
Intelligence Report

Adeline wanted to sleep in. She knew that once she was in the Eastern Duchy, she had to wake up early in the morning. But there were birds chirping outside so loudly she had to wake up.

Kicking the blanket away, she sat up, stretching off her sleepiness, she spotted a note on her bedside table. It was from her father, confirming that he had already sent off a letter and received a reply from the Eastern Duchess.

Adeline's mouth dropped open. Her father had acted so quickly! She had expected at least a week to prepare.

Why was her father in such a hurry to get rid of her? She frowned but brushed it off. This is what she needed anyway. 

"What? You're leaving?" Aaron asked in pure shock. This was particularly uncharacteristic of their father. He would never let Adeline go to some place far away for a month!

"Yep. I am going to learn etiquette from the Eastern Duchess herself."

"By yourself?" Aaron's face was a mixture of confusion and worry.