
The Magus

______________________________________________ This book concludes its updates here. If you desire to delve further into the story, you may continue your reading journey in its newly christened title, "The Magus: Echoes of the Forgotten." ______________________________________________

elbas · Fantasía
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16 Chs

The Library: Lost in the Pages

Elyon's POV

I arrived at my destination and was pleasantly surprised by how smoothly everything had gone. My father had always been strict and overly protective of this place, so I had been bracing myself for delays and complications. Yet here I was, standing in the calm after the storm, amazed at how easily I had reached my goal.

As I stood before the towering old oak door, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Despite the door's imposing presence, I knew that it was the only obstacle between me and the library, a place where knowledge and adventure awaited.

The thought of the formerly imposed restrictions being lifted sent a smirk to my face.

I reached out my hand and felt the rough, rusted handle beneath my fingertips.

With a determined grasp, I pulled the heavy door open, revealing a world of secrets within. The hinges let out a loud, eerie creak, as if they were protesting against the opening of this mysterious portal.

As the door swung wide, the darkness beyond seemed almost infinite, beckoning me to step forward and explore.

But I hesitated, for a moment, taking in the eerie scene before me. It was as if I could see the very essence of the shadows lurking in the depths of the room beyond. 

Startled and dismayed, I exclaimed aloud, "What is happening? Is this some sort of cruel joke?" My gaze shifted frantically around the small, dark and desolate room, searching for the promised magical books, but instead it was barren and lifeless.

I felt a sense of overwhelming frustration, shock, and a profound sense of betrayal.

As I cautiously stepped forward, the door emitted a rusty creak as it closed behind me, plunging the room into an eerie darkness. However, my eyes swiftly adjusted to the lack of light, allowing me to discern the outlines of the objects around me.

It was as if my other senses were heightened in the absence of sight, and every subtle sound and scent seemed magnified.

The silence was palpable, broken only by the faint sound of my own breathing.

As I took a few more tentative steps, my eyes gradually adapted to the low light, which revealed a dimly lit room. 

As I moved forward, my heart heavy with the weight of the darkness surrounding me, my eyes caught sight of another door.

It stood before me with the same sturdy frame as the first one, beckoning me with its air of mystery.

A sense of curiosity surged within me, unhindered by the shadows that threatened to overwhelm me.

In that moment, relief washed over my being, erasing the frustration that had been building up inside me.

It was as though the door held the key to unlocking the secrets of the unknown, and I couldn't resist the urge to explore what lay beyond it.

With each step, the anticipation grew, fueled by the vivid images that danced in my mind's eye, of what wonders awaited me on the other side.

As I made my way towards the door, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been plaguing me since I entered the room.

The old oak door stood in front of me, its grainy texture and intricate carvings showing signs of its age.

I hesitated before grabbing the handle, my eyes darting back to the first door I had entered through.

I needed to be sure that I wasn't caught in some sort of twisted loop, unable to escape this strange place.

I turned back to the old oak door and examined it closely.

The carvings on the door seemed to come alive, twisting and turning as if they had a life of their own. The door handle felt cold to the touch, sending shivers down my spine.

I took a deep breath and turned the handle slowly, half expecting the door to creak and groan in protest.

To my surprise, the door opened smoothly, revealing a long, dark corridor ahead of me. The walls were lined with magical crystals, flickering and casting eerie shadows on the stone floors.

I couldn't see the end of the corridor, but something about it called to me, and I knew that I had to keep moving forward.

As I took my first step into the corridor the smell of old books filled my nostrils.

The air was thick with the dust of centuries past, and I knew that I was getting closer to my destination.

I made my way down the dimly lit corridor, my footsteps echoing off the stone walls.

As I turned a corner, a grand entrance to a library came into view.

The doors were made of polished mahogany, and the intricate carvings on them told a story of their own.

Without hesitation, I pushed the doors open and stepped inside.

The library was massive, filled with shelves upon shelves of books.

The room was dimly lit, with the only source of light coming from the magical flickering crystals that hung on the walls.

The air was cool and musty, and the sound of my footsteps echoed throughout the room.

I walked down one of the aisles, running my hand over the spines of the books.

Some were old and tattered, while others were new and pristine.

The titles on the spines were in a language that I couldn't read.

In another section, lay a piece of writing, beckoning with its words to be explored.

Compelled by my own curiosity, I couldn't resist the urge to stretch out my hand and delve into the pages of the book, despite the dust that lightly coated its cover.

'Welcome to the sanctuary where the voices of great minds, long gone from this world, continue to resonate through the hallowed halls. Within these walls, the words they left behind are treasured like precious artifacts, allowing visitors to commune with these luminaries as if they were still among us. Let yourself be transported back in time by the whispers of the past, their wisdom and creativity illuminating your path forward like a beacon on a dark night.'

'As you wander through this enchanting place, you'll stumble upon a section where the written word reigns supreme. Here, shelves upon shelves of books and manuscripts invite you to lose yourself in their pages, to immerse yourself in the stories and teachings that have stood the test of time. Let your fingers trail over the spines, and listen closely as the rustling of pages seems to carry you away to another time and place. In this haven for bibliophiles, every word is a treasure, waiting to be discovered and savored.'

The book's words magnetized me, drawing me into its pages with an irresistible force.

As time passed, I found myself completely absorbed within the pages of the book.

It was a delightful experience, one that quenched the thirst and hunger that had driven me to frustration for quite some time. I'll admit, I've never felt anything quite like it. In my previous world, reading and learning were necessities, not passions.

Back then, I turned to books as an escape from the darkness that surrounded me.

But here, now, I read for the pure enjoyment of it. It's as if I've discovered a whole new world within the pages of each book.

This world was a turning point for me, a lost soul who had finally found the right place.

As I wandered through the library's towering shelves, I marveled at how much I'll gain.

The books had pulled me into a world of thrilling concepts and new perspectives, and I joyfully laughed to myself at the thought of my past self.

I could almost see that distant version of myself, skeptical and distant, turning away from the wild-eyed enthusiasm I now felt.

But I couldn't help it. This place was a haven for me, a refuge from the loneliness and confusion of my former life. And so I laughed and cheered, filling the silent halls with a joy and laughter.

As time continued its steady march forward, I found myself lost in a world of wonder and delight, giggling and laughing like a child in the midst of an enchanting fairytale.

The power of magic was all around me, transforming the mundane into the extraordinary, and I couldn't help but revel in the sheer joy of it all. And as I sat there, surrounded by books of every shape and size, I marveled at the fact that these simple objects were indeed a uniquely portable magic.

With each turn of a page, a world of adventure awaited me, filled with vivid imagery and picture-like detail that transported me to far-off lands and wondrous realms beyond my wildest imagination.

Truly, there was no greater escape than the magic of books.

It's funny how once upon I discovered the existence of magic in this world, I found my mind wandering to fantastical visions of flying broomsticks and ancient grimoires.

However, as I delved deeper into the world of magic, I soon realized that my fantasies were nothing compared to the reality of what magic truly is.

It permeates every aspect of our lives, from the tiniest seedling that sprouts in the ground to the vast expanse of the night sky.

It is the very fabric of existence itself, weaving together the threads of reality into a tapestry that is at once beautiful and awe-inspiring. The more I learn about magic, the more I come to understand the true scope of its power, and I can't help but feel a sense of wonder and reverence for this incredible force.

As I stand here, surrounded by the mysteries of the magical realm, I am filled with a sense of awe.

Although the visuals here may resemble the medieval era of my former world, it could not be further from the truth.

Through the power of magic, this world has surpassed my expectations in countless ways.

Possibilities abound, as long as one is capable. There is nothing beyond reach. In this world, limitations are like shackles put on by one's own poor imagination.

This holds especially true for the Awakened, who possess an unbridled potential, limited only by their own lack of imagination. Imagination is the fertile soil where dreams take root and blossom. A place where the bounds of logic are transcended, and the impossible becomes reality.

It is a precious resource, one that I've never boasted of possessing.

But now, as I stand here, I feel a spark of hope. Unlike many, I have not been fully consumed by the rigid shackles of logic.

I understand that imagination is far more valuable than knowledge, for while knowledge is finite and constrained, imagination has the power to embrace the whole world and give birth to evolution.

In this moment, I realize that imagination is one of the keys to unlocking the true potential of our world.

I spent my days in the library, immersing myself in the endless sea of knowledge and ideas.

Each book I opened was a portal to new worlds and perspectives, expanding the horizon of my imagination and breaking down the barriers of ignorance that had once held me back.

With each turn of the page, I felt my mind open wider, as if the words were nourishing the very soil of my being.

The library became my sanctuary, a place where I could forget the haunting memories of my past and revel in the beauty of the present moment.

As I lost myself in the pages of books, my imagination ran wild without restraint. I could feel the characters and stories coming to life in my mind, as if they were real and tangible. From the ancient myths of the past to the futuristic worlds of prophecy, I explored every genre and era, soaking up every detail and nuance.

The library was a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration, and I was determined to make the most of it.

I spent hours upon hours every day, lost in a world of words and ideas. And though my body may have been confined to a simple chair, my mind was free to roam wherever it pleased.

As I perused the shelves, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the books themselves. Each one was a work of art, with intricate designs and delicate bindings.

The pages were filled with illustrations and diagrams, breathing life into the words and ideas they contained.

In that sacred space, I felt a sense of belonging and purpose that I had never experienced before.

It was as if every book, every page, every word was calling out to me, beckoning me to explore and discover. And so I did, with every fiber of my being, until the sun sank below the horizon and it was time to leave.

But even as I walked away, I knew that the library would always be there, waiting for me to return and lose myself in its endless wonders once more.

A lot of mysteries ahead.

hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)

elbascreators' thoughts