
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasía
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77 Chs

Revenge is best served cold


Raven opened the door cautiously, she entered the cottage, and looking around, she now saw why Run King had run in there, it had so many rooms and it also looked like it was bobby-trapped.

As if feeling something, she looked around the cottage, still standing at the entrance, she took out a small ball and rolled it on the ground, to the other end.

Some holes opened up in the wooden walls and some crossbows came out of the wall and shot arrows, aiming for the ball.

"I was right, booby trap, how old fashioned could this king be?" She asked herself.

Packing her hair in a ponytail, Raven jumped, placing a leg on the wall and then landing back on the ground, rolling with a somersault she stood at the end of the wall, the arrow shot and landed right in front of her toes, she stepped in the middle of the floor and leaped, doing a triple air spin she quickly jumped on a table and did a front flip landing gracefully at the end.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," Raven said in a deadly whisper.

The cottage was very quiet, whatever Epirius was doing, he was hiding well. Raven walked around the bungalow cottage, searching through the corners with her sword in her hand.

Her eyes were filled with hunger, hunger for blood, she wouldn't let him get away for all the sins he had committed.

Raven stood in the middle of the empty cottage and closed her eyes, focusing on any sounds or vibrations.

She heard something up in the Arctic and it sounded like...footsteps.

"Gotcha," She said and impaled the wooden ceiling, pushing her sword through the ceiling.

An ear-piercing scream escaped Epirius's lips. The sword pierced through the wooden ceiling from below and into his left foot.

She withdrew it and pierced it again, causing him to scream as he dropped to his knees with blood gushing out through the wound. She withdrew her sword again.

He heard a footstep climbing up the stairs and upon seeing her face he instantly recognized her.

"At--Athena, you're the assassin?!" He called out in disbelief. How could she be the assassin, how could she defeat most of his elites, seeing that Sam is nowhere to be seen, he must be dead too.

How the hell did she get so strong and skilled?

"What...are you doing here, what do you want?" He asked.

Raven's face turned serious and red with rage, this was finally happening, her being close enough to finally destroy this disgusting kingdom and burn it to the ground.

"You wanna know what I want?" She said, walking closer to him. Her grip on the sword tightened as she struggled between killing him right now and giving him a slow and painful death, she wanted him to feel the pain as he slowly died.

"Revenge, I want revenge!!" Raven said, gritting her teeth as she took slow strides toward Epirius, who crawled backward, as she dragged her sword on the wooden floor.

"Please, I would give you anything, half of my kingdom, gold, silver, Irons, whatever you want!!" Epirius begged with tears in his eyes.

"It's too late to go begging, You raped my poor innocent sister!" Raven said she was unable to control the rage now that she started at this ruthless king. Well, it was about time Ruthless met Heartless.

"I want Revenge, and you know what they say, Revenge is best served cold," She said and then using her sword she plunged the tip into his left eye as an ear-piercing scream left his mouth.

When she withdrew her sword, he groaned in pain, yelling and screaming as he covered his left eye with his hand, which was now covered in blood.

"Please stop," He begged.

"I have a daughter, I don't want her to lose her father just yet, and my kingdom, who will take care of my people when I'm gone, please do not kill me," Epirius begged while Raven stood above him, grieving with clenched fists.

"I--I'm sorry for the pain I cost you and your sister, I beg you, I will compensate you, just do not kill me please," He begged again. This time holding her legs with his bloody and filthy hands.

"Who knew the king who took lives would be scared to give up his, as for your kingdom you don't need to worry about it, cause it'll die along with you," She said and with a swift swing of her sword, she chopped off both his hands.

"Ahhh!!!" He yelled in pain.

"This is for my sister!" She said and then chopped off his penis, Epirius cried out in pain his face was bloody from the blood flowing out of his eyes and he had no hands and his private part was also bleeding.

There was no slight glimpse of remorse in Raven's eyes, she had never been more right in her life. This King deserved to die a painful death.

She took out something from her pocket, it was in a small bottle and it was green. It might just be the greenest substance one had ever seen in their life.

"What's--what's that?" He stuttered, having a hint of what it was.

"Oh this, this is poison, from the most poisonous snake, spider, and scorpion in the world, and I also spat in it," She said with a smile, but it was the most demonic smile one had ever seen.

Her smile turned into a deadly glare and she grabbed his mouth, forcing them open while he struggled to break out of her grip. She emptied the bottle in his mouth and threw the empty case away.

"I'm going to make sure, there wouldn't be a body for anyone to bury you," Raven said, arranging and combing her long red locks with her fingers.

"Hmm what should I do with you until the poison kicks in," She said, putting her hand on her chin.

"Oh I know, I'm gonna nail you to the cross like they did the Nazarene," She said and glanced at the shameless man once again, green fluids were coming out of his ears, nose the remaining right eye, and mouth, mixing with the red blood.

He was trembling, and coughing out more green fluids. She stood him up to his feet and laid his back against the wooden wall.

"There is no cross here, so this would do," She said and took out some long nails, she started with his right foot, sticking the nail into his foot and stepping on it as hard as she could.

Epirius groaned in pain, but the more he opened his mouth, the more the fluid rushed out of his lungs.

"Do you know what those fluids are doing to you? They are damaging your insides, while I damage your outsides, I will have some fun as I stick nails into your body while the poison will eat you up, inside out until you disintegrate," She said and then stuck the other nail on his shoulders, and then using her legs she stepped on it and drove it in further.

Epirius was as good as dead now, his hair started falling out, his neck and face and some greenish veins, and then his skin started coming off, and turning into worms and Margot's.

"This is for the evil things you have done to everyone," She whispered in his ear one last time before lighting a match.

"And did I mention the poison is flammable?" She asked and threw the match on his wounded eye and just as immediately, he caught on fire, screaming in pain and agony.

Raven watched as he burned, her eyes, reflecting the flames as they devoured Epirius.

"I have gotten you justice, Rose," She said and then pulled her cloak over her head. Before walking majestically out of the cottage.