
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs


The room was rather small, but it was definitely military. There was a small drawer next to a small single bed that was against the wall obviously because of the size of the room. Casimir made his way in and closed the door. There was a small window and he went and opened it and looked down towards the fields that he assumed belonged to trainees under mandatory training like him. He opened the drawer and saw the communication device the lieutenant had spoken about and he picked it up and inspected it. In the drawer was another relatively large book titled Code of Conduct and a set of the blue-black military uniform. He picked up the book and began to read it. Another thirty minutes went by and he heard more activity in the neighboring room. To him making friends was out of the question. He needed to focus on getting out of here as the top trainee and he didn't want the attachment that came with having a friend, especially if he didn't know much about their abilities. He didn't have the heart to abandon anyone simply because they were unremarkable. He continued reading after checking the time on his communication device. Supper was in three hours and he had glossed over the bits of the mini-map they were given to make their way around the campus.

The code of conduct made him aware of the several ranks and rules they had. He also found out they'd have a briefing after supper in the common dormitory one hall.

'Three hours then, I don't know what the drop of blood will do to me so I'll put consuming it on hold for now, I'll see it after supper as for the stones let me check the descriptions.'

He accessed his glyph and his information came to him:

Name: Casimir Nagid

Fable: Gedeon's Last Prince

Aura: [Destroyer]

Soul Core rank: I

Origin [Primus]: Arcadia's ruin

Abilities: [Hearth of desolation]

Artefacts: [Iron maiden] [Gedeon's ichor] [Tranquility][Gedeon's tome]

Heritage: none

Ether: [0/1000]

Artifact[Tome][Primus]:Gedeon's Tome

Description:[Oblivion has destroyed several civilizations, so has its knowledge…]

Although growing stronger didn't bother him, the descriptions he had seen so far did little to calm his mind. They were just too vague, too mysterious and he didn't even know the purpose of glyphs in full. He thought of accessing the tome now but decided against it entirely. He would read whatever was given to him when he was more settled, right now he had to deal with the persistent knock at his door. He got up from the bed he was sitting on and made his way to the door. He didn't like dealing with new people when he was occupied so his annoyance rose and became very apparent on his face. Opening the door only halfway, with half of his body remaining behind it he quietly took in his visitors. They were two boys, one taller than the other but not by much. Both had had the characteristic black hair and fair skin but the shorter lad had sea blue eyes as opposed to the regular dark brown that the taller one shared with more than half of Cestane's population. The shorter one stuck a hand out and proceeded to introduce himself.

"Hey my name is Alex, and his name is Gregory we thought we'd make friends with you since we are you know, dorm neighbours."

Silenced ensued as Casimir appraised them. They looked ordinary most probably like all the normal ones, they came from normal backgrounds.

"Casimir, I'm an orphan."

He took the boy's hand and said the last part out of context.

"Oh okay… Casimir, we didn't know you were an orphan sorry to hear that we will leave... it was nice meeting you."

The boy laughed nervously but Casimir knew exactly what he was doing. They left and Casimir shut the door behind himself. He knew about the prejudice against those who came from the street or the orphanages. Not that it wasn't warranted, but they were usually mentally unstable due to their unique and hard upbringings, and so they become dangerous, especially after receiving powers. With the problem of making friends out of the way, considering that everyone would probably know by the end of the week, he wouldn't have to worry about avoiding others when they would do it for him. He returned to his bed and lay there. Lifting his finger, a small flame that flickered between black and white began to burn. It felt weird to Casimir that he already knew how to use [Hearth of Desolation], almost like he had the information his whole life. The little flame felt neither hot nor cold. He could feel the ether in his core dwindle, not by much but he could still feel it dwindle. His origin was Primus ranked so naturally he wondered about the extent of his power's destructiveness. Looking around for a test subject within the room, he couldn't find one so he opened his code of conduct and ripped out one of the blank pages at the end of the book.

Bringing the flame to the paper the paper caught fire but didn't burn. He sat upright and inspected the paper that was seemingly on fire but didn't burn.

'That's strange, what should I will it to be destroyed or voided?'

Almost immediately the paper began to crumble. No ash fell it just disappeared smoothly as if he worked magic.

'Well, it is magic but you get the point… wait who am I talking to?'

He felt his ether reduce after willing the destruction. He made an estimate that during his little experiment, he had used 5 per cent of his total reserves. He didn't know if it was his power that forced him to consume so much ether for so little.

' I guess there was always going to be a drawback for such an origin.'

Since he didn't have anything else to test his powers on he fell back on his bed and stared at the ceiling and fell into thought.

'Well, I'm happy… it has been a while since I was happy. I don't even know how auras work, maybe it's in the tome.'