
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs


Cestane's economy was the bigger of the three countries on the continent and it was their abundance of raw materials that made it overwhelmingly so. Their mines of metal ore used in artefact crafting and machinery, or their ether mines that ran deep within their lands or their canals that made them a trading giant with both those within and off of the continent. In short, they had a lot of what everyone wanted. This guaranteed they had a strong military because of their financial superiority. Being vaguely aware of this Casimir knew even if he ended up on the military's payroll, he wouldn't have it too bad. The board kept on lighting up every so often as people were made aware of their immediate futures. Casimir's name eventually came up and much to his disappointment he had not attracted any house's attention. He didn't mind he had known it was a possibility so he did not feel dispirited.

'Well, it doesn't matter.'

His escort officer looked at him with a little bit of sympathy. He knew this meant a lot for the majority of these youths but they could only do so much with the cards they've been dealt by fate.

"Do not be disappointed boy after the military you can still receive offers from Cestane royalty if you manage to enroll and impress in Mospria's University. Or you can join one of the several security companies that are present in our country if you find fighting to be your calling. Now you will be taken to military headquarters and registered for your service.

Casimir wasn't as distraught as the officer made it seem but it's not like he did not care. He wanted every advantage he could get so he needed to work hard when he arrived in the military. Seeing themselves out of the hall they made their way towards the main building. He would probably be shuttled to the military headquarters with the others who hadn't received any offers. When they arrived at the main building the officer ushered him towards a massive carriage that was much larger than the other vehicles he had seen. It was long and had several windows.

"This is a public carriage you will see several more in your life from now on, you can enter and find a place to sit it will leave in an hour or so."

"Why so long?"

"Well since the world doesn't revolve around you, we have to adjust our operating times to accommodate all who undergo awakenings during a certain period, so in short we can't have a personal carriage come for someone as minuscule as you."

He didn't respond but he was aware of the sarcasm the officer replied with was meant to stop him from asking any more stupid questions. He got on to the carriage and was met by several gazes. He was used to the stares though, his eyes and his honey skin tone made him seem foreign, not to mention his shoulder-length unkempt hair. He could hear some whisper amongst themselves but he was already annoyed enough so he decided to ignore whatever it was they were gossiping about. He went and sat down in an empty seat in a row occupied by a single girl. Her fair skin and black hair were like every other resident of this nation. He sat down, crossed his arms and closed his eyes in an attempt to dissuade anyone from conversing with him. He needed some time to collect his thoughts, everything was moving too fast for him.

'Okay so military for two years is not a problem I will do what must be done and rack up as much merit as I can. As for the stone I received from the fragment… but I don't know if accessing my glyph right now is a good thing or accessing the information for that matter.'

He opened his eyes to look around and he found nothing noteworthy about the environment except for the occasional addition to the public carriage. Now that he thought about it his appearance was very different. Of course, he wasn't the only foreign-looking person but he was one of the more exotic-looking ones. He knew his more foreign features were from his father. His mother looked more like the other locals. After what seemed like an eternity to Cass the carriage vibrated and came to life and this provoked activity within the carriage as the youths came alive to find out what was going on. A woman with a small frame emerged from the door and looked on at the youths, scanning almost as if to gauge what problems had been thrown on her lap. She proceeded to shout to the youths much to their surprise.

"Greetings awakened I am Lieutenant Banks, from now on you will be reporting to me, you shall all join the fifth squadron and seeing as how they've already begun training you will just join them like how it is done every other time. When we arrive at headquarters you shall be given your cards and assigned your dormitories, today shall be an off day for you and your last day of peace, those of you that haven't said their goodbyes to their families, you should've known better than to lounge around in here before saying goodbye. As you know it shall be a two-year course with basic combat training, physical training, military tactics, ether control and civil education. There is a merit system in place that is used to reward those of you who are outstanding with money or ether crystals, or even ether cores. Other rewards include but are not limited to a scholarship, recommendations, and artifacts. Those of you who have questions can ask your mothers when you get home after the two years are up."

The carriage began to move and Casimir looked out the window, The sun was about to start setting. The landscape of the Awakeners Association's campus was truly beautiful under the dusk light. They were exciting the campus now.

'These are going to be a long two years.'