
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
77 Chs

70_What A Weird Princess.

Zeke woke up from bed due to the sunlight resting on his face. He ran his finger through his hair as he got out of bed. There was a glass of water beside his bed so he took it and gulped it down.

Evie entered the room just on cue and froze at the angelic sight she saw. The sunlight streamed in through the window and Zeke standing there half naked, shirtless, gulping down the cool water while bathing in the sunlight, his abs and chest glowing underneath the sunlight.

Evie saw hearts floating around him, she didn't want to make a sound so she wouldn't ruin this. The more he gulped down that water while his Adam's apple moved up and downwards, her throat watered and she gulped along with him.

"Your Highness?" Zeke called, noticing the princess staring at him as if she had just seen an angel.

"Hmm?" Evie jolted back to her senses after hearing his name.

Ezekiel raised a brow, and she entered his room without knocking, he could understand that cause this was her palace, but she couldn't just stand there looking at him without saying anything, it was disrespectful.

As if reading his mind, "Am sorry, I--I lost track," Evie finally said.

(Clears throat)"Break--Breakfast is ready," She said again, pointing out the door. Zeke nodded and before she could leave she made sure to feast her eyes with his alluring body.

"What a weird princess," Zeke whispered to himself when Evie left his room.

Evie walked down the stairs, the image she saw, reprinting itself in her mind, she blushed and smiled to herself like a dummy.

"Your Highness?" She heard a voice call and when she looked at the source of the voice it was Sarah looking at her as if she had gone crazy, but she couldn't blame her if anyone else had seen her in that manner, they would also assume she was out of her mind.

"Am fine, just ate too much sugar," Evie said trying to justify the reason for smiling to herself like an insane person.

Sarah nodded and proceeded with what she was doing, she had a tray of food in her hand and she joined in with the maids to serve on the table.

"You shouldn't be doing that, they will take care of it," Evie said.

Ah, it's fine, everyone needs a helping hand, and as a maid myself, I know how it feels," Sarah said and flashed a smile as she proceeded to set up the plates.

In a short while the three gentlemen descended from the stairs with the sunlight serving as a fitting background.

Alex was on the left, Ezekiel in the middle, and Xavier at the right, they were all wearing matching clothes, it was a uniform made for the Stone Kingdom warriors, it was the only cloth available and suitable for them.

They looked like heavenly angels and the girls including the maids couldn't help but drool. Alex's hair was styled and well cut, his fair skin radiating as he descended from the stairs.

Ezekiel's shoulder-length brunette hair was packed in a ponytail and releasing a charming aura and Xavier, was unleashing an aura of darkness, but the maidens drooled at the sight of him. His jet black hair was let down stopping at his back, his blue eyes, gleaming with something dark, adding to his mysteriousness.

They took their respective seats and started drooling at the sight of the delicious meal placed in front of them, it was getting harder to eat good meals now that any sight of a well-cooked food could make them salivate.

"Your Highness, have you spoken to the elders about your decision to come with us?" Alex asked.

"Not yet, but I sent a letter requesting their presence, I just hope they grant me the permission cause right now, I am in no mood for their chatter," Evie said.

"Ha, trust me, they will. Anything that'll allow them to have the Kingdom all to themselves self they would never turn it down," Xavier said and took a bite out of his food.

Evie glanced at Zeke and saw him looking at someone, her gaze followed his and it landed on Sarah, but then Sarah was staring at Alex, was this some kind of love triangle scenario?

A guard came in and bowed in front of Evie.

"Your Highness, the elders are here," The guard said, causing Evie to sigh, she took out a napkin, wiped her mouth, and then folded it, placing it on the table.

"Excuse me please," Evie said with a smile and then excused herself to attend to the elders.

At the courtroom, Evie stood beside the throne, since she was not yet crowned as queen, she was not obliged to sit on the throne.

The elders all stood up, some on the left and some on the right. They bowed slightly before their princess after she greeted them with courtesy.

"I summoned all of you here to inform you all that I would be leaving the Kingdom for some days to seek alliance with King Aaron of Cranes Kingdom, we have their prince here as a guest and I would join him in his journey back to the Cranes Kingdom," Evie said.

"Are you sober your Highness? This is the time your Kingdom needs you most," The Duke said.

"Your late Father, is not even cold in his grace yet and you want to leave?" The advisor said.

"But going to seek help from the neighboring Kingdom will help," Evie said, turns out Prince Xavier was wrong, they didn't want her to leave, they wanted her to stay and be confined to the kingdom so they could find a way to control her.

"You are being ungrateful to your Kingdom,"

"Why seek assistance when we still have enough!"

"You don't deserve to be queen, my first son should be the King of this Kingdom," The Duke said.

Evie's head was spinning, this was a lot to handle, she was the quiet type who wasn't used to all this noise, her Father might be a huge jerk but he knew how to keep them silent, well, she needed to get used to it if she was going to become queen, but now they were questioning her right to the throne.

Just as she was about to give up, the doors flew open, turning everyone's attention to the door, Ezekiel stood there dramatically, he walked in with pride and diligence, the elders were wondering who he was but he didn't give a sh*t.

"Good day gentlemen, how was your night, I trust you all woke up on the wrong side of your bed,"

"Is that an insult?!"

"Who are you?!"

"This is a private meeting, you have no right to be here, stranger!"

Zeke let out a throaty chuckle, "How do you handle these people, they're just so bitter," He said, turning to Evie, their faces inches apart, he saw it as nothing but Evie's heart skipped a beat.

"Do you know who we are?!" The duke said.

"Do you know who I am?" Zeke said.

"I am Ezekiel Gray, the son of Merchant Gray of Melech Kingdom," Zeke said again, he had a serious countenance on his face.

The elders gasped and they instantly quieted down, Evie was shocked and turned to Zeke, who also didn't know his Father's name had this much influence.

After blinking twice, Zeke proceeded with his words, trying to intimidate them as much as he could.

"This is your soon-to-be queen and you do not question her right to the throne, she has every right to do what she wants and you do not have a say in that," Zeke said.

''But she is needed here, now more than ever," The Duchess said.

"She is going on this risky journey for the sake of this Kingdom, you all should be thanking her!!" Zeke said.

"There is no need for her to leave, we have everything we want,"

"Do you have more men, more soldiers, you might have livestock and provisions but you do not have protection, this Kingdom is at its most vulnerable moment and any Kingdom could attack at any moment," Zeke said.

"Now tell me, how will you defend yourselves?" Zeke asked.

"Would you carry your old, feeble, sorry asses to war?" He asked again causing the elders to look down in shame, Evie wanted to laugh at his words.

She was surprised, no one had ever talked to the elders In this manner, not even her Father, she was falling in love with him and she knew it, she looked at him with dreamy eyes as he continued to scold the elders.

(Clears throat) "Your--Your Highness, we support your decision," The Duke said with a bow.

"We support your decision, Your Highness," They all said in unison and bowed, Evie looked at them in amazement, these were the same people questioning her right to the throne a moment ago and now they all supported her.