
The Mage Battle God

Laurellius. An apprentice mage of beneath-average talent who dreams of becoming a famous mage in the entire Arcana Empire was desperate to enroll in the famous Arcanum Academy. However, due to inferior skills, he found himself at high risk of failing. With the entrance exams only a week away, and his abysmal ability to cast 2nd Tier magic, Laurellius does his best to succeed. Desperately, Laurellius continued to push himself. . . until one day, he met a girl. A girl with a lot of her secrets and mysterious origins. Follow Laurellius’ journey, as he continues to push forward the harshness of reality, and the determination for greater heights. (Note: I am not the owner of the cover. If you are the owner and want to take it down, please dm me.)

Lievel_Veltrandt · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs



In a barren realm located far outside the realms where mortals resided, a vast wasteland spread out near endlessly till the far horizons. the eternally dark sky, along with the vegetation-deprived surroundings made a picture of a hellish place, as the howling winds reinforced that image further.


And it wasn't just the surroundings either. The Dark Nether Realm was a treacherous place for all things living, and each monster that resided there was capable of destroying an entire mortal world by itself. The winds had the natural properties of stealing away one's vitality, and the ground naturally absorbed blood.


It was a nightmarish world that tries to kill anyone alive who enters, assuming that they're alive.


However, despite that fact, a young girl stood in the middle of the barren wastelands, as she held an even younger girl within her arms. If a mortal saw the girl in her arms, they would have mistaken her for being asleep as she had a peaceful expression on her face, and her mouth still had the traces of a smile.


However, the young girl holding her knew better. She held the younger girl—a person she used to call her sister—tightly, yet so gently, as she caressed her cheeks. She then opened her lips. "Farewell, sister."


She spoke so calmly, that her voice never wavered the slightest bit. Her face too held no expression, but the way she held the girl in her arms gave away her true feelings. She was devastated, and it was from the fact that the girl she was holding, was already dead. Her soul had dissipated, and her spirit had also been destroyed.


She was more dead than the dead ones who roamed the eternal afterlife. There was no saving her anymore.


The young girl held her sister tighter, but even gentler as if it was the last time it was gonna happen. And the young girl knew that it really was, as not long after, powerful energy fluctuations suddenly appeared around her, and a group of people appeared.


They had come for her.


They suddenly appeared as they stood in mid-air as if they were standing on solid ground. The dark skies above crackled with lightning, as the dark nether winds blew past them, making their robes and mantles flutter.


Their straight and domineering, as they all blocked the young girl's escape routes.


A handsome black-robed man suddenly descended, as he seems to be their leader. He then stood, as he stared at the young girl with a mocking gaze.


" There is nowhere for you to run, your highness. The Crevice of Nihility is right behind you, and you are no longer in condition to take on any of us.


Please hand over the treasure, and we are willing to overlook all the killings that you've done."


Without a word, the young girl gently out down the dead girl in her arms, and then stood as she walked forward. And seeing her actions, the handsome man smiled in satisfaction.


However, the young girl suddenly stopped.


Her expression twisted into that of pure mockery, as she sneered: "Overlook?.. What nonsense."


She then stared directly into the eyes of the black-robed man: "Do you truly believe that I would fall a cheap promise from a lowly lowborn such as you?.. Don't make me laugh, mongrel."


The black-robed man's brows twitched at the mention of the word " mongrel ". However, he kept his calm as he prevented and change from his expression: "Your highness.. with all due respect—"


"Respect?" the young girl cut off. She then lowered her head and held her stomach, as her body shook. A while after, it seemed that she couldn't hold it in, and laughed out loud: "A.. Ahahahaha!.. ha-ha.. hahahaha!.. Respect, you say?.. I apologize but I cannot understand the language of the common folks. The respect I knew of does not have any scheming and ambushes in it after all."


The black-robed man's face reddened as he couldn't stop his face from twisting into an ugly expression. He then glared at the young girl: "This is your last chance, your highness. Hand over the trea—"


"Did you not hear me, mongrel. I have said that I cannot understand the words of the common folks, haven't I?.. Or do you understand the language of dogs?.. Well, forgive me for not being a dog, then." The young girl cut off.


The black-robed man went silent, but his subordinates knew that he had snapped. He raised a hand, and ordered: " Kill her."


The moment he gave the order, his subordinates wasted no time, as they rushed over to the young girl, to overwhelm her with numbers. They knew the girl was weakened and was currently not strong enough to defeat any of them, but defeating her too was a hurdle for any of them.


However. . .


A sword suddenly appeared in the girl's right hand. It had an intricate guard and handle, as well as a silver blade with golden runes. The black-robed man's eyes widened, as he shouted: "All of you, stay back! She has the King's Blade!"


However, it was too late. The girl had already swung the sword, and all who rushed forward had been cleanly severed in half.


The bodies fell with a thud, as blood then fell from above, staining the young girl's skin red, as well as her clothes. However, she didn't seem to care about that, as her bright eyes reminiscent of the bright starry evening, glared at the black-robed man.


The black-robed man panicked, as he knew the power of the King's Blade. It was the symbol of the king's authority, and it was a treasure made up of countless divine materials. It was so valuable and powerful that it stroked the greed inside him, but logic and reason suppressed it. If he tried to take it now, then it was no doubt that he'd die.


'Damn it!' The black-robed man cursed inwardly. 'I never heard about her having the King's Blade!'


However, his panic disappeared as an expression of pleasant surprise appeared on his face: " Oh?.. They're finally here. . ."


And right after he spoke, three gigantic floating ships suddenly appeared as the void split to let them pass. The ships were golden in color, as it had majestic designs that invoke awe upon the people who saw them.


But the young girl who saw those frowned. She had a look of grief on her face for an instant but vanished just as quickly as it shifted. She muttered: " I see. So it seems father too, has fallen. . ."


She clenched the sword in her hand even tighter. It was the last of her father's keepsake, and she wanted to protect it, however. . .


'It seems even that is impossible.'


She watched as a young man went down from a floating ship, and landed on the ground, only a hundred meters away from her. He then looked at her with ridicule: "Oh?.. What a pathetic form you have now, your highness. Did this lowly world for lowborns defile your royal skin?  If you would like, how about returning to the Royal Palace to cleanse your body. I will personally help you so."


The young girl sneered: "A plebeian playing royalty?  I apologize but my skin is not so cheap to be witnessed in full by a pretender.  Also, I plan to destroy this world afterward."


The young man made a playful grin: "Ooh.. How scary. But do you believe that you can still leave this place alive?" he then snapped his finger, and countless soldiers made a splendid formation behind him, as they poured out from the massive floating ship, " not even you would be able to thwart an army of this number."


"I wonder about that. I have yet to try, after all."


" It's pointless even if you do though." The young man commented, but a voice suddenly interjected.


"Young master... I think she might be able to. She is in possession of the King's Blade."


It was the handsome black-robed man earlier.


The young man shifted his gaze to the one who spoke: "Oh?.. No wonder she was so confident. Looks like we have no choice but to minimize losses huh? It wouldn't be good to lose many soldiers when we still haven't cemented our position as the new royalties. "


He then turned to his soldiers: "Stall her, and don't let yourself die a dog's death."


The young girl inwardly clicked her tongue as she underestimated the young man. It seems he was far from foolish. However. . .


The young girl smiled, as she muttered: " This much should be enough, I hope."


She then walked towards her sister's corpse and caressed her cheeks for the last time: "I'm sorry for not being able to give you a proper farewell and burial. Rest assured, sister. . ."


". . . I will definitely butcher these usurpers one day. I swear to the heavens." She added in a low voice.


The young man raised a brow in confusion: "What are you doing? Did you consider accepting my offer?"


The young girl turned behind her as looked at the young man. He had a gentleman smile on his face, but the lust hidden behind his eyes did not escape her detection. The young girl slowly shook her head:  "No. I am merely expressing farewell. . ."


As she spoke, her entire body suddenly released tremendous energy fluctuations, as it even locked the space around them. It was a domain.


". . . for her, and for everyone here." She appended he statement.


The young man's eyes widened in shock as the sheer amount of energy around was more than enough to obliterate the world many times over. He knew what she was planning. With a panicked tone, he ordered: " All troops!  Kill her!  No matter what it takes, kill her as fast as possible!!"


The soldiers who had also begun to panic, rushed out almost immediately as they held their weapons, and powerful energy waves made the air vibrate.


However, it was too late.


A blinding light suddenly filled the world. . .


. . . and a world-obliterating explosion appeared, along with a single curse that was drowned by the deafening boom.


      "I will definitely kill you all."

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