
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs


When Casimir finally realized he was free falling the panic set in. Him regaining his consciousness unintentionally shifted his center of mass and he began to rotate frantically. The only sound audible was that of the air he was rushing past. in his gyroscopic movement, not a single body was falling with him, all he saw was the massive chunk of a tree and its debris plummeting down with him.

He was falling so fast that even the sound of the rushing mighty waters below was absent. In his mind, he was still trying to process what had taken place. That split second if diverting his attention had proved costly and now only time will tell whether that cost would be his mortality or his comfort from pain.

He still could not feel his left arm. He assumed it had probably broken on impact with the massive tree chunk that he assumed could only have been thrown his way otherwise how else would he be falling off the cliff. He was nearing the deadly waters below and he was running out of ideas. But it's not like they were much he could come up with much anyways, it's not every day you find yourself falling towards your death.

His armour was still on his person albeit slightly damaged to his left. He was rapidly falling and now bracing for impact with the water. His spear was nowhere to be seen and the immaterial tether between his spear and his core had broken. This led him to believe It has been damaged irreparably and broken during impact. He didn't have enough time to check his glyph and confirm

He plunged into the water and his body ached everywhere. the impact was horrific and he definitely heard a little crunch just below his collarbone. His glyph also buzzed but he didn't have time to worry about what he had killed on the impact instead he began to worry about what could kill him now that he had made impact.

He was trying to find his bearings and manage the awful pain he was being subjected to simultaneously. He swallowed the mouth full of water and tried to regurgitate it on impulse. He cursed at his reflexes because he swallowed another mouthful in the process of trying to expel the first one.

His lungs sent agonizing complaints to his mind. The current of the mighty river was pulling apart any momentum he tried to build upon. Essentially he was in ragdoll-like motion under the mighty current of the Sherith Canal. Things would only get worse.

Something bit into his thigh and he jerked back as if punched. As if he didn't have enough fights already, he now had a new battle. The pain got even worse as his new assailant tried to wriggle a piece of his flesh free. He swatted at it with his hand and was amazed when its mouth grabbed hold of his arm, just below the shoulder. His heart beat like a pounding drum in shock and panic as he struggled to get a grip on the creature. In a state of panic, he thrust his free hand's fist forward towards his arm but the creature let go of its hold on his upper limb and went to intercept his flying fist.

His mind was a mental mayhem, and all it could process was pain after pain. His lungs were getting even more abuse as he was running out of air. He needed Some form of respite and he needed it fast. Another jolt of pain brought some form of clarity to his mind and within that split second, he did what he deemed giving himself the best chance of survival. Around his right arm, the water bubbled and buzzed light appeared In the form of short little crackles of what he could only describe as dimensional breakages for a lack of better understanding.

The Steely silver bastard sword came to him and he immediately fed ether into it. He had a reason for doing so. In the blink of an eye, his clarity returned to him in full and his train of thought was no longer interrupted by the pain that raked his body. He had activated the enchantment [still mind] that his blade, Tranquillity, possessed. His eyes looked towards his left arm but he saw nothing. There was no light. However, he could still feel the little vermin's grip on his fist.

He released his aura and suddenly the world came alive. He infused his muscles with ether and swung at his fist. The little aquatic menace let go of his fist and dodged his attack. He didn't know how deep he had fallen under the water but the lack of light was not a good sign. However before you could plan his next steps, Suddenly light began to trickle little by little into his vision. The enchantment allowed him to ponder what was going on and because of this, he whispered many thanks in the back of his mind to the power he had received from the child of Gedeon.

His aura was breaking down whatever effect the creature's ability brought about. Before he knew it, he was looking at a horned fish with several rows of uneven razor-sharp jagged teeth. Its body was plated by several black metallic scales that seemed impenetrable and where its eyes were supposed to be, two holes were present with seemingly nothing inside them. The creature realised its ability had been disrupted and its cover blown.

In a last-ditch attempt to go for the kill, it brandished its horn and went straight in for the kill. Casimir didn't know whether that was greed-fueled desperation or it clearly saw him as truly inferior prey. He understood its intentions and braced himself for impact. The creature went for his jugular and he raise his blade at the last second to block its horn successfully. His free hand went up, covered in black and white flames that burned brilliantly under the water. All he needed was a touch and it was checkmate. His flames caught onto the creature and his ether drained from his core as it turned the beast to nothing.

His glyph buzzed as he saw the remains of the burning creature plummet deeper into the water. He looked up, his vision was departing from him as he tried to swim up. He knew he wouldn't make it. He looked at his glyph one last time and smiled while his consciousness faded

[You have defeated a Superior Monster Umbra Trawl]

'Would you look at that... not a bad way to sign off.'

The world went dark, he lost consciousness.