's history and the unique challenges faced by its inhabitants. Casimir listened attentively, absorbing the details that would help him navigate both the physical and social landscapes of the Forgotten.

As they strolled through the camp, winding paths revealed hidden corners adorned with relics of a forgotten era. The guide spoke of the interconnectedness of the community, the shared stories passed down through generations, and the resilience that defined their existence.

Casimir's guide, with a youthful appearance that defied the passing years, explained the influence of soul core ranking in maintaining such vitality.

"Tier three, you see," the guide pointed to himself. "Keeps me looking like I'm still in my prime, though I'm well over 120."

Casimir raised an eyebrow, "Impressive. I'm still wrapping my head around the intricacies of this awakened world. A lot to learn, it seems. How come you have progressed to the fourth tier... i don't imagine it's because you like where you are."

The man, who Casimir had come to learn was called Ivan, let out a hearty laugh.

"Progression in the ruins is almost impossible for us child, most of us who came in here at a certain point in our lives haven't changed much bar our experience," Ivan replied.

That put a frown on Casimir's face, he didn't like what that meant for him who was still a mere tier one. If he spent a very long time and did not progress in terms of personal strength then he would surely lose his mind.

"Dont worry boy you are a tier one your progression shouldn't be affected too much until and if you manage to reach tier three," Ivan said. He had most likely read the apprehension on Casimir's face and rushed to quell any worries that may have arisen from his previous statement.

Approaching the central area of the settlement, the monumental building with significant importance came into view. Adeline awaited at the entrance, her demeanour a blend of confidence and mystery. Casimir, now familiar with the layout thanks to his guide, waved away Adeline's concerns about the lack of specific instructions.

"Didn't think you'd make it without getting lost," Adeline teased.

"Well, your friend here," Casimir gestured towards the guide, "saved the day. Gave me the grand tour and all."

With a nod of farewell, Casimir watched as his guide disappeared into the bustling activities of the camp. Turning back towards Adeline, he found her with an amused expression.

"Making friends already, Casimir? Not bad for a newcomer," she remarked, leading the way into the monumental building.

The interior of the structure was a stark contrast to the rugged exterior of the ruins. Bustling with activity, the atmosphere held an air of purpose and unity. The walls, adorned with remnants of a bygone era, depicted tales of forgotten civilizations. The decorations, though not of modern design, exuded a unique charm that spoke of history and resilience.

As they navigated the interior, Adeline guided Casimir towards a set of stairs leading upwards. Each step resonated with a quiet echo, and the further they ascended, the more the clamour of the camp below faded away.

Reaching a corridor adorned with aged tapestries, they continued until they arrived at a well-polished door. Adeline turned to Casimir with a smile.

"Here we are," she announced, giving a light knock on the door.

A voice from within, unfamiliar to Casimir, responded, "Enter."

The door swung open to reveal a room that mirrored the intricacy of the settlement itself. The man within, Adeline's direct superior and the fourth in command over the settlement, looked up from his desk. He held an air of authority, with eyes that seemed to have witnessed countless tales.

"Adeline," he acknowledged with a nod, then turned his attention to Casimir. "And who do we have here?"

Adeline gestured towards Casimir, introducing him, "This is Casimir Nagid, a newcomer who was brought here by Helios' Petulance. He's been through quite the journey, and I thought it best to bring him to your attention, Varen."

Varen, the man in charge of social affairs, scrutinized Casimir with a discerning gaze. "The old man Evander, you say?" he mused. "Well, Casimir Nagid, welcome to the heart of the Forgotten. We've heard tales of your exploits, and it seems fate has woven your path into our story."