
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs

Falling Asleep

Awakening usually occurred in a controlled environment with officers present to slay any abominations that awaken in the case a child fails to awaken. Usually the rich would not worry considering they had access to the [realitywalker], a device or rather an artifact that an official received upon advancing from realm[III] to realm[IV] and attaining the title of centinal. The artefact would allow families to send a helper to nihil when the awakener would enter into nihil. Although the artefact only worked for awakeners and not awakened trying to progress, it was invaluable to many high-ranking families to ensure their youth were not destroyed and their houses remained in power. The owner of the legendary ranked artefact was one of the founding fathers of the nation of Cestane and used it to establish an economic stronghold in his capital, Mospria.

As Casimir and the two officers proceeded toward the main building. The towering structure in the middle of the awakened association campus had a timeless design and its gothic nature held much of the reason for its intimidating and regal aura. Even in late of the night as rain fell on the campus of Cestane's powerful awakened society, activity was not scarce, especially on nights such as these where they neared the lunar disturbance. Some believed awakenings were initiated by the dead Moon goddess' divine essence while most awakened believed everyone had glyphs but those whose blood did not possess enough of ether purity would not be able to awaken.

"Okay you little punk, your batch happens to have a lesson right now so you will join them, your sixteenth birthday is in a few hours so you'd do well to stay here and enter into the observatory when the time comes."

While Frank fired threats at Casimir, his mind wandered off again.

'And so it begins… whatever it's not like I have anything to lose anyway so whatever happens to me should not bother anyone.'

At the end of a hallway that Casimir did not recollect entering, was a lecture room with more youths. As Casimir entered and his escort left, he made his way towards a seat beyond the inquisitive eyes of the occupants of the room. He overheard them slandering his name and questioning his sanity for the decision he had made in trying to run away. The lecturer took the chance to silence the class and flex the authority and power that he held in society.

"Although I am aware most of you are from very unremarkable backgrounds, it seems you still do not understand the severity of what you shall go through."

His gaze, unsurprisingly, landed on Casimir.

"Well even if you fail in awakening and turn into an abomination the officers in charge should make light work of you, I doubt any of you would awaken an origin rank as powerful as celestial, the most remarkable should be a supreme but probably only 2 of you out the two hundred and forty of your batch."

He sneered that last part and the crowd of youths did not like his assessment. But they could not retort him, those that came from mediocre families and orphanages rarely turned out as powerful as those from the mighty ruling families of the continent and its countries. Professor Drover of house Drover was, by himself, a powerful awakened whose Origin rank was celestial and a realm [III] human. The students knew the man before them was powerful which begged the question, why was he here of all places? His jet-black hair and slanted blue eyes accompanied by sharp features that dulled towards his jaw gave him the perfect villainous look. He proceeded with his lecture.

"Now back to the lecture, as I have mentioned there were 8 deities but as you know now, they are all dead, and what killed them is not a matter that your level needs to know, what I can say is what killed them won't trouble us… yet."

Noticing the distress, he continued.

"When you turn sixteen you enter into a comatose state as your soul travels to nihil where you undergo a trial administered by the last fragment of the death, everyone faces different trials so we can never truly prepare you, however, we have done our best to make you as knowledgeable as possible for your trails. Knowledge is the greatest strength those of you due awakening in the next few hours are dismissed the rest of you place your palms on your desk spaces and read."

'Finally, '

Casimir did little to hide his enthusiasm, but enthusiasm for what? To die? He quickly got up and headed for the door and there was another set of officers who awaited them. He had read all there was to read, he knew all they had for them to know. He was aware he was more intelligent than the majority of his age mates, he knew he was a genius. Although not as eccentric as they were usually described he knew from old he was different. His mother often reminded him of that; however, he wasn't sure if that was a mother just showering her son with affection or if she was truthful in her claims. The officers lead them down several corridors until they were faced by pair of giant doors. As the doors swung open Casimir made an effort to use what little time he had to scan the room and take it all in. Several cubicles existed as far as the eye could see, with these cubicles were men and women in Cestane's famous blue and black military uniform. They were the awakened responsible for "neutralizing threats that arise," that would appear.

"Right each one of you picks a cubicle to enter and you will not be let out once you enter unless you awaken successfully or do not awaken at all, as for those that fail these beautiful ladies and gentlemen shall help you to the eternal rest."

Casimir made his way towards a young officer and opened the cubicle door and went straight in. A click resounded behind him as he made his way towards a bed in the centre of the cubicle. Their outer size put him off as they seemed so much more spacious on the inside than they did on the outside. A timer appeared on the wall of the cubicle signifying his impending doom or life-changing fortune.

'They must have a device that accurately measures how much time one has till awakening then since they saw through my lie back at the orphanage.'

Casimir once again pondered on the marvels of the world he had never been able to see.

'I hope I get at least a superior grade origin .'

As time ticked and the countdown was nearing its end, he felt even more sleepy and warmer than usual.

'It must be happening, curse my luck .'

Everything went black.