
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasía
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77 Chs

Chapter 5 I AM A PRINCE


"Thank you Lisa"King Aaron said to the elderly woman after she served them tea and she bowed slightly before leaving.The Princes and the King were all at the Royal diner.

"Uhm Father,I would like to go away for some time"Prince Adam the second prince said.

"Really,and what is your reason?"The king asked,he pretended to be curious on the outside but was secretly rejoicing on the inside.

"I just want to get away for some time,am bored sitting one place like our crown prince here."He said pointing at Nathan.The king nodded and then dropped his spoon using the napkin to clean his mouth.

"When do you plan to leave?"King Aaron asked.

"In two days,your majesty"Adam said and a scoff escaped Xavier's lips.

"That two days is a long time for you to leave you should go right now"Xavier said not bothered of what the impact of his words might cause.

"What was that"Prince Adam asked and Xavier turned to him.

"How dare you,how can you speak to me in that manner you little dickhead?!"Adam said slamming his hands on the table angrily.

"Let's be real brother,You are useless here,you don't help in any plannings and all you do is flirt around with women that are way below your status and you drink, everytime I see you.you're always wasted.Its a miracle I don't see a bottle of liquor in your hands today."Xavier said and Adam's blood boiled,hearing those words come out from a brat like him he just felt like strangling Xavier. The entire family were quiet and he knew they thought the same of him.

"You little shi..."

"Enough!!"The King said slamming his hands on the table.

"Can't we all eat like a normal family?"The king asked.

"He started it"Prince Adam said as smoke came out of his ears.

"I don't fucking care who started it,I want utter silence"The king yelled and their lips were instantly sealed.


Alex,Sarah said Athena were behind the maids quarters doing the laundry next to the lake when one of the king Mistresses approached,it was Edith,the most hated and self absorbed woman In the palace.

"It's that witch with the make-up overdose again"Sarah whispered.

"What are you kids doing?"She asked.

"Doing the laundry,Your grace"Athena said with a smile.

"Uhh,you irritate me with your sweetness."Edith said envious of the little girl.

Edith walked to the lines where the white sheets were hanged,she searched the sheets as if looking for something in particular then held the sheets when she found it.

"What's this?"Miss Edith asked showing the sheet to the kids.

"I don't see anything your grace"Sarah answered.

"Here,it's a stain"Edith said.

"A stain,we made sure we washed that well and there was no signs of stains your grace"Alex said creasing his brows to find the stain she was talking about.

She hauled the sheets and dropped it on the ground and took out all the sheets hanged on the lines then walked over them.

"Your grace,we just washed those"Sarah said.

"They were not clean enough,rewash them and when you're done,I'll be back to inspect it."Edith said and turned to leave.

The kids were frustrated and Athena tried her best to hide her emotions, without a word she picked up all the bedsheets scattered on the floor and packed them aside,then went to get another bucket of water to rewash them.When they were done Athena went back to the maids hall,she was so tired and weak,it was late and her body ached.

"What happened you don't look fine?"Rose asked.

"Her grace,Miss Edith"Athena simply said.

"urgh,that woman again why does she not like you?"Rose asked patting her sister's head.

"I don't know,but no one likes her also."she replied.

"I miss Mummy and Daddy"Rose said.

"Me too"Athena said.

"What do you think they are doing now?"Rose asked.

"Probably looking for a way to get us out of here"Athena replied.

Sarah came in and went directly to their bed,she laid on the bed and heaved a sigh."I am so tired,my nails are all ruined from all the washing"Sarah said.

''Is it bad to wish that woman dies?"Rose asked carrying her gaze to Sarah.

"No it's not,I actually wish the same."Sarah said with a nod.

"Yes it is,You should not wish for some else's death."Athena said.

" Argh that's the problem with you,you're just so nice."Sarah said.

"Sarah can you tell me where I can go to send a letter?"Athena asked.

"Yes,why?"Sarah asked.

"I want to send my Mummy and Daddy a letter."She said and Sarah scoffed.

"Well,I heard to send a letter you have to get it to the messenger,he rides a brown horse and has a black straw hat and always in a blue uniform.he delivers letters for the royal family and bring letters to them."Sarah said and before she could finish talking Athena had ran out of the maids hall,she ran straight to the store,locking herself in,she took the paper she swiped from the bookshop and started writing,informing her parents she and her sister are fine and not being maltreated.When she was done she walked back to the maids hall with the letter hidden in her night gown.she went to her bed and saw that the girls were already asleep and she herself fell asleep.

As soon as the cock crowed Athena eyes flew open she instantly went to freshen up and changed into her uniform she ran and stood right Infront of the main gate holding the letter.she expects it to open anytime soon but after hours of waiting and patrolling up and down she soon got tired and lost hope,just as she turned to leave the guards opened the gates and a man draped in blue uniform and black straw hat came in on a brown horse.it was the messenger.Her eyes that had lost hope a few seconds ago gleamed with joy,she quickly hid herself when she saw Prince Elvis coming out.

They both walked back into the castle together and she found that as an opportunity to sneak her letter in his box hanged at the side of the horse.

She tip-toed to the reach the box but she couldn't reach it,she tried over and over again but it was no use.

"What are you doing?"She heard a voice behind her that jolted her,she turned around quickly hiding the letter behind her,hoping the young prince didn't notice.

"No... nothing i just wanted to play with the horse-y."She lied with a smile plastered on her face.patting the horse behind her.

" You again Red haired?!"Prince Xavier said.

''I have a name!"Athena fired back.

"Fine,then what is it then?"Xavier asked crossing the last step that seperated them.

"I won't tell you"Athena said.

"Great then I'll just keep calling you Red haired then"Xavier said.

"What's behind you Red haired"Xavier asked trying to take a peek behind her.

"Hmm,what are you talking about,it's a horse!"She answered feigning innocence.

"No,what are you hiding behind you"Xavier asked.

"Nothing"She said stepping backwards.

"I demand you show me both your hands"Xavier said and Athena shook her head.

"I am a prince,you should obey me!!"Xavier said in harsh tone and Athena knew he was right,she could get in huge trouble if she disobeyed him and he might mistake her as a thief.She frowned and showed him her hands, giving him the envelope that contains the letter,he took it from her and looked back at her.

"That wasn't so hard,was it?"He said like an old man.

"Just because you are the prince doesn't give you the right to check people's privacy,you royals just make me keep hating you by the second"Athena said before angrily walking away.

" I did not dismiss you"He said but she paid a deaf ear still walking away angrily.

He carried the letter to his room and sat at his study desk he opened the letter and read the content of the letter and didn't notice when a smile graced his lips."So her name is Athena"Xavier said and folded the letter back then he ran back outside.The man came out with some envelopes in his hand and when he got to his horse he shoved the envelopes in the box and was about to climb on when Xavier stopped him.

"Wait!"he said authoritively.

"Your highness,what can I do for you?"He asked with a slight bow.

"What is your name?"Xavier asked.

"Davis,your highness "He replied.

"You deliver letters right?"Xavier asked.

"Yes,young prince".Davis answered.

"I want you to deliver this by all means."Xavier said handing Athena's letter to him.

"The address is behind it"Xavier said again.

"No one must hear of this,here is fifty silver coins for your co-operation"Xavier said and threw a pouch filled with silver coins on him.On the other hand Davis was shocked at the young prince negotiation,he did business like a grown man and that was very impressive.

"Yes,your highness."Davis said and shoved the sack in his pocket.Xavier turned and left while Davis got on his horse and with a single kick the horse started moving.