
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
77 Chs



Upon Arrival of the young prince the maids and guards bowed slightly.

The young prince Xavier was dressed in deep blue attire made of silk,his ebony dark hair was long and silky, his eyes were squinted and his pupils were Ocean blue,the aura around him could tell for sure that he was of royal blood.

"Where's Father?"He asked in a rude manner.

"He is inside,prince Xavier"General K said bowing slightly.

"Wow even the general bows to him?"Sarah said in a whisper.

Prince Xavier rudely turned away,walked on the carpet laid on the ground and Hastily entering the palace as Athena's gaze travelled with him until he was out of sight.

Prince Xavier who was twelve years of age was the youngest prince among the king's five sons,he was what people would call Arrogant and ill-mannered,he was studying in a different kingdom to become a physician but because of his attitude and rudeness he was expelled and sent back to the cranes empire.

"Father!?"Prince Xavier yelled going straight to his father's chamber.He barged in without knocking and caught the king in an act with his mistresses.

"Ahh Prince Xavier can't you see am with someone?"King Aaron said In anger,this young prince was the source of his problems and worst of all he had no control over him.

"Leave."Xavier ordered the mistresses present in the king's chamber and they immediately ran out,knowing the young prince's temper.

"What am I going to do with you Xavier?"King Aaron said in frustration,he put on his black robe and walked out of his chamber with Xavier trailing behind him.

"Send me back to study!!"Xavier said.

"No!"King Aaron said sternly.

"Father, I need to go back to finish what was started!"Xavier argued and the king cursed silently.

"What is wrong with you,finish what,the commotion you caused how would you be brave enough to hurt your colleague with a scissors stabbed on his chest,you could have killed him!"

"That was the main idea"Xavier said with a smirk.

"He started it,and princes are not cowards so I fought back"Xavier said.

"Yes and they are definitely not troublemakers too."

"I heard the little rascal is back"Prince Joseph came with his brother and closest Friend Prince Elvis.They were the bullies in the family,he ruffled Xavier's hair and Xavier slapped his hands off his hair.

"Don't touch me!"Xavier said in a rude manner and Joseph knocked his head.

"Ow!"Xavier cried out then turned his attention back to his father,the king.

"What do you expect me to do while am here?"The young prince asked.

"Learn combat or swordsmanship from General K,or if he's busy tell him to assign Samuel to you he's a very great soldier."King Aaron said with a smirk dancing on his lips.

"And since when do we have this much maids,Father"Xavier asked.

"It's none of your business, you're still a kid you won't understand anything."Prince Nathan stepped in and the three young prince bowed slightly,only Prince Nathan could put this three mischievous princes in their place.

Prince Nathan was the crown prince and the king's eldest son,he was twenty four and was a very straightforward and strategic prince just like his father.The princes feared him cause he was not one to be messed and does not tolerate nonsense.

"Yes...yes sir"Xavier said.

"Now run-a-long,I have something to discuss with the king."Prince Nathan said and the three young Prince scurried away like rats.

"I can't believe Father asked me to learn swordsmanship!"Xavier said.

"What do you want to study then"Prince Elvis asked.

"Medicine"Xavier said and his two brothers laughed hard at him.


"Look Xavier,let us show you the fun in Martial arts ."Joseph said when they reached the training ground swords, rifles,bows and arrows,spears and shields were there,all lined up on shelves.

"The first step you need to learn in swordsmanship is to pick a weapon that suits your taste, Something light and sharp for someone as puny as you or something heavy,with a heavy attack for someone as abled as us"Joseph said again with a smirk as he took a spear and twirled it while Elvis took a sword swinging, twisting and turning it in the air.

"Then the next step,is your stance,you have to support yourself so your opponent won't be able to hit you down"Elvis said.

"Then the next step is to maintain eye contact."Joseph said staring keenly into Elvis's eyes.

"And always make sure to be the last to attack."Elvis said and soon as those words left his lips Joseph rushed to him ,the clanging of weapons were heard and sparks flew,they were still under training but however their moves were swift and light.Elvis passed the sword to his left hand and striked at Joseph's foot.Joseph was quick to react and he threw a backflip avoiding Elvis's attack.

Joseph using his spear attacked back but Elvis dodged,he swung the spear relentlessly and Elvis was having a hard time defending but he dogded the attacks and when ever he found an opening he took it.

Xavier was enjoying the show,he didn't expect that swordsmanship would be as cool as this,he was always the nonchalent type,he didn't care about anything and even the urge to study medicine was put there by his father, telling him how being a physician was the best thing a prince could do and being a physician will earn a lot of respect and that was what made him fall in love with studying medicine although it was never his dream and he didn't even had one.

Xavier was a smart kid,he already had the steps in his head and now he was analysing their moves.He had fallen in love with swordsmanship already and he was going to do his research on it,

he was secretive and liked doing things on his own so he would definitely not ask his brothers for help not even the general or soldiers.