
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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59 Chs


Casimir sat at the fire with Adeline while the old sage left on some "business" that came up apparently. he didn't get the chance to look around the settlement when he arrived and it was now dark. Most parts were lit sufficiently by torches placed strategically to allow easy passage through the settlement without compromising the lighting of the place. He still could not see clearly enough to pass judgment on the settlement. What he did take away, however, was the design of most of the buildings. They did little to hide the era of those who had established this place came from. 

They looked very medieval and regal. Towering spires and sturdy walls hinted at a craftsmanship rooted in a time long past. The torches strategically placed illuminated pathways without compromising the overall ambience, creating a surreal mix of ancient and present. Adeline, sensing his curiosity, spoke in a hushed tone.

"Our sanctuary has weathered the ages, a testament to the resilience of those who sought refuge here. The ruins, though unforgiving, have become our haven."

Her use of the word ages led Casimir to believe that his theory of her being much older than she looked was correct. Casimir nodded in acknowledgement, the glow of the fire reflecting in his eyes.

"It's impressive. The design speaks of a time when craftsmanship was an art form. Was it always like this, or did the settlers shape the ruins to their liking?"

Adeline leaned back, her gaze lingering on the silhouette of the structures against the night sky. That sky... that still bothered Casimir that there was a sky inside an underground ruin.

"A bit of both, I suppose. The original architecture had a grandeur of its own, a legacy from a forgotten civilization. The Conquerer king had quite the taste I suppose. Over time, we adapted and moulded it to suit our needs and of course, since most of it was just ruins there was much to do, breathing new life into these ancient stones wasn't too hard."

The silence settled between them, punctuated by the crackling of the fire. Casimir, engrossed in the atmosphere, couldn't shake the feeling that the ruins held more than just architectural marvels. There was a sense of purpose, a hidden agenda that echoed through the corridors of time.

"So, Casimir Nagid, before you stumbled upon our little haven, what filled your days in the world outside these ancient walls? I heard from those that met the recent arrival say the world has changed drastically but I haven't had the honour of meeting him myself." Adeline inquired, her eyes glinting with curiosity.

Casimir, a flicker of intensity in his gaze, recalled the landscapes he had traversed and the challenges he had faced throughout his life before and after arriving in Cestane. "Wandering, mostly. I'm an orphan so I didn't have much in the way of family... just recently I joined my country's military but an accident on a campaign landed me in here I guess."

Adeline, leaning in, listened intently, the flames casting a soft glow on her features. "Not so fortunate so far... I see," she mused. "But It seems maybe your fortunes may be changing ."

Casimir couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Do you believe in fate, Adeline? I thought you and the old man were just being theatrical initially was I wrong?"

Adeline's laughter, a melodic echo in the quiet night, filled the air. "Fate, destiny... I prefer to think of it as the unpredictable dance of chance and choice. The ruins may guide, but it's our decisions that shape the journey."

Casimir, intrigued by her perspective, found himself drawn into the easy rhythm of conversation but it didn't last long, soon he found silence ensued between them. Silence sanctioned by exhaustion. Adeline, sensing the quietude settling between them, rose gracefully from her seat. "Well, Casimir Nagid, it's time for you to rest. Follow me, and I'll show you where you'll be staying tonight. Then we can discuss important matters tomorrow."

Casimir, appreciating the warmth of the fire that had thawed the chill in the night air, stood and nodded in agreement. The settlement, draped in shadows, took on a different ambience as Adeline led the way through narrow pathways and arched doorways.

The torchlight painted fleeting pictures on the ancient walls as they walked, revealing glimpses of faded murals and intricate carvings. Adeline, moving with a quiet elegance, navigated the labyrinth of structures with familiarity.

As they reached a secluded corner of the settlement, Adeline gestured towards a modest yet inviting dwelling. "Here's where you'll find reprieve for the night. It might not be a palace, but it offers comfort and safety. It is yet another room for new additions."

Casimir, grateful for the gesture, stepped inside the dwelling. The interior, though simple, exuded a certain charm. A bed draped in weathered fabrics stood against one wall, a testament to resourcefulness in a world where comfort was a luxury.

Adeline, her gaze tracing the contours of the room, spoke with a genuine warmth. "Feel free to make yourself at home. We may live in the ruins, but we've managed to create spaces that offer a semblance of normalcy."

Casimir, appreciating the hospitality, expressed his gratitude. "Thank you, Adeline. I've grown accustomed to resting under open skies throughout my life, so a roof over my head is always a welcomed change."

Adeline chuckled, her eyes holding a spark of amusement. "Well, consider it a small luxury amid ancient stones. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

With a nod of acknowledgement, Casimir settled into his temporary abode. Adeline lingered for a moment, her presence adding a subtle comfort to the space. "Rest well, Casimir Nagid. Tomorrow is a new day with its own set of mysteries. May the ruins guide you in your journey."

Enjoy :)

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