

"Help me please." A trembling feminine voice pleaded to the man who was standing near the girl.

Girl crawled the little distance to reach him wishing he could save her. Her limbs were numb and blood was oozing out of the cuts. One could say by looking at her that she's been through hell. With eyes full of tears looked at the man "please save me take me away from here."

She tried to reach him with her trembling hand.

The man squat down to her smiling. A smile that sent shivers to her spine said "amm yeah i'll save you but you have to make a choice."

"What choice" asked the girl with a hoarse voice. "Either i save you and you in return will kill VIvan or i kill you here." This stunned her.

"Come on think about it. It's all because of him that you suffering like this. poor girl. If you kill him you will be free from all this drama. You'll live a life like you always wanted to." "you dont have to deal with all this crap."

All that little hope she had was crushed.

Lying down on the ground staring in the starry sky with tears falling form either sides.

She reminiscences about vivan and the beautiful time she shared with him.

How she truly wished that she could live, live to tell him that he was going to be a father. Placing her hand on her belly creasing it. 'Sorry baby, please forgive me, mommy doesn't have a choice. Just know that i and your father loves you dearly baby. I am sorry i couldn't protect you.'

"W..who are you?why are you doing this?" cough! cough! with hoarse voice she asked the man.

"Hahaha oh little girl i am death reaper who's going to decide your fate anyway people know me by jamie" with raising voice he continued "you see i had this grudge against your lover vivan. That bastard killed my whole family

do you know how it feels to have witnessed you family's death. He killed every single of them." he yelled at her. His eyes were red with blood lust.

"So now i decided to end his life which happens to be you. Mia his biggest weakness. He started laughing crazily. This is going to be much fun."

"So decide now!" he shouted at her.

She could never bring herself to kill him and she knew that even if she chose to live he will kill her child or he would do much worse than this.

so it was better to die.

She started to feel dizzy due to blood loss. Her eyelids started to feel heavy and closed them and waited for her end.

"Kill me." She said barely audible.

"Alright then" he points gun to her forehead

"goodbye love." she mumbled to herself.

"Baam! Baam! Baam!.."


Hey guys

It's my first time writing something like this so go easy on me.

P.s ignore any grammatical errors.

Keep supporting.

Lots of love:)

Priyankameenacreators' thoughts