
The Martial Reader

Ryuki, a boy subjected to daily torment by his bullies, and caught in a daily cycle of bullying. yet on a remarkable day, fate unveils for our hero- A magical crack materialized in the sk. this unexpected event could alter out hero life forever. What shall become of our hero.

HolyYmusOfTheGods · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: The beginning of a new

The next day, Ryuki woke up to hear such a roar he was frightened wide awake, he looked out the window low, and behold he saw a dragon whose scales were so shiny as clear as the blue sky, teeth as sharp as diamonds, and eyes that send shivers down his spine.

Ryuki asks out of curiosity "Hey system what level is that dragon."

[The dragon otherwise known as "The demon from above", is currently level 9999]

Ryuki in disbelief that a monster could be that strong, he wondered how strong the top monsters on his planet were at the time of his disappearance. 

As he hears some footsteps outside of the door and a faint knock.

Aria asked if he was awake and if so to meet her by the front of the building, Ryuki said he had just got ready in the old-fashioned martial arts clothes they had prepared for him, he made his way outside and saw Aria he couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she is.

Aria spots Ryuki from a distance "Hey! please follow me I shall show you where master wants us to meet up with him."

Ryuki just happy to be talking to her can only let out a "Yeah sure think Aria." While in a daze just following her,

Shortly they arrive at the arena where many people their age stare and whisper, the same look his classmates always gave him, pitiful looks, always looking down on him, he slowly starts to breathe faster and faster until Aria even notices "It ok Ryuki I know how it looks, there just hasn't has been many visitors, or new students in centuries."

He slowly gets composed and finally says something "I'm fine, just staring at me with so many eyes it brings back memories I wish I could forget."

A bell suddenly rang everyone lined up, and it was complete silence, not a single word, not even the wind would dare make a single noise in front of the 3 grandmasters and their top disciples.

Grandmaster LI, Grandmaster Koji, and finally the head of the three Grandmaster Nova, as all three grandmasters called forth their top disciples, and as those words were spoken aria walked next to Grandmaster Li's side.

Ryuki in shock, kept silent to not get on anyone's nerves, or bad side, the other two top disciples were away on training to ascend to a higher being, Aria saw Ryuki's face and smiled while waving.

others began to whisper, "How does he know Lady Ari" "Who is this nobody getting all buddy-buddy with our goddess."

Ryuki looks around, wondering what he did wrong, wondering why he is the outcast yet again.

Grandmaster Nova says while looking down at the students. "Please refrain from speaking when you're in the presence of all 3 masters, that is highly disrespectful."

All the students went silent "Yes master!", then the masters proceeded to make an announcement, "As you all may have noticed an unusual student with us today, he will be your new classmate until further notice treat him like you would any others, that is all." 

As the students started to separate into their groups, Ryuki just stood there alone not knowing what to do, all of a sudden two students approached him.

They looked at him with excitement, "Hey welcome to the martial realm, would you like to train with us, we are the lowest rank here I hope that's not a problem." they said with a little worry in their voices.

Ryuki was relieved they didn't come to pick on him, as he smiled, he responded with "That won't be a problem with me seeing as I'm probably the weakest one here."

They look at Ryuki with a smile "My name is Keira, and his name is Jorge, we look forward to getting stronger together."

Looking forward to it Ryuki is excited and confused, "If you wouldn't mind can I catch up with y'all I have a question for Gra- I mean Master Li." They smiled and waved goodbye as Ryuki walked away towards Master Li, and Aria.

Aria do have a minute Ryuki asks, Aria shakes her head yes and follows him to a quiet place.

he asks her in confusion "What am I doing here, I don't even know how to throw a punch no way I can compete with actual martial arts users, and what's up with this place how do you even learn do you just throw hands with your neighbor."

Aria looked at Ryuki with a thinking expression for a few minutes as to see how she could explain all this to him, and she finally said something after minutes of silence.

"So Ryuki this is a martial arts school, as you can tell by the name it is a school for fighting you will gather with your friends and or classmates and study fighting techniques or practice fighting like you would call it a spar. You have access to the bottom floor of the library with your martial school ID, just show it to the library guardian, and once every week you may choose to challenge a higher rank student or professor if they can see you improved you will get to move up in rank and be given rewards," she says out of breath, "does that summarize it for you."

 Ryuki looked at her "So train, get stronger and that's all" he looked at her with a serious expression "When will I get to go home."

She looks away nervously "I don't know could be in a few weeks, could be in a few years up to the great ones to decide since they were the ones who brought you here, that's all I can say on the matter I got to get going now, maybe one day you can spar with me see you around."

he looks down to the ground " I hope my family is okay.", as he walks away back to Jorge and Keira, he is even more determined to get to the top now.