
The machine and the experiment

Next called the call the chief scientist.

in a white room there were young children about the age of 10. All standing in line headed towards a machine. their instructions were to put their hand on the pad and the Machine was stamp their hand. Depending on what emblem was revealed determines which power are they got. But it would take 8 years for the powers to be able to be used 5 children one boy and 4 girls where the last of the group but but still got stamped the boys emblem was an hourglass. The girls emblems where Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The name of the 5 children are Miel,Floria, Eve, Alfie and Elz and this is there stories!

8 years later at the entrance exam at Lincoln College. Elz walked in to the and sits down at the back of the classroom unbeknownst to him the four girls you met eight years ago are sitting all around the exam room. As the professors walk into the class a screeching Sonic Boom comes roaring out from the side of the classroom. Everyone looks over to find a man with knocked out on top of the table one of the professors speak up and just says someone messed up with their ability let's continue the exam.

Now wen we start you guys will enter one of five rooms one-by-one and we'll evaluate you one on one now. let's start with the students in the first row please proceed into one of the rooms (Eve enters one of the 5 rooms and sits on the chair) a professor walks into the room and sits down in the chair and asked Eve what emblem she got and what she can do. Eve replies that she got a green emblem and she said that she is able to manipulate the ground around her. the professor asked if she can demonstrate for her so Eve looks down upon the ground and it starts to move and shape into a butterfly. the professor very impressed looks at Eve it says congratulations and welcome to Lincoln College. Eve excitedly shake the professors hand and walked back out the door of which she came in from. next called the professor next door and Elfie walks in and sits down in the chair the professor looks at her and says what is your emblem and what can you do. Elfie looks at the professor and said that she got the emblem of the air Elfie starts to float up in the air above the chair. the professor looks at her and says we could use someone with your ability so welcome to Lincoln College.

the five Professor step out the doors and say that they are done with the first row students and they are ready for the second row the professors come out and say they are ready for the third row in the third row is Floria she walks into one of the five rooms and she sits down ready for the evaluation. the professor walks in ask her what she can do and what her emblem is Floria with her emblems blue and she can control water right after she said that water began floating up from the ground in little balls of water. the professor says huh nothing I haven't seen before a welcome to Lincoln College anyway she excitedly leave the room the professors come out and say they're ready for the 4 row in the fourth row is miel she walks into the room like she owns the place and sits down. the professor walks in and Miel says her emblems red and she control fire right after she said that she make fire come out of the tips of our fingers the professor with a cocky attitude says welcome to Lincoln College. the professors come out and say they're ready for the last row the fifth row now that row is where elz is as he goes into one of the rooms the professor's already sitting down at the table elz put this hand on the table the professor looks puzzled like she's never seen that emblem before. elz ask what's wrong the professor replies you have a hourglass emblem meaning you can control the time and little portions of it but the professor says that has a serious drawbacks. every time you use it you stop ageing for that amount of time elz thinking that's the most amazing thing in the world.( but time will tell a different story) the professor tells elz that he needs to be careful using this power as a coalition I'm going to have you study here at Lincoln College welcome. elz leaves the room and returns back to his seat with the rest of the entrance exam class the professor say that whoever was approved report in one week to the front of the college. we will see you there in a week.


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