
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasía
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77 Chs

You inspire me


I woke up due to the bright sunlight resting upon my face, I used my hand to block the light and I slowly rose from the bed.

"Why are you going around collapsing everywhere?!!" Rose yelled as soon as our gaze met, startling me.

"Oh heavens," I said panting hard.

What do you mean, collapsing everywhere?" I said rolling my eyes at her.

"You should have stayed here and rested, the guards found you outside at midnight, unconscious," Rose scolded and right on time. The door opened and Evie came in wearing a training suit and holding a bow.

"Good morning girls," she greeted us with a smile while we bowed to her.

"Your Highness, what brings you here?" I asked.

"We've talked about this, call me Evie," Evie said. Anyway, I want you guys to accompany me to the castle's training ground." she said.

''How are you feeling now?" she asked.

"I feel fine, your High... Evie," I said.

"Great, that means you both can accompany me to the training grounds," Evie said.

''I will be waiting for you girls at the castle's palace," She said again then turned to leave.

"Training grounds?" Rose and I asked.

A few minutes later Rose and I saw ourselves walking with the princess towards the training grounds. "You know, I always come here to relieve my anxiety, Archery helps me with that," Evie said taking out an arrow and pointing it towards the scarecrow with a target on its chest and whoosh, she let the arrow fly, impaling the target (bullseye) She drew another arrow and fired it, dividing the one she shot in half and also impaling the target.

"Whoa," I was awestruck, she was amazing at this, she was a pro at archery.

"Here, Try it." Princess Evie said to give me the bow and arrow, I refused, but Evie was persistent, despite telling her archery wasn't one of my many talents because even when I was with Papa Jeremiah back then I was terrible, well maybe things will be different now that I am old enough...' How hard could it be?'

I uttered inwardly as I collected the bow and arrow the Princess handed over to me.

Two hours later I was still trying so damn hard to shoot the arrow but for some unknown reason an Arrow that was meant to fly forward kept on drifting backward. I tried eight more times but it was frustrating enough as it is. I was naturally terrible at stuff like this.

"Why won't this thing fly!!" I yelled in frustration.

"Don't worry, you'll get a hang of it, you know when someone does something and you will be like, no worries I have seen worse... this will be my worse," Evie said teasing me and I rolled my eyes.

She shot the arrow and this time not at the scarecrow but at an apple tree, impaling an apple dangling on the tree, which fell immediately after it was hit.

''How did you get so good at this stuff?" Rose asked.

"My Father, the king, forbade me from learning Martial arts and he kept on telling me it was no art for a princess, he told me I should only focus on getting married and producing an heir. At least I was allowed to learn this for my protection." She said, tears gleamed in her eyes threatening to fall but she quickly wiped it and flashed a smile.

I felt sorry for her, she was a sweet girl and nothing like her tyrant father, I just feel bad that she would have to get married to that evil General who wants to take the throne by getting married to her, I just wished there was something I could do to help out my friend.

"Evie, I promise you... I would not let you marry that General if it's not your wish," I said and she gazed at me and laughed, thinking what I said was a joke.

"Thank you Athena, but it's already been set, on my 22nd birthday, when I would be fully fertile the king said I would get married to him," Evie said.

"What are you good at?" She asked Rose.

''Studying," Rose replied.

"Cool, and you?"She asked and then turned to me.

"Enduring and waiting," I said with a forced smile, Evie didn't say anything else but just stared at me.

'' What? " I asked.

"You inspire me, Athena," She said and I blushed.

We went back to the courtyard and on our way, we met with General Sam. I and Rose bowed and he acknowledged us with a nod.

"How is my bride-to-be?" He asked and Evie spat in disgust.

I prefer to commit suicide than get married to the likes of you." Evie said gazing directly at him.

"Don't say that my love, we don't want our future children to hear what their disrespectful mother said to me, it might break their hearts." General Samuel said with a smirk as he touched her face.

"Do not f*cking touch me!" She said slapping his hands away and he chuckled before forcefully grabbing her chin and leaning to whisper in her ear.

"You are going to Marry me, whether you like it or not."He said whispering in Evie's ear but it was loud enough for us to hear. He pulled away and dust his clothes then smiled at us before leaving.

"Excuse me," Evie said with tears in her eyes before hurrying away to go back inside the castle building.

I gazed at her as she ran away and I felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to jolt.

"Don't do it," Rose said and I creased my brows in confusion.


"Don't do whatever you are planning to do, do not get involved in these people's lives and problems" She said again.

"Evie is our friend, we can't let her marry someone she does not want to get married to," I said.

"Don't be stubborn Athena, this is not our place, we are just servants who they could behead without batting an eye." She said.

"You don't have to be everyone's hero," Rose said then walked ahead.

I was awestruck at what she just said, I couldn't believe how wise my baby sister grew up to be. But too bad, I already promised and I would not break my promise to Evie although she assumed it was a joke.