
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs

Dreams and Dread

When Casimir regained consciousness, he found himself once again in his room. The night sky was clear, there was no rain today and the moonlight made its way into his room via his window. He stood up and made his way towards the window and rested his forearms against the sill. For once, in his eyes, the stars looked beautiful. He looked down towards the fields which were unoccupied, still, and peaceful Undisturbed by awakened and their military antics. looking down at his watch he sighed in relief. It was as though he'd never left. whatever concept of reality tomes employed, allowed him to access the information with not a second of time passing during the process.

He accessed his glyph and found nothing had changed, but he knew he had learned a fighting style in the form of a dance. He could feel it. The grace, the finesse, the urge to fight, every step of the first form burned into his memory and he knew it like the back of his hand. However, that wasn't to say his muscles would know two. He would need to get used to the dance and planned to do so during his free time.

'So tired I should go to bed soon take care of the ichor some other time,'

He plopped himself onto his bed and found his way under his covers. The bed was larger than what he was used to. That was not to say the beds at the orphanage were small but they obviously could not compete. So little of government spending went to the underprivileged and by extension the orphanages so they had to make do with what they had.

After a few more minutes went by Casimir fell asleep and he would dream that night. As he drifted to sleep and his consciousness entered the land of dreams and nightmares. He found himself at the foot of a mountain range, he didn't recognize the place but it was very breathtaking. He looked up beyond the mountains towards the sky but could not see the sky or his mind could not register a sky probably because he was dreaming he did not think too much about it but rather the issue was discarded by his subconscious and determined unimportant at the moment. As he began to focus more on the mountains in front of him, he realized that they were barren not a single lifeform insight. He could see the top of the mountain and there wasn't an ice cap so whatever made the mountain devoid of life was certainly not the cold.

A time went by and he silently stared at the mountain his mind began to register the sky and the sun was rising from behind the mountains. The sun itself was strange not the usual color he was familiar with. It appeared white one second then grey the next and finally pitch black. Strangely enough, even when it turned black it shinned just as brilliant. Yellow clouds appeared out of nowhere seemingly trying to block out the sun but any cloud that would move into the Sun's path or rather its rays would disintegrate and the sky struck a balance with the sun shining brilliantly, as the yellow clouds formed a halo-like structure around it unable to get any closer to blocking it's brilliance.

After the sun appeared and the sky settled, the mountains changed. One by one they obtained a soft white glow. Vegetation began to grow at the base of the mountain range but would not go any further the sun had brought life to the barren land and the clouds that seemingly tried to stop it could not interfere.

"It is beautiful isn't it."

"Yes, it is."

Because he was dreaming, he was not as apprehensive about the new voice as he normally would. However, because he was cautious by nature, he would still go on to inquire about the identity of the new voice.

"Who are you."

With a soft chuckle, the voice replied.

"Even in your sleep, you are careful."

Casimir didn't say anything but waited for his response and because silence ensued, Casimir turned his head to take in the stranger. There was not much to see, all there was, was a faceless figure wearing a long White robe with a hood off of their head.

"I am an Oracle child."

"Those still exist?"

"You were aware that we existed?"

Casimir did not answer the last question but rather went on to ask his own.

"Why are you here and what are we seeing? And why can't I see your face?"

"I do not know why I am here I just found myself here when I fell asleep and I cannot see your face either, but we're seeing a prophecy and because it is in your dream I assume it is a prophecy about you."

"Do you know what the prophecy means?"



The voice replied as if unsure of what to say to get the boy to understand.

"There was another prophecy a few years ago, maybe three or four that a colleague of mine had made it involved, or rather its interpretation was that humanity we'll see another principality return to a peak."

"Then why are you here, isn't there already a peak for the principality of the sun."

"It's not that simple, and no matter how hard you try to hide it your power or your origin does not belong to the principality of the sun god."

"How do you know that?"

"Well maybe because if it was, then we wouldn't be here witnessing this child."

"Then I am in danger, if you know about my existence and I know nothing about you I am simply a sitting duck of whoever's whims you act on or answer to."

"It is not that simple, you are not in danger our powers are usually found restricted because those with oracle-like origins must embody neutrality so when I pass this vision to whoever I pass it to I cannot say anything that would directly or indirectly jeopardize your life"

"How can I trust you are not lying to me?"

"You may not know why now but one cannot lie in the realm of dreams. There exists an artifact the gods used to create our glyphs that provides clear conscience to beings that pass on their origins which is why when one inherits an origin those that administer their trials cannot refute your worthiness if it is truly merited. The artefact in question was made from one of the pantheons' essence and as you probably would guess that pantheon would, be the pantheon of the moon who had dominion over dreams."

"I See… So do you know which principality I'm from?"

"No I do not, but I know what you're not from however of the 8 principalities, we only know of 4 that have peak-ascenders. Three of are Imperials the remaining one is a centinal."

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"Why not? I do not answer to anyone and I am supposed to embody neutrality what you do with the information I give you is solely on your head as well as the information that I give to those that contract me.

"I see well I'm about to wake up I don't know how I know I just feel it."

"I know, word of advice… or maybe consider this a favor, your aura is primarily from your soul so the way to control it is to locate it from in there and then reign it back in or push it out or whatever auras do nowadays if we meet again, I can teach you however, for now, I can only tell you. The entrance to your soul's point of influence is in your core where your origin links your soul and your core. You will find it there if you just feel around with your origin, it should take you a few hours."

"Would you tell me your name?"

"I will tell you my fable knowing my name may put you in danger there are some… strange artefacts popping up nowadays. I am known as 'Eye of solace,' farewell then young progenitor."