
The marionette was my faithful love.

In this story the female lead found herself in a way to a relationship. She was forced by herself to help the male character to get out of the toxic relationship. Little did she know that the male character was a marionette under someone's control. "This is a story for my delusional friend so, most facts are based on a true story =)"

zlvneko · Adolescente
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14 Chs


I slowly opened my eyes as I realized that my sight was blurry. I couldn't see anything, and additionally, my head was spinning like a drum. I tried to concentrate and focus to find out where I was, but I couldn't actually gather any clues. It was a place that seemed like a garage—dark and cold. At a slow pace, my vision started to clear a bit. At that instant, I saw a boy walking towards me. My mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth, and my hands were tightly tied at the back of the chair in which I was sitting. I couldn't do anything but stare at him. I couldn't even speak. Behind his back, he was followed by a girl who looked very familiar to me. The girl stretched out her arms and pulled her mask off. And it was Stella? "Stella! Why did you put me here and tie me up?" Words scrambled from my mouth. I couldn't think of why they kidnapped me here. "Well, don't act like you don't know, girl. These are the problems you started. Jimmey would fall in love with me again. I don't care what it takes. I would kill you if that's what it took. And now for the final reveal, guess who's here with me," she said as she took the mask off of the guy standing beside her. And i-it was Arnt! "Arnt? Why are you here? Are you all a part of this?" I was surprised. "Well, I didn't want you to be others, and Stella and I were friends without you knowing. She told me about you and Jimmey. I don't like him, Pearl. I want you to be mine only." He replied. My eyes were filled with tears. So, now my best friend is going to betray me just like this? It can't be possible. "What do you mean, Arnt? I thought we were friends. I thought we were close friends. I never thought you'd actually betray me or anything." I said. Then I saw Stella calling someone. It was a video call with Jimmey. "Hey, Jimmey. Look who's here with us?" She said to him. "What are you doing to her? Let her go, Stella!" He shouted with anger. "Well, nothing, honey. I was just going to end your little darling's life. You better come here before I kill her or something. You know that I could get away with it easily if I did kill her." She said this with a slight grin as she ended the call quickly. I was not able to proceed with what was happening right now. "Arnt. Do you really have to do this?" I asked at a distance with my eyes filled with tears. "I don't want to kill you. I won't. Stella is just making a big deal out of it. I always liked you, but not as a friend. I want you to be mine," He said. My whole world broke down. He likes me? Why can't I seem to notice that? I always cared for him as a friend, and all of these things led me to this. I couldn't actually blame him for being a monster when I was the one who made him one. "I am sorry." I said to myself.

For a few moments, I couldn't separate myself from everything. Of course, why would I be able to think about stuff right now. Arnt kept looking at me as he sat closer to me. I kept thinking about us when we were younger, and we had no problems as we lived innocently. Then, there was a large doomed on the door. It was Jimmey. To be honest, he took too long to come by. "Took you too long?" I asked as I saw him. "Well, it takes time to drive a 2-hour drive in 30 minutes. Plus, saving the princess ain't easy." He replied. "Shut the fuck up, you two," Stella shouted as I saw that she was holding a gun. "Hey, Stella, calm down. Plus, where did you get that gun?" Jimmey asked. "Well, I already warned you that I can do bad things, and I can do them very well. Well, enough now, Let us start the actual show. Who should I kill? Actually, I don't really think I should ask that, right? Everyone knows that Pearl is the one who literally started this shit, so yeah," she said as she pointed her gun at me. "Stella! Hold yourself down. We'd not agreed on killing people," Arnt tried to stop her. I just didn't know what was happening, and I kind of give up on this. "Well, yeah, but now it's changed. Jimmy shall be mine forever," she replied. I closed my eyes tight as I heard a large shot pass through the air. I was surpised to find out that I couldn't feel anything, so, I slowly opened my eyes. I saw Arnt in front of me. He got shot instead of me. "Arnt!" I cried out. "The fuck, man!" Stella shouted as she threw the gun away and started running away. "You ain't going to get away easily!" Jimmey shouted to her as he ran closer to me. "Jimmey, help! H-he can't die. He's the only friend I have. It's not his fault," I panicked as I saw the blood coming out of the cut. "I can't do anything." He replied with a soft tone. "Pearl, I know that I made a mistake here, but it's all because I love you. I never wanted you to get hurt. It's both mentally and physically exhausting. I hope you could be happy without me too," Arnt said. He slowly closed his eyes as his breath dissipated. He just left me all alone here.