
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs

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More silence followed. Casimir appreciated the old man's consideration; after having asked the last set of questions, he had become somewhat emotional regardless of whether he wanted to or not. His voice overflowed with spite and maybe even anger, and the old man had realized this and thus did not take offense at his words.

For the most part, he was grateful; however, he was also worried about how this would affect future interactions with the old man. The old man was more or less sincere in his response; however, trust was a fickle thing, and for him to go on and trust that the old man would keep his word was one thing he could not be too sure of. Of course, there was not much he could do about it... at least not yet. He simply wasn't powerful enough.

As they walked, the silence seemed to whisper ancient secrets, carried in the wind that rustled through the broken pillars and shattered doorways. The old sage, attuned to the language of silence, listened intently, his mind deciphering the hidden messages that echoed through the ruins. On the other hand, Casimir was captivated by the eerie stillness, his imagination conjuring tales of forgotten heroes and lost civilizations.

With each step, the silence grew louder, enveloping them in a cocoon of introspection. It was as if the ruins themselves were trying to communicate, to share their stories with those who dared to listen. The old man, Evander, wise beyond measure, understood the power of silence. He knew that sometimes, the most profound truths could only be found in the absence of words. And so, they continued their journey, guided by the enigmatic symphony of silence that echoed through the ruins.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the ruins, the weight of history pressed upon Casimir's shoulders. The crumbling walls and fallen pillars whispered tales of forgotten civilizations, lost loves, and ancient mysteries. Evander's weathered face bore a mixture of surprise and curiosity, his eyes gleaming with a thirst for knowledge... in particular, what brought about the strange look on the young man's face. He knew that the secrets of the past were not easily unraveled, but he also understood that the silence... and possibly the boy following closely behind him held the key to unlocking them. With each passing moment, the symphony of silence grew more intricate, revealing fragments of a forgotten world. It was a language that required patience and attunement, a language that only those who truly listened could comprehend. Casimir moved with a newfound grace, their steps synchronized with the rhythm of the ruins.

However, it wasn't the silence that bothered Casimir. He remembered the old man mentioning something about there not being creatures strong enough to threaten him here. Perhaps the old man's presence was reason enough for whatever crawled within these ruins to think twice before considering them an easy meal, if a meal at all. That put his mind at relative ease somewhat.

They walked forward felt like an eternity to Casimir. Although he hadn't been here for long, he knew he wanted to leave immediately even though the chances of him leaving any time soon seemed improbable. Thanks to his trusty guide, he didn't need to fight anytime soon. He was certainly not in the mental space to hold his own at the moment. Time went on as their journey continued venturing deeper into the ruins. They seemed to go on forever. At least to Casimir. The old man, on the other hand, began to see structures he recognized and expressed it outwardly as if to comfort the young man following him.

"We are almost there, child. You can put your mind at ease."

Still grappling with the emotional weight of their earlier conversation, Casimir found a glimmer of solace in the old man's reassuring words. The promise of nearing their destination brought a subtle sense of relief, even if the mysteries of the ruins continued to cast an enigmatic shadow over their journey.

As Evander spoke, the ambient whispers of silence seemed to soften, as if acknowledging the old sage's familiarity with the ancient structures. Casimir, though still uneasy, started to take notice of the architectural nuances around them. Crumbled archways and faded murals hinted at a bygone era, prompting his imagination to weave tales of a civilization long forgotten.

Yet, as they approached what Evander considered their destination, a subtle tension lingered in the air. The ruins, like an ancient manuscript, held secrets that begged to be unveiled. Casimir's unease transformed into a curious anticipation, wondering what awaited them in the heart of these time-worn remnants. The ruins awaited, and with a shared breath, they stepped into the heart of the mystery, guided by the intricate dance of shadows and echoes that only time-worn stones could choreograph.

As they emerged into a forgotten courtyard bathed in dappled sunlight... there was sunlight? The duo was met with the sight of weathered structures that seemed to defy the decay plaguing the surrounding ruins. A soft murmur of life emanated from the hidden enclave, signaling the presence of other survivors. Faces, etched with resilience and wisdom, turned towards them, eyes that had witnessed the eons unfold within the sanctuary of these ancient walls.

The settlement was a testament to human perseverance, a microcosm of existence thriving amidst the ruins of a forgotten era. Casimir, overwhelmed by the unexpected encounter, felt a mix of relief and curiosity. The survivors, clad in makeshift garments crafted from remnants of the past, greeted the newcomers with a nod of acknowledgment, their expressions a blend of caution and hope.

Evander, the seasoned wanderer, stepped forward, extending a gesture of friendship. "We come in peace," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of sincerity.

"Still going on with your theatrics, old man?" a dazzlingly beautiful brunette retorted the old man's greeting while sending an appraising look towards Casimir's way.

"What have we got here, Evander? Care to tell?"

Greetings Readers. Yes, it is I, I have returned to continue what I've started after a busy few months and several revisions to my plans I now intend to do some commendable work for you all to revel in. As always... enjoy.

Yours truly

Croppedtrolley :)

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