

Of the two of them, a branch of the Virodhabhasa Faith was the one that Rui had set out to approach, mostly because it was the closest of the two destinations, or rather the least further away. However, it meant going even further west of the Floating Sect, he would have to travel a considerable amount of distance even at the speeds at which Martial Squires traveled.

However, he was confident that there was a good chance that he would find the things that he was looking for there. He recalled what he had learned about the Virodhabhasa Faith from the bare basic information that he had purchased from Chairman Deacon.

All he knew was that it was a faith centered around a Martial Artist known as the Virodhabhasa. As far as Rui knew, there were no Martial Artists who went by that name or that moniker. He had searched for Martial Sages and Martial Transcendents with that name, and he couldn't find any.