
The marionette was my faithful love.

In this story the female lead found herself in a way to a relationship. She was forced by herself to help the male character to get out of the toxic relationship. Little did she know that the male character was a marionette under someone's control. "This is a story for my delusional friend so, most facts are based on a true story =)"

zlvneko · Adolescente
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14 Chs

The bloody night

The ambulance and police started coming that night. Tears couldn't stop cascading. The night couldn't be a beautiful one anymore. The moon smiles with a slight grin throughout the night. It's giving the reflected light back to our eyes, which would be stunning if it were normal. The light couldn't shine through my eyes because the dark thoughts were too dark for me to handle. My mind was completely lost. I wanted to kill Stella at this point. I would do anything to bring Arnt back alive, but I knew I couldn't. Therefore, Jimmey was just standing in a corner and watching me. He knew that he couldn't make things better. "Hey, I know that you're not okay right now, but you should know that it's okay not to be okay. You don't need to act strong at all. Come on," He said as he hugged me. I cried on his shoulders without realizing what was happening around us. "Thank you. But why did you even come by? You know that this wouldn't happen if you didn't come by." I asked him. Yeah, actually, it's right. Or maybe it's just my fault. I shouldn't have gotten too close to him. Because I knew that Stella wouldn't like it. It wasn't actually either of our fault. All Stella did was love him. "I know. I told you not to get too near me. Now, everything is such a messed-up wire." he replied. "Well, it's neither of our faults. But Stella did mess up with the wrong person," I said as I got a call. I picked up my phone to find out that it was my brother. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from the problems? Plus, I did indeed warn you that falling in love was strongly prohibited. Maybe I did forgot that my sister likes to break the rules that I set," He started the conversation with a very chill voice. Hearing his voice made me feel better. I don't know why, though. "Why am I not allowed? Plus, I tried, brother. It's literally not my fault, man." I replied as I ended the call. "Very caring siblings, isn't it. By the way, we could probably go to court about this. I know you are still sad, but once again, we can't just let Stella get away with it easily." He said this as he stood up. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, man," I replied sarcastically. "You want a ride?" He asked. I just replied with a nod.

On the way back to our school, I fell asleep. Then it hit my mind. How did Stella and Arnt know each other? Even if they did, Arnt wouldn't do such things as this. I need to know about that. Because if we go to court and the judge thinks that Arnt is involved in the kidnapping, the judge wouldn't take Arnt as a victim. He or she would probably just list him as a suspect. And I still don't really get where Stella got the gun. After my mental breakdown, we realized that the gun she threw away was gone. Jimmey told me that he couldn't find it either. This is like solving a murder right now. Even though we are the witnesses, since it's a court, it would require evidence too. "Man, if I'd never liked you, this thing wouldn't have happened. I feel like it's all my fault now." I said to Jimmey. "It's not your fault at all. Stella isn't better than you. Stella is just a creep who kept on liking me. It was my fault that I couldn't cut her off, and I pulled you into this problem. You are smarter than her academically and way prettier than her. You are mentally more stable than her, too. It's completely not your fault," he replied. "So, does that mean that I can like you? No, right. It's just not it. If I hadn't met you, this wouldn't have happened. If I never looked like you like this, it wouldn't happen. Arnt wouldn't have to die, and Stella wouldn't have to be heartbroken. It feels like I am the bad guy in my own story. Why do I always feel like I messed up? Why do I always feel like everyone is blaming me?" I blanked out. "Trust me, you are already perfect just the way you are. You don't need to be stressed out anymore. And once again, I know that losing someone you love is very hard, but I also know that you are very strong. Don't worry about the fact that people are going to say shit about you at school. Rumors are just rumors. Now, wipe away your tears. We still have a long way to go," He smiled.