
The Mage Warrior's Legacy

Loye is a young boy born into a poor family in a remote village of a tribe that was once powerful mage warriors 500 years ago. Despite being without magic for generations, the tribe still holds on to fragments of their ancestor's oral traditions. Loye is about to become a man when he is visited by a mysterious spirit in a dream, who imparts to him the knowledge of how to unlock his tribe's long-dormant magic. As Loye begins to explore his new abilities, he quickly discovers that he is capable of extraordinary things. But with great power comes great responsibility, and Loye soon finds himself embroiled in the political machinations of powerful rulers and rival tribes. With the help of a few trusted allies, Loye must navigate the treacherous landscape of power and ambition as he seeks to restore his tribe to its former glory. As Loye's power grows, he attracts the attention of even more powerful and dangerous enemies. Loye must use all of his wit, skill, and magic to survive the challenges that lay ahead and emerge victorious. Along the way, Loye learns important lessons about loyalty, friendship, and the true meaning of power.

Sage_Rasheed · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 16

By this time, Loye was quite familiar with the appearance of the wolf and he simply turned his gaze around the place he currently was. After a few moments, the Wolf began to speak.

"Welcome, Loye," the wolf said. "I see that you have found your way into this world."

Loye was still groggy from sleep, but he nodded his head in recognition. "Yes," he said. "After going through the portal, I found myself in a strange place. I do not understand the language or many of the items I saw". Loye complained. "There was this woman, I think she sees me as a relative, who came to put me to bed." Loye rambles on. "Great Wolf Spirit, where am I? and how does this place relate to the trial?"

The wolf nodded. "You have crossed over into a different world, Loye. You have entered the body of one of the residents of this world, and by the time you wake up, you will have gained their memories and experiences."

Loye was confused. "What do you mean? I don't understand."

The wolf stepped closer to him. "When you wake up, Loye, you will be living as someone else. You will have their thoughts, their feelings, and their memories. You will be them, and they will be you."

Loye felt a surge of panic rise up in him. "But I don't want to be someone else! I want to go back to my own world!"

The wolf shook its head. "Do not fear, you will retain your memories and heritage as well. Once you pass the trial in front of you will be returned to your own world." The Wolf Spirit explained. This calmed Loye a little. The spirit continued, "However, you cannot go back, Loye if you fail to complete this trial and pass through the other gates. You must learn what this world has to teach you, and you must use that knowledge to become stronger."

Loye felt overwhelmed by everything that was happening. He didn't want to be trapped in this strange world forever, but he also didn't know how to leave. He looked at the wolf, hoping for some guidance.

The wolf seemed to read his thoughts. "You must find your way, Loye. You must trust in yourself and have faith that you can overcome any obstacle."

With those words, the wolf disappeared, and Loye was left alone in the darkness. He didn't know what to do or where to go, but he knew that he had to keep moving forward. As he drifted back into a deeper sleep, he knew that when he woke up, he would be someone else entirely, living in a world that he had never known.


While Loye was trying to figure out how to pass the trail in the strange world he finds himself in, back in his village, Loye's stepmother and half-brother Ronu are growing increasingly worried about the lack of news regarding their failed assassination attempt. Their conversation turns to suspicion and speculation as they wonder what could be causing the delay in information.

Ronu paced nervously as he spoke, his eyes darting around the room. "It's been days, mother. Surely someone would have come back with news by now if the plan had succeeded?"

Loye's stepmother, who sat calmly on a cushion, shrugged her shoulders. "Perhaps there were complications. It wouldn't be the first time. Or maybe they're just waiting for the right moment to tell us."

Ronu frowned. "But we need to know! If Loye is still alive, he could come back and take everything from us."

"I doubt that," his mother replied with a wave of her hand. "Your father is getting old, and the clan will soon need a new leader. It's only a matter of time before he passes the mantle to one of his sons."

"But if Loye is still alive, he'll be a strong contender for the position," Ronu persisted. "We need to find out what happened."

His mother sighed, then rose from her cushion. "Very well. I'll send a messenger to the village and see what news we can get. But you must remain calm, my son. We cannot let our emotions get the better of us."

Ronu nodded, still pacing back and forth. "Yes, mother. I understand."

As his mother left the room, Ronu couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. If Loye was still alive, he knew that he and his mother would have to be careful. Loye was a strong, capable warrior, and he wouldn't take kindly to being pushed aside for the sake of his half-brother's ambitions.