
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasía
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77 Chs

Chapter 23_Evie


The next day in the stones kingdom, the girls were woken very early in the morning by the mean looking head maidservant, she was fat and short with her hair packed in a bun, she wore glasses that made her eyes look big, and she was very harsh. She ordered them around telling them to wash the dishes, wipe the dirt off the main gates and sweep the whole courtyard.

" I know it is wrong to hate, but I hate that woman "Rose confessed as she laid on the grass in exhaustion.

"Tell me about it, I hate her more."Athena said also laying on the grass beside her sister.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it."A voice came from behind them and when they turned their gazes to the direction of the voice they saw a girl about Athena's age standing behind them with a smile, she walked over to them and they both stood up to have a good look.

"Hello, I'm Evelyn, but you can call me Evie."The girl said, outstretching her hand for a handshake, She was so beautiful that they could not help but gape at the girl , her hair was ebony black, short and wavy, her pupils were deep green and she had an adorable round face, she was dressed in a commoner's cloth but she still looked good.

"I see you both are new here."Evie said walking towards them.

"Yes, we arrived yesterday, "Athena said.

"Welcome. The girl said with a warm welcoming smile."Well, things here are a little unpredictable"

She walked ahead while the girls trailed behind her, they reached to the kingdom's dungeon gates and right there they saw a soldier whipping a man with thorn whips while he yelled in pain. She took us around the castle and showed us the terrible things the servants were going through.

"That king is evil, no wonder the people outside looked so starve." Athena said in pity and Evie smiled, they went back to the green valley, filled with nature.

"I know being a slave must be tiring for you, how long have you been here?" Athena asked.

"I was born here" Evie said.

"Really?! " Rose asked with eyes wide as saucers.

"What!, Born here... Oh you poor thing, you've been a slave your whole life, i feel so sad for you" Athena said patting Evie's shoulders.

"Princess Evie, your father has summoned you."A guard announced behind them and when the guard bowed to Evie before departing the girls jaws dropped.

"Princess?!!" They both asked in shock And Evie nodded.

"But... But you said you were a slave."Athena said stammering, She had talked bad about the girl's father right in front of her and she had a feeling she was going to be hanged, or worse, whipped.

"I didn't say I was a servant Athena, you assumed I was. "Evie said with a smile and then turned to leave while the girls looked at her in awe.

"Heavens, am dead."Athena said.

I know sister, I always told you to watch your tongue before you speak, but no, you don't take advises from your little sister, sometimes I actually feel like am the older sister, because I always get yo take care of you."Rose said.

"Ha, keep feeling Rose, keep feeling. " Athena said with a scoff and walked with her hands crossed against each other.

" Athena! Rose! " The head witch called which made the girls face twinge.

'' Yes Madam!! " they answered, the pain and exhaustion, evident in their tone.

" Get back to work!! " She ordered and the girls peaceful relaxation was instantly cancled.

At the Stones empire throne room, the self absorbed king sat on his throne with General Sam standing beside him. Evie came In and bowed slightly, she had changed her dress into a green royal like one, since her father always gets cranky whenever he saw her wearing a commoners cloth.

"You summoned me, father?"Evie said looking down, she had never had the courage to look her father in the eye, and it only got worse when her mother was banished from the kingdom and died of starvation. Since then, she could not look her father in the eye, the one who banished her mother. And even after all he did, she still loved her father so much. He was once her father before he became king and it was the power that corrupted him. He also cared for jer, but there are decisions he made that made her question his love for her. Evie was also sure that the reason he had summoned her was to make another bad decision, that was surely going to affect her since it involves her and she was an only child whose voice was never heard.

"Yes Evelyn, how are you?"He asked.

"Quite well, Father,"Evie said, her gaze was still on the floor.

"Good, cause I don't want you getting sick on the day of your wedding."He said and she immediately carried her gaze to him, as her eyes widen in shock.

"Wedding?!" She asked, hoping she heard wrong.

"Yes, wedding," Epirius said and she carried her gaze back to the floor, clutching her dress.

"But, but father, I am only Sixteen, I am not ready for marriage, and I can not marry a man I do not know."Evie said while stuttering.

"Oh you are old enough to get married my dear and as for your groom, it's General Samuel."The king said.

"Hell... No, I would not marry General Samuel who is old enough to be my father, he is thirty-five for heavens sake. "Evie said in shock as she glanced at General Samuel who had a devilish smirk on his face.

"Evie, General Samuel has been by my side, all his thirty-five years, I figured he needed a gift..."

"So is that what you think of me?"She asked carrying her gaze back to her father. "As a gift you can just dash out for marriage, huh Father?" Now there were tears rolling down her eyes.

"I am the king and you should respect my decision!" King Epirius said.

"But you are also my Father, and I am your daughter, what changed... Was it the throne that made you like this, you were the best father a girl could ever wish for and now here you are selling your daughter as a gift for marriage to a thirty five years old man."Evie said raising her voice as she turned and left the throne room without a word.

"How rude, you didn't even dismiss her, j promise she would learn discipline once she is my bride. Your Majesty" General Samuel said with a smirk on his face.