
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs

Still Acquainting

Silence enveloped the room as Casimir pondered the information he had just received. The man standing before him exuded an undeniable air of power. This encounter marked Casimir's first encounter with someone possessing both an aura and a fable. The weight of the situation was not lost on him, particularly since the old man had been diligently answering his questions one after another. However, there was something unsettling about the old man's unwavering compliance. It wasn't a matter of safety, but rather a sense that the old man was toying with him. Casimir had always detested games, especially those of a social nature.

Casimir couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. As he continued to listen to the old man's responses, he couldn't help but wonder if there was more to this encounter than met the eye. Was he being manipulated? Was this all part of some elaborate scheme? Casimir's instincts told him to proceed with caution, to not let his guard down. He knew he had to tread carefully in this game of wits, for he had always been averse to being a pawn in someone else's game. But Casimir was no fool; he had always been perceptive and cautious. He knew that in this intricate game of wits, he had to stay one step ahead. He would delve deeper into the old man's motives, searching for any hidden agendas or ulterior motives. Casimir refused to be a mere pawn in someone else's game; he would fight to maintain his autonomy and protect himself from any potential harm.

The old man noticed his prolonged silence and guarded gaze that was levelled at his rear. His intelligent blue eyes, vibrant and full of life, Met Casimir's own Cosmos grey inquisitive orbs. Perhaps the old man had finally realized how strangely he was behaving. His features became a visage of elderly annoyance.

"Avert your little gaze boy, we are not the same age I am your senior you ought to treat me like that."

Regrettably, for the old man, Casimir's gaze remained unchanged.

The elderly man's demand for respect based on age seemed to fall on deaf ears as Casimir continued to hold his gaze. It was not out of disrespect or defiance, but rather a caution and attentiveness that fueled his unwavering stare. Casimir believed that age did not automatically warrant respect; it was earned through wisdom, kindness, and a genuine understanding of others... or at least that is what his mother taught him, he was still yet to meet someone who had all three. The old man's annoyance only fueled Casimir's determination to challenge societal norms and preconceived notions of a society that in turn did not offer him any love or care.

The old man let out a disappointed sigh.

"You mentioned you're an orphan, didn't you... hard to remember when you have such a fable..., well boy when an elder is looking at you or speaking to you you do not look them in the eye as if they are your equal, especially not me given the difference in our power."


"Why what?"

"Why should I show respect to people who have not cared for me, isn't respect something one earns through their deeds and not their social standing? see I can understand respecting a post in a government however it's an entirely different situation when it comes to people is it not?"

The old man realized that within Casimir's voice, was genuine curiosity and a hint of spite. Perhaps a question the boy asked himself as he did not have any teachers, concluded the old man. Because of the genuine nature of the question and that it lacked sarcasm or disrespect towards the old man, he decided to answer it truthfully as he saw it in the long life he had lived so far.

"Perhaps you are right, why should they be respected just because they are older than you those are not circumstances you could control now could you...?"

Casimir nodded in agreement waiting for the rest of the explanation.

"However look at me for example boy when you look in my eyes what do you see...? madness I've heard others say that I also see that in your eyes although not as tamed as mine, perhaps intelligence usually people would confuse intelligence and wisdom together they are two sides of the same coin obviously, But something that you do not recognize because of your use and lack of experience is my hardened resolve and the resilience that comes with it. That alone should be able to garner your respect for it speaks very highly of what I have experienced throughout my long life, however, you do have a very good point. Not every adult deserves respect, however not every junior this is honest as you are, I am not sure what it is you went through however I can say that I have taken a liking to you, boy. May you not disappoint me."

A soft smile accompanied the old man's little rant, and his features softened. Casimir remained quiet and considered what the old man had said.

'Wisdom huh... mother had a lot of that...'

His heart ached a little at the thought of his mother. There wasn't much to live for, for him in this life, at least that's what he thought until of course the sub-conscience had roused him.


He considered the word and everything that it entailed.

"What about revenge old man what do you think about it?"

The old man looked at Casimir with surprise, perhaps not expecting that the boy would take kindly to the old man's own openness.

"Revenge... I believe every debt must be paid in full...even if the price is very steep."

The old man smiled and looked at Casimir with reserved approval.

Casimir also had a small smile on his face

'Maybe I'll end up liking the old man too.'

So guys I'm back in earnest. I'm done with the Accident stuff and still recovering but I'll find time to keep writing worry not.

Anyways as always have a lovely day.

Yours Truly

Croppedtrolleycreators' thoughts