
The Magic Hotel

Lily's life took a dark turn when she discovered her family's plan to marry her off to a much older man. Determined to escape, she found herself transported to a magical world where she was granted a unique skill—a hotel as a cheat. Amidst adventures in managing her magical haven, Lily encountered Aster, an S-rank magician. Together, they faced trials and built a name for themselves, their shared journey forging a love that transcended realms and defied fate.

nunumoriki · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 13- Upgrade Complete

With the upgrade complete, Liliana could feel a subtle shift in the magical energies coursing through the hotel. It was as if the very essence of the establishment had become more attuned to her intentions and the needs of its guests. The walls seemed to hum with an increased vibrancy, and there was a newfound efficiency in the way the magical system responded to her commands.

Eager to explore the potential enhancements, Liliana continued her daily tasks with renewed enthusiasm. The upgraded system not only facilitated smoother management of the hotel's operations but also opened up new possibilities for quests and interactions with the magical world that surrounded her.

As Liliana attended to her duties, she couldn't help but notice subtle changes taking place within the hotel. The ambiance became more enchanting, and the rooms seemed to exude a welcoming glow. In the midst of her bustling activities, Liliana received a message from the system, notifying her of the successful completion of an upgrade-related quest.

Liliana Nova

Level = 1 XP (20/100)

System Level = 1 (Need 100 Gold coins to upgrade)

Number of staff =12

Number of short term guests =5

Number of Long term guests =0

Gold coins = 200 and 25 silver coins