
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs


Evander, unfazed by Adeline's sassy remark, let out a soft chuckle. "You know me, Adeline, always adding a touch of drama to life's tapestry. But let me introduce you to our young companion, Casimir Nagid."

Casimir, still feeling the weight of the ruins' history on his shoulders, nodded in acknowledgment. Adeline, with a glint of curiosity in her eyes, approached them, her gaze flickering between Evander and Casimir. She seemed to be sizing them up, assessing the newcomers with a shrewd gaze.

"Well, Casimir Nagid, welcome to the refuge of the Forgotten. I'm Adeline, and these," she gestured to the eclectic group of survivors, "are the resilient souls who've made a home amidst the echoes of the past."

Casimir, while grateful for the welcome, couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny. The settlement, though hidden and seemingly peaceful, exuded an air of mystery. Adeline, with her sharp eyes, seemed to sense the unspoken questions lingering in Casimir's mind.

"Before you flood us with questions, young one," Adeline continued, "we've got our inquiries. Evander here has a knack for finding interesting companions, and your arrival has stirred some curiosity among us, especially since your core is not... let's just say what you usually find in this place. Care to share your story?"

Casimir, aware that his journey was far from ordinary, hesitated for a moment. However, something in Adeline's gaze reassured him that the Forgotten, as they called themselves, were not quick to judge. With a deep breath, he began recounting the events that led him to the ruins, the battles, and the mysteries that unfolded before him.

As his tale unfolded, the members of the settlement who were present listened intently, their eyes reflecting a shared understanding of the struggles inherent in their world, the world of the awakened. Adeline, while maintaining a composed exterior, showed occasional glimpses of emotion as Casimir detailed his encounters with the Umbra Trawl and the Totem Apes.

When he finished, the courtyard fell into a thoughtful silence. Adeline exchanged a glance with Evander before turning her attention back to Casimir. "Your journey is no ordinary one, Casimir Nagid. The ruins have a way of weaving destinies together, and it seems ours are entwined now. Welcome to the Forgotten. We have much to share and much to learn from each other."

The sun within the ruins had begun to set, casting a warm glow over the gathered individuals. Casimir found himself amidst ancient faces and peoples, engaged in lengthy introductions with members of the settlement. Eventually, he found himself sitting by a flame with Evander and the captivating Adeline.

The flickering flames painted a warm dance on the faces of those gathered around the communal fire in the heart of the Forgotten settlement. Casimir, having spilt the beans on his journey, sat there, mulling over the tales of his adventures. Adeline, her piercing gaze softened by the fire's glow, sauntered over. Evander, the wise old sage, leaned on his staff, a knowing smile playing on his lips. Casimir had noticed the staff when they entered the camp and couldn't help but wonder whether it was an artefact or an etherless object.

"Your story, Casimir Nagid, it's a rollercoaster of ups and downs," Adeline said, her voice weaving into the night's hush. "These ruins have a knack for revealing the real deal of those who wander through."

Casimir met her eyes, sensing an unspoken understanding. He rarely felt this with people he just met, but for some reason, he felt a connection with the mysterious lady addressing him. It didn't entirely ease his worries, but there was something comforting about it.

"It's been a wild ride, filled with mysteries and challenges I didn't see coming," he admitted, the dancing flames mirroring the swirl of uncertainty within.

Evander, always the sage with a flair for the dramatic, as Casimir had come to realize, chimed in, "The ruins, my friend, they spin tales that mesh with the very soul. You're becoming part of the grand tapestry."

'Again with this fate nonsense.'

In his mind, Casimir was very apprehensive about how others seemed to revere and almost submit to the notion that one had an already decided destination. Decided by forces beyond one's influence. To him, it was absurd, and given what he had been through, he would really love to have a chat with fate over a nice cup of coffee or whatever beverage the life-destroying force had in its pastime.

As the conversation unfolded around the flickering flames, Casimir couldn't help but let out a wry smile at Evander's theatrics. "Well, fate or not, I'm not one to let destiny dictate every step," he remarked, a hint of defiance in his voice.

Adeline, catching onto the subtle resistance, raised an eyebrow. "A man with a will of his own. Refreshing." She leaned back, the firelight casting shadows on her enigmatic features.

"But tell me, Casimir, what drives a young soul like yours to tread these treacherous paths? There's always a reason behind such journeys."

Casimir pondered her question for a moment, his eyes fixated on the dancing flames. Her question didn't make sense at first and it seemed out of context, but he recalled how it was much more common for people to begin their ascent near the age of twenty-two back then before his time. Perhaps she was from an era lost. Cestane's current history was no older than a hundred years and even then the oldest nation was only one-hundred and fifty years old, The Tarinont Empire on the Tatras continent. So he could only assume. He was glad he loved reading... this conversation would probably not have gone as smoothly.

"I seek answers," he began, his voice steady. "Clearly by my circumstances, I'm an exception... I'm not supposed to be here but if "fate" as you call it, brought me here then I gues there's something for me here."

Evander, nodding in approval, added, "The ruins have a way of awakening the thirst for knowledge in those who dare to seek it. It's a journey of self-discovery as much as it is an exploration of the world around us." 

The old sage seemed more... sagelike now Casimir noted.

'What a cringe statement.'

Adeline's gaze intensified, her eyes seemingly piercing through the veil of Casimir's resolve. "And what of your aura? I heard from the old geezer the mark of destruction that clings to you. That's not a common tale within these walls or even beyond them for that matter."

What Casimir came to realize as well was how freely those within spoke about auras and fables as if it were common. Perhaps it was during their times... Casimir had yet to ask Adeline about her age and how long she had been in here but if he had to make a guess now she was certainly not of their era even though her appearance contested that.

Casimir sighed, realizing that his unique aura had become a talking point. "It's a puzzle even to me. All I know is that it's tied to something ancient and powerful. I'm still figuring out its true nature."

As the night deepened and the stars above the ruins, in the sky made by what Casimir could only guess was the power of the lost Conquerer's essence, twinkled in silent witness, Adeline spoke, her tone thoughtful.

"Casimir Nagid, you may not believe in fate, but sometimes, our paths converge for reasons beyond our understanding. The ruins have a way of orchestrating connections that transcend the boundaries of time."

With those cryptic words hanging in the air, Casimir couldn't help but feel that his journey had just taken an unexpected turn, steering him into the heart of something far greater than he had initially imagined. The ruins, with their ancient whispers and silent secrets, held the promise of revelations yet to unfold. And so, surrounded by the echoes of forgotten civilizations, the trio continued their conversation, each word unravelling a thread in the grand tapestry of the ruins' mysteries.


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