
The Marvel Experience.

Waking up in a school filled with mind-fuckers, kids with parental issues and the occasional school being destroyed was not something darius thought he'd wake up to but hey he signed up for this so he has to make it work. so with nothing holding him back he sets out to have as much fun as he can in this screwed up world. -Dark Themes. -Eventual evil mc. -A lot of Sex in later chapters. [so to put this out there I'll have a real chaotic update schedule as well, I'm broke as shit in a third rate country which is slowly drowning itself along with us so yeah...i might update every end of the week.] [anyway I have a patrèón account and I'd love it if you visited and support me if you can, i also have some dropped stories in there that I'll not put in the payed section so drop by and read some I guess] patre on.com/GodOfDepravity i have about +3 chapters ahead of this story so come by.

Faceless_Prick · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

[please gimme stones.]

As time went on and the teens who I now knew were Reincarnators too were shouting at each other I was doing everything in my power to seem 'dead'

Firstly I stopped my healing, I found out that I could control all my [Void] Abilities which are the Abilities I gained in the void as that's easier to categorise in this world where Abilities are gained in all sorts of bullshit ways.

So with the control I had over my [void] Abilities I stopped my healing and using my poker face skill which now that I maxed it out I found a cool thing about it, I could pull any face I wanted with 100% believability! Now pulling the whole dead face is easy as shit and to top it all off my body is helping too as the huge puddle of blood I am laying on really put the icing on the cake in all of this and the gaping hole was just…well no one can survive that…if they aren't me.

"Huh? That's strange!, My quest still says it's incomplete, how about you Lilith?" The white haired boy spoke to the now named Lilith he he took his eyes off of me making the other girl get distracted and look into space probably looking at her 'system' as the [game space] looked they were talking about had clued me in on that.

As the teens were looking into space with no apparent guard on I internally smirked before I turned [overdrive] on my [heal] ability of which was my first time using which to my surprise immediately healed my wound and then my clothes as if they were never damaged and that that as it was I heightened my focus and focused on the nearest one to me and use [Inventory] taking out a kitchen knife on both my hands and rose like a zombie startling the teens which were no less then half a feet from me and immediately I slashed at their eyes getting the guy who was closest to me but missed the girl who had lighting coating her which somehow boosted her speed allowing her to backflip away from me but the guy wasn't that unlucky as after slashing at his eyes rendering them useless I brought my other hand which held the knife that missed the girl to the guys neck slashing at it with my speed and strength backing it's sharpness which went through the guys neck like a hot knife through butter.

Immediately the guy brought his hand to his neck looking horrified before dropping on his knees gurgling and drowning at his own blood making me smile at such a scene.

"NOOOO!" Lilith shouted as the red lighting coating her started going haywire sending lighting arms around the entire alley and one such lighting ark that was making its way towards me but acting and thinking fast I grabbed the head of the white haired boy and brought it in front of me and thus acting like a shield of which got its head and shoulders blown to bit making the woman pale and de-power giving me the chance to run towards her and her being out of it probably due to killing her friend I managed to get Infront of her without so much as a huddle.

As I entered into my killing range brought both my knives one to her heart and another to her eye socket and as I plunged my knives at said areas the girl seemed to have came back to her mind and as the lighting was starting to cover her to protect her it was too late as my knives had already found their mark and just like before she lay there hanging on my knives lifeless making me breathe for the first time after they showed up.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH 'Cough' Haha 'cough' 'cough' Hahahaha" I laughed really hard after seeing the dead body of the 'reincanator' that had tried to kill me and as much as I preferred to not kill the beautiful lady she had tried to kill me and I do not take kindly to that at all.

Smiling at the dead lifeless bodies….well the thugs are mostly ashes after I absorbed them but that's still the same thing.

Looking around the scorched and singed alley I thought fast and grabbed the lives still imbeded into the head of the readhead beauty and dragged her to her friend before thinking.

'well I learned a couple of things today. 1: I'm kinda weak as shit…

2: Reincarnators are a thing.

3: I'm in marvel….well I always knew that but I never really put much importance to it and just thought I'd handle anything but now it doesn't seem like I can….I'm not that special it seems and everyone and their grandmother's aunt seems to get reincanated here' I thought with a weak smile before grabbing into lifeless bodies of the two Reincarnators and put them in my inventory.

'i'll have to study them' I thought before looking around the alley spotting what I wanted but before that I walked towards the puddle of blood I had layed on before and used absorbtion on it immediately making it float before getting absorbed in my hands and after that I walked towards the ladder which I climbed to the top of the roof and started running and running on top of buildings and jumping impossible heights and even as a couple of people saw me I kept running and running and didn't stop until I was was a quarter away from the institute and then stopped huffing a bit.

'damn that felt good…' i thought not knowing what I was talking about myself before I ran some more.

-37 minutes-

Entering my room i immediately make my clothes enter my inventory and walk towards my bathroom and just stood in the shower as the water hit my face making me relax for bit.

"Fuck I'm so fucked….." i finally blurted out with a smile remembering the two Reincarnators who were out to get me apparently sent by the [system space] making me frown before opening my inventory and taking out the said dead Reincarnators immediately bloodying my shower but I didn't care and immediately sent any clothes, items and anything on them top my inventory and looked at their dead bodies.

Looking at my semi-hard cock I frown' the fact that I'm getting aroused by her body even in death makes me question my sanity a bit'

grabbing them by their shoulders I use [absorbtion] but this time I focused on everything they had their souls, memories, power's, skills and I mean anything they had I took!

'oh my one above all….' I thought as unknowingly my eyes had gained a red hue which intensified as the bodies of the two Reincarnators shrunk of everything they had and turned to dust of which got washed away.

And looking at the notifications which were going haywire I didn't know if I made a great decision today….