
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs

First Day

Casimir woke up in cold sweat. His chest was heaving up and down erratically. He wanted to deny what he had just witnessed but he knew every bit of that dream was real. He got off his bed and stood silently in his room. He was beginning to think that maybe he had bit off more than he could chew. A prophecy? Of all things he could be entangled in, a prophecy was the worst one as far as he was concerned. The dream was just so vivid and clear, and he remembered every bit of it. The strange sun that loomed over the domineering mountain range but brought life with it, the yellow clouds… the yellow clouds that tried to get rid of the sun. None of it made sense, yet the eye of solace saw it all with uncanny calm. Maybe he was used to it… he is an Oracle after all. However, Casimir wasn't, and he was feeling sick now. Hurriedly he got up and rushed for his window and flung it open. The cool morning air hit his face violently and he took a sharp breath.

The vision-induced Vertigo disappeared and he was left there panting. He flicked his light on and began searching for his watch. He would check the time and find his waking up time wasn't due for another ten minutes. He fell back onto his bed and stared at the ceiling. At least he found a solution for his aura situation, and now he knew how to control it.

Although Oracle didn't know it, he already knew the effects of his aura. Ether in tune with destruction would break down around him and vanish. Since his order was that of the destroyer and he quite liked that.

After studying his psyche Casimir shut his window and opened his drawer to find, among other pieces of clothing, a tracksuit was prepared for him. He took it out and put it on and adjusted its waist fitting. The Common dormitory one siren sounded and immediately after Casimir would yeah the voices of his captains bellow through the hallways with a single monotonous chant. The message was to wake up, and since Casimir was already up, he entered the hallway and stood at attention by his door. One by one, doors would open, and cadets stood at attention, waiting for the next instructions.

"Good morning kids, make your way towards the ground floor."

While moving towards the ground floor Casimir would notice that the cadets who had been part of the fifth squadron for a much longer time seemingly remained unaffected or rather was more awake than those were just joined yesterday. Casimir was more awake for other reasons but he was awake nonetheless. Waiting for them on the ground floor was Lieutenant Banks.

"Good morning cadets, those of you who are new welcome to mandatory military training we shall begin our day for the next two years this way, you should follow the old cadets on your trail this is just a joke nothing else I will see you after breakfast once again goodbye."

After Lieutenant Banks finished her briefing. The group began to move Casimir assumed from what he observed that they were more than 100 as the much older cadets took the lead and the new ones followed. Casimir couldn't help but think this was a much Laxer approach to giving instructions. What if they would be purposely misled by the old cadets? What if the old ticket dates would cut the trail? However, silencing such thoughts, he focused his attention on what was required at the moment, the jog.

They jogged for about an hour and Casimir made an effort to pay attention to the trail they took. This put things into perspective for him because the campus seemed even larger now. Now that he had awakened, Casimir found the jog to be much easier, and his improved physique was clear but now he wondered why they still did such normal physical activities with no strain whatsoever. Maybe he would find out soon but for now, it's not like he was complaining however, if you wanted to compete with young powerhouses from the stronger houses he would need to train just as hard and he wasn't sure if this was hard enough.

After the jog, they had showers and breakfast and once again they were required to be early as per the code of conduct so the doors were shut on any latecomers. After breakfast, they made their way towards the common dormitory one lecture theatres. Now that the fifth squadron had been completed they could finally begin the military training in earnest and unfortunately for the latest editions they had the least amount of time to adjust. So much would be demanded from them.

Their first lecture was on military tactics and although Casimir had no interest and becoming a general of sorts for any kind of war he found the topic rather intriguing. much like a game of chess, each decision made by generals of their respective armies would affect the battlefield in either nuanced ways or drastically. The intricacy of war was laid bare for him to admire. He had assumed for most parts it was down to the soldiers who fought it but now after the brief introduction, it became anything but. The introductory lecture went on for another two hours and soon after they would attend the finance course.

Casimir's inadequacy regarding the financial aspect of the life that he now lived motivated him to pay close attention during this lecture. He knew that weaknesses usually would be exploited and he would shore them up as much as he could and if it was being offered for free then he would grab it with both hands. After the lectures finished and they had lunch. This time, the whole squadron had been punctual the improvements visible in the time management of each individual missing a meal meant a lot, especially with the activity they had they would need all the energy they could get.

Now after lunch, they would begin their physicals. Casimir liked to read but he much looked forward to this. He had been aching to see how far his body could go after the drastic change it underwent.