
True Depth

It was just barely at the edge of his Riemannian Echo, but he was able to sense the edge of what looked like it should have been the Derimont Bazaar. It was obscured from plain view behind the heaps of abandoned buildings and garbage, yet it was as clear as day to him.

'I probably shouldn't run. That might alarm people.' He had sensed plenty of Martial Artists in the time that he had scanned the place with his senses. That was the reason he was rather cautious about doing anything that could be interpreted as an attack or a raid.

He calmly began walking in the direction of the Derimont Bazaar, despite the amount of time it would take given the distance into the Saiful Abyss it was in. The were plenty of plants, moles, and scouts across the entire Saiful Abyss. He was sure that together, they could provide the Derimont Bazaar with the information needed to have a real-time view of everything happening in the Derimont Bazaar.