

More importantly, the scale of the conflict had just crossed an important threshold which meant that the conflict would no longer be unofficial and under wraps.

"We are now at war with the K'ulnen Tribe," Rui softly stated out loud.

The mood was a little somber, yet everyone wordlessly waited for the reports.


The K'ulnen Tribe Martial Artists gritted as they withstood the attacks from the long-range Martial Artists of the Martial Union.

"What's going on here?"

"Damn! How are they hitting us so hard from so far away so accurately?"

The two Martial Artists that had been used to take down the K'ulnen Martial Apprentices were in a sense heavy artillery. They embodied the sniper's way of doing things, powerful aim and power while sacrificing personal close-range prowess in order to pursue range.

They could not avoid or defend against attacks like this in order to give everything that they had toward long-range offense.