
Why can’t I live normally…

"I just wanted to live a normal life" Devonte pondered to himself. "Is that too hard" Devonte said to himself. "Why do I keep on doing this to myself ?"Do I have something to prove?" Devonte thought. Suddenly, a door a creaked ever so slightly. "Uh it must dad. Why does he always come back home drunk." Devonte thought.

Beep! Beep! Beep! "Why can't I just sleep ?" Devonte thought. Still the ringing continued. As a person living through a war, life is tough, people would probably go insane I think I am. To think that I still go to school during this time. Eventually, Devonte got up, took a shower, put on a blood-red suit with a dark red tie (his uniform).

When Devonte was about to leave, Devonte he saw his father sleeping soundly on the sofa. "Uh.You're disgusting!" He thought aloud.During Spanish class a few hours later,Devonte saw a black and white object gracefully gliding through the wind. " Devonte say how is the weather in Spanish "his teacher said. "Ok Como está el clima." Devonte reluctantly stated."Very well"his teacher smiled.As soon as the bell rang Devonte decided to look for that object. He carefully walked around the campus but the he saw a glimpse of what seemed like the object…