

Jiao-Long waited for the other roommates to return, it did not do him any good because he was not comfortable with Byung hanging around him like some sort of leech but he understood that this was his home so there was nothing he could do but to accept his watchful gaze.

"This war… Is there any way to resolve it peacefully?" Byung asked out of the blue and Jiao-Long was taken by surprise with this question with a raised brow.

"What do you mean?" The General asked.

"I do not want to fight or get blood on my hands. I have never killed anyone before," Byung said with a hint of gloom in his voice and Jiao-Long looked at him with a neutral gaze.

He understood Byung worries as everyone has once had this thought at some point in their lives when presented with the opportunity to take a life but not everyone felt guilt or fear when that opportunity presented itself.