
chapter 13 & 14 Mission accomplished



( For Her Sake... )

CHAPTER 13 & 14

By: Blessing Cy

The dog gnarled angrily at once, then he jumped forward, pouncing furiously on Franklin.

His teeth dug so deep into the skin on Franklin's arm as he bit so deep into the spot, and they went down together.

"Damn it!" Franklin shouted, trying to get the dog away from himself as more guards surrounded him, but the dog kept biting deep, determined to tear his arm away from the remaining part of his body.

All the guards pointed their guns at him, making sure that they're all directing at his skull, so any wrong move from him right now would surely cost him a visit to heaven.

It'd only take a bullet to make him lose his life anyways, a bullet on his forehead will make life slip out of him easily.

He got trapped already, he should have prepared more than this when he heard that Joseph was a lunatic, coming here with that little preparation began making no sense to him.

The dog was finally taken away from him, and it left a really big wound on his arm which kept bleeding as he was dragged up.

His cross bag fell on the ground with the gun immediately the dog attacked him earlier, so he's unarmed now as his arms were locked behind him.

He was pushed forward like he's getting arrested, and he was led into a dark basement where he was tied with chains to a waiting chair.

His face remained down, and his blood kept dropping from the dog bite wound as he started becoming weak.

His consciousness began trying to leave him, but he began biting his own lips hard, so hard that blood erupts at each bite.

With that, he was able to keep himself awake till a huge man was led in by some guards again.

His head was cleanly shaved and darkly tattooed, and the veins in his arms is enough to scare away any frail human, but Franklin looked up immediately, and their eyes met as he walked to him.

"I was expecting Sergio to make a move, but I wasn't expecting him to send a simpleton like you, Sergio disrespected me on this one cos it'd be too easy to kill you" he said proudly, slapping Franklin on the face.

That made him fall together with the chair, and his head hit on the concrete ground.

It made straight noises, and he finally lost the consciousness he has been trying to keep. He passed out!



It was already 9pm when Romeo was released from Abyss, and despite the stinging agonizing pains of the chilli pepper water he's feeling, he went straight to his apartment, dressed up and left the castle furiously.

"Heard some girls were payed to drug him at a bar" Armani said.

He's just returning from the gym with Aurora.

"Guess those girls will be visiting hell" Aurora replied emotionlessly.

"You can say that again, Romeo might be jovial, but he's scary when angry" Armani said happily, and Aurora faced him.

"You look happier cos of it" she said, and he chuckled.

"Cos of it? It's rather because you've been talking to me these days"

She rolled eyes at him, and he smiled as she began walking away.

"You think Franklin will make it back alive? We both know how dangerous Joseph is, and his preparation before leaving this castle was too low" he said, and she stopped to look back.

"Feeling guilty? Then you should have helped him prepare better" she said sourly.

"I was only instructed to teach him the use of a gun, and I did my quota" Armani replied, and she nodded.

"Then we're done, leave him to the hands of fate and stop talking to me"

She left after saying that, and Armani sighed.

"Talking to a stone is a lot better than talking to you. I should have known" he muttered and turned back to leave for his room, but he met Sofia waiting behind.

"Need a lollipop?" He asked, bringing one out of his pocket.

He pointed it at her, and she raised her leg to his hand, kicking it off.

Immediately it fell on the ground, she grabbed Armani's neck, wounding him with her long manicured nails as his back hit the mahogany tree in the middle of the castle.

"We're together in this! We should be hating Franklin for getting more pay! He met us here so I see no reason why you should be so worried about that bastard!" She spat, and Armani spit out blood on her face before grabbing her hair, pulling it hard.

"Argh!!" She shouted, letting go of his neck, and he pulled the hair harder till he plucked out some of it.

"Armani!" She gasped shockingly, and he blew her plucked hair away before jumping up, hanging on the lowest branch on the tree.

From there, he threw his kick forward to her face, but she was able to dodge by bending back.

Immediately she stood straight, she grabbed his leg, pulling him down from the tree.

"F**king @sshole! How dare you toy with my hair!" She spat and removed the long pin in her hair.

She threw it at him, and he did an handstand, kicking it back with his right leg.

Before Sofia could dodge, the pin penetrated into her arm, and she held it so tight as she began bleeding.

"I know you're good, but you can't beat me even in your dreams, so stay on your f**king lane" Armani smirked and left.

"F**k it! F**k you!" Sofia shouted as she removed the pin from her arm.

Blood followed it out, and she faced the sky as she let out a high-pitched shriek.



It was past 8 when Mia's eyes finally opened, and she sat up in bed.

She got down, forgetting about her foot, but immediately she set foot on the ground, insane pains from the wound sent her falling back to the bed.

She took a glance at her foot and saw it got bandaged already, meaning it got treated.

She was about to start crying when she felt cold air on her skin, and her eyes widened as she faced the window.

The cold sir is blowing in through it, and she got more scared.

"It's gonna rain?" She muttered, crawling to the window.

She knelt beside it, peeping out to meet a f**king dark night sky.

The moon and stars disappeared already, and her eyes widened again when she felt a raindrop on her arm.

She quickly closed the window and sat beside it, blocking her ears with her palms so the sound of rain wouldn't penetrate, but it didn't work.

A minute later, the heavy rain began, and she started shaking, shifting more closely to the wall as she curled like a drenched kitten.

"No... No... Not again... Please" she stuttered fearfully, tears rolling out of her eyes already as the pains started.

She couldn't move, her blood stopped circulating and began freezing, making cold sweat appear on her skin.

She held her ears tighter, and her eyes became blurry.

Her vision hot blurred out completely, and her bones began freezing too. Her insides felt like a deep freezer, and she started sweating cold blood.

Her blurry eyes became bloodshot, and the pains became unbearable when she began bleeding cold blood from the vagina too.

"Arhhh!!! Save me!!! Help me!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Her screams reached everywhere in the castle, but no one dared to come closer that moment.

Sergio warned everyone, so she's always alone at a time like this.

Sergio himself is by the door, watching her in pains as he stood there like the devil he is.

He's smiling as her screams penetrated into his ears, and she suddenly turned away from the door, walking down the dark corridor.

His phone rang, and he stopped by the rails to pick, it's a call from doctor Luciano.

"How's it going? It's raining" Luciano asked expectantly.

"As it should" Sergio smiled evilly and hung up.

"Assemble 20 guards at the park! I'm visiting the church tonight" he ordered, and a guard ran out to gather the twenty.

Sergio smiled as he walked down the corridor, his fedora hat covering almost half of his face.

He hung a cigar stick in his mouth, and an hand is in his pocket as he walked with the devilish demeanor.

"Just some months left, Anthony you messed with the wrong person" he muttered.

A few minutes later, he got to the park and met the twenty guards waiting already.

He entered the Bentley, and they drove behind him as he rode out of the castle that rainy night.



Two girls entered a dark room, and the first one turned on the lights before falling on the sofa, leaving the second one standing.

"Seriously? Get the f**king money out and let's share right now" the second said.

"What money?" The first asked.

"Ma stai scherzando? (Are you kidding?) The money from the guards for drugging that guy!" The second replied, and the first laughed before bringing out her purse.

"Of course I'm kidding" she said, bringing out two bails is cash.

She threw one at her, and she caught it.

"Cash smells nice!" She said, inhaling the scent.

"Crazy, but why do I feel strange about this? That guy seemed dangerous, what if he comes after us?"

"Are you being serious right now? Not like we told him our address so bounce off it and go use the bathroom before I get in" the first replied.

The second rushed into the bathroom immediately, but even after twenty minutes, she didn't come out, so the other one got curious.

"Pina!" She shouted, standing up to go check the bathroom for her, but immediately she stepped in, her eyes widened at the scene she met

Pina is in the bathtub, but instead of water in the bathtub, it's her blood surrounding her, and her head is away from her body.

"Arggggghhh!!!!!!" She screamed in horror, falling on the ground as she began peeing on herself.

A figure appeared from the dark part of the bathroom, holding Pina's head in his right hand, and his face is covered with her blood. He looked wild and merciless.

She released more hot urine on herself immediately she saw his face, and she began shifting back on her butt.

"You took cash to drug me?" Romeo laughed in mockery, throwing the head at her.

It landed on her laps, and she started crying

"Don't kill me! Please spare me!!!!!"



Sergio arrived with his guards at exactly 9:30pm, and the priest was already waiting for him in front of the church since he informed him of his visitation as usual.

Ten guards stayed back at the car, and ten followed him into the church.

"Welcome, Sergio" the priest smiled gracefully, looking immaculate in his white robe.

"Straight to the coffin, I missed Margaretta" Sergio replied, and he was led into the wide church.

They didn't stop walking till they got to the alter where a coffin is, and inside the coffin is the body of a beautiful woman. Margaretta, Sergio's late wife.

The church was literally built for her, and Sergio mandated the priest to always pray for her resurrection day and night.

He has refused to bury her since her death 23 years ago, he believes she's coming back alive to him.

He touched her face fondly, smiling slowly as he felt her skin on his palms.

"Margaretta" he muttered as his expression turned sad.

The ten guards are still inside the church with him, and the priest is behind him.

"I'm ready to wait millions of years Margaretta, I'm so ready...so take your time and wake up when you're ready" He whispered, caressing her face slowly.

He suddenly looked up from her body and faced the priest.

"Anthony deserves everything he's getting from me right now, every f**king thing!!! He'd pay for his sins till he dies in my hands!" He spat resentfully, breathing hard.

"Yes, I said so"



Joseph is currently beside the pool with his only son, laughing heartily at the jokes he makes.

If there's anything he lives for, it's the son. No one lives forever, through he's not dying now, but at least when he dies in the future, he'd take over his land business.

He could pass as the apple of his eyes.

"Dad" he suddenly called.

"Yes Ryan?" Joseph replied.

"You caught an intruder, right? Where's he from?" Ryan asked.

"Why do you wanna know?" Joseph raised his brows.

"Are you gonna kill him? What's he here for?" Ryan asked inquisitively.

"You should save your questions for another day Ryan, not today" Joseph replied, and a guard came in.

"The intruder is awake" he announced.

"Take Ryan back to his room" Joseph replied and left the place.

"Sir, we need to leave for your room now" the guard faced Ryan.

"Look behind you! Another intruder!" Ryan shouted suddenly, and the guard turned back swiftly, but no one in sight.

Before he could face the front again, Ryan was already gone.

"What the f**k! Find Ryan!" He shouted into the bud, rushing out of the place.



Franklin's eyes were rolling on a spot as he remained tied to the chair.

His bleeding arm hurts hellishly and is still bleeding, same with the head he hit on the ground.

Losing blood is making him become weak, and he'd surely pass out again if care is not taken, but he can't let that happen, so he started biting his already swollen lips again to keep his consciousness.

While doing that, he began thinking of ways to get out of this shit hole.

Over ten guards are in the room with him, and he's tied with a heavy metal chain, so escape is impossible unless if he'd have to teleport magically.

His eyes widened when he suddenly remembered something. The key he got from the guard's pocket earlier after sedating him!

It looked like a master key, meaning it'd surely open the key in the chain he's tied with.

Luckily, he kept it in his back pocket, and if he's smart and careful enough, he should be able to get it despite his tied hands. They were tied backwards anyways.

He began trying to get it out, and that was when Joseph came in.

"Make it simple, how do you want your death to be? I'll honour you with your preference" he said as he walked to him.

"And who told you I'm dying by your hands? So full of yourself" Franklin laughed, still trying to get the key as carefully as possible without attracting suspicions.

He has to keep the conversation with Joseph going by all means.

Joseph slapped him hard across the face like the other one, and blood ran out of Franklin's nose and mouth.

He's got tough palms, so he could literally destroy any face with it.

He brought his face closer to Franklin's, and as his vodka-soaked breath hit his face, he held his own breath, and that was when his hand touched the key in his pocket.

He got it out slowly and began trying to open the lock.

"You think you'd go scot free after sitting on that chair? It's called death chair for a reason! Bastard!" Joseph spat, and Franklin bursted into an hysterical laughter, trying to provoke him more, and it worked.

"Heard you're a lunatic, but seriously I'm a better lunatic. I see nothing crazy about you cos right now you're about to die!" Franklin spat, and Joseph bared his teeth lividly.

"You're too loud" he seethed and checked his pocket for his gun, but seems he's not with it.

"A gun!" He ordered, and one of the guards threw a gun at him.

At that exact moment, Franklin opened the lock and spranged up.

He caught the gun instead of Joseph, and at the same time, Ryan ran into the room.

"Dad I found you!" He shouted, and Franklin aimed for him immediately.

All the guards directed their guns at Franklin too, and Joseph's eyes widened as Ryan stood still.

"Da...d" he muttered fearfully, looking at Franklin's gun.

"Told you i'm the lunatic here, Joseph" Franklin said and made to pull the trigger..

"No!!! Don't shoot!!!!" Joseph screamed horrifically.

"Lower your guns!" He commanded the guards, and they obeyed immediately. All hands went down.

"Don't f**king shoot that gun!" Joseph shouted fearfully at Franklin again.

"Then follow my orders" Franklin smirked, making sure the aim of his gun doesn't leave Ryan who was already peeing on himself.

"Da..d.. I'm... I'm scared" he stammered, shaking so much.

"Give the f**king orders! Don't just shoot" Joseph shouted.

"Shoot down all your guards, every single one" Franklin ordered.


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