
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs

Proposal and acceptance

Casimir found himself immersed in the dimly lit room, surrounded by the echoes of the day's events. The discussions with Varen and Aric lingered in his thoughts, raising more questions than answers. The glyph on his glabella seemed to pulse with a quiet energy, a silent reminder of the power that now flowed within him. Gedeon's Ichor, the essence of the Pantheon of Destruction, remained a closely guarded secret, its origin and significance veiled in mystery, how Child of Gedeon got his hands on it was a mystery for Casimir.

As the candle flickered, casting dancing shadows on the walls, a gentle knock on the door disrupted Casimir's contemplation. The door creaked open, revealing the figure of Evander, the enigmatic sage whose presence always carried an air of otherworldly wisdom and more quietly a bit of arrogance.

"May an old man intrude upon your musings once more?" Evander's voice, tinged with amusement, filled the room as he entered, the door closing behind him.

Casimir gestured for him to sit, curiosity battling with wariness in his eyes. "What brings you here, Evander?"

The old sage settled into a chair, his gaze fixed on Casimir. "Observation, young one. I've watched your struggles and sensed the power within you. There's untapped potential, a dormant force awaiting awakening."

'Again with the theatrics...' 

Casimir's eyes narrowed slightly, a mix of curiosity and caution. "And what do you propose, Evander?"

A knowing smile played on Evander's lips. "Discipleship. I see in you the makings of a warrior, and I hold knowledge—ancient and potent, passed down through my lineage. I offer to share this knowledge, to guide you on a path that transcends the limitations of the awakened world."

Casimir hesitated, his mind a battlefield of scepticism and curiosity. There existed limitations in the awakened world? That part did little to evade Casimir's scrutiny. "We've just met. How can I be sure of your intentions? What do you gain from this?"

Evander's gaze held a depth of wisdom. "I seek to pass on the legacy of Narcerus, my noble house, and the knowledge that once stood at the pinnacle of our mighty nation. Time is a fleeting ally, and there's much to be done before the Conqueror King's Heritage reveals its ultimate truths."

Silence settled, the flickering candle casting shadows on the old sage's weathered face. "Why me? There are more experienced individuals in this settlement familiar with your world."

Evander chuckled, the sound echoing with the weight of years. "Fate is a weaver of destinies. Your aura, marked by destruction, resonates uniquely. Together, we can unravel the threads that bind your destiny to the Conqueror King's Heritage."

The room seemed to hold its breath as Casimir weighed the old sage's words. "Tomorrow, at sunrise, we begin," Evander declared, rising from the chair. "Make your decision, Casimir Nagid, for the tapestry of fate waits for no one."

Alone once more, Casimir contemplated the unexpected turn of events. The prospect of becoming Evander's disciple stirred a mix of emotions—thrill at the promise of hidden knowledge, wariness of the mysteries that lay ahead, and a lingering sense of distrust toward the settlement's leadership. He was also apprehensive at how pushy the old man had been.

The night passed in restless contemplation, and with the first light of dawn, Casimir stood at the crossroads of destiny. The choice before him resonated with the weight of the Conqueror King's Heritage, a legacy waiting to reveal its secrets. As he faced the sunrise, Casimir knew that the decisions made in the presence of this ancient power would echo far beyond his own journey.

Despite his hesitation, the allure of unlocking the secrets within the Pantheon of the Sun proved too tantalizing for Casimir to resist. Casimir's true enemies were from the sun after all. He had not yet forgotten... he would not forget. Debts must be paid in full no matter the cost. Evander's proposal hung in the air like a lingering mist, and the young warrior found himself compelled by the promise of untapped potential.

The following morning, Casimir joined Evander in a secluded part of the settlement. He knew he was supposed to meet Adeline but there was something off about Evander that he couldn't shake off, he wanted to find out what. The old sage, clad in robes that seemed to carry the weight of centuries, regarded Casimir with an expectant gaze. As they stood amidst the ruins, the rising sun painted the sky in hues of gold and amber, casting a warm glow upon the Conqueror King's Large temple

"Before we begin, understand this, Casimir," Evander spoke with a gravitas that echoed through the ages. "What I share with you is not just knowledge; it is a legacy—a testament to the might of Narcerus and the power that once shaped our world or what was my world."

Casimir nodded, his determination set. The air seemed charged with anticipation as Evander began imparting the ancient wisdom of his lineage. The morning unfolded with a tapestry of teachings, each revelation unravelling a new layer of understanding. Evander, though aged, moved with a grace that defied the passage of time, his words carrying the weight of history.

As the day progressed, Casimir found himself immersed in a world beyond the confines of the awakened settlement. Evander's teachings spoke of forgotten realms, ancient battles, and the resonance of souls with the very fabric of existence. The Conqueror King's Heritage, a silent witness to the exchange, seemed to echo with approval.

Despite initial reservations, Casimir felt a profound connection to the knowledge being shared. Evander's lessons went beyond mere combat techniques; they delved into the essence of existence, the interplay of auras, and the symbiotic relationship between the awakened and the dormant powers that shaped their destinies.

The day waned, and as the last rays of sunlight bathed the ruins, Evander concluded the day's teachings. "You've shown promise, Casimir. The path ahead is arduous, but with each step, you'll uncover the latent potential that lies within you." They had completed the introduction of what Evander had set out to teach him.

"You'll sleep here you will not return to the settlement until I tell you to, Farewell then we resume again tomorrow at dawn you will pick two combat styles from the five I shall offer you. Goodbye oh and be careful not to get eaten." 

Just like that the old man vanished and Casimir was by himself again.