
THE MAFIA LORD CAPTIVE MATE :You are mine , little mate

"We start with one million," Gio voices echo into the room as chatters and whistles fill my ears. My leg is trembling and my hand is unable to move. "Gio !" I called, ignoring the audience, whom I could not see. All I could feel was the fact that I was standing in front of many people. I was in an auction stand, to be precise. The room was as quiet as an empty, abandoned room. The atmosphere, judging by whatever is going on, looks terrifying enough, especially when I'm blind-founded. Forcefully claimed by a Ruthless Mafia boss, Luna would do anything to make sure she pissed him off and out of her life . But will she succeed when he has another plan for her?

Doreen_emo · Ciudad
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14 Chs

What Couples do


I stared deeply at Ruth as the hot metal found its way continuously into her skin.Hot tears were streaming down her eyes completely and I couldn't help but feel sorry for all the pain I had caused her ,it was all my fault.

I should have listened to her ,I mean ,She warned me against it ,but I tried to ignore her .My stubbornness,Had led her to an unjust punishment and pain .

Watching her scream more than ten times in a row made my heart flushed with unbearable pain.I couldn't bear what was going on .

I had begged him to let her go,but the monster in a human form refuse.Watching him from a distance made me wanna run to him , pierced a knife deep into his stomach and made him pass through the same pain she was going through.

The last stroke of metal Peirce deep into her skin and she screamed and cried out for Mercy.

"Release her "He had ordered after the last stroke,his gaze practically fixed on me.

"Ruth!"I called , allowing the tears to flow freely from my eyes ,I turned to run towards her with both my trembling legs .

"Make sure,she does not move an Itch away from there !"He ordered once more,and Immediately,Two of the guards grabbed hold of me , forcing me to stay at one spot.

"Let me go"I yelled out , with the tears streaming from my eyes on its own Accord.

"Take her to my room immediately"He added and I was forcefully dragged away from the scene.

"Ruth"I called , staring at her as she fell faintly to the floor with blood gushing out from every part of her skin.

She's definitely in a lot of pain and there was nothing I could do to help her , it was all my fault from the very beginning.

I caused it all and now she's paying for it with her delicate skin.

I was thrown into his room ,As he immediately walked into the room and then sighs after giving me a silent smirk.

"You should know better than to disobey me the next you try it ,I bet you won't make it out alive "He had warned , slowly he drew more closer to me as he bent over to me to caress my face and after some time,he stood to his feet.

"Go get ready,we would be going to a meeting together,A Mafia meeting"He mutters, turning to leave.

"You can't take a thiango to a coopers meeting"I muttered , slowly standing up to my feet with boldness.

This man standing right here ,had made my life miserable under 24 hrs ,and yet He still wants me to go over to him.

"You dare not disobey my orders, unless you choose death over your life "He warned.

"I may not be into the Mafia business,but as a Mafia daughter,I know the rules more than you do"

"A Thiango Can not be taken forcefully into the coopers meeting Without She/he becoming part of the coopers clan"I stated and then paused to stare at him.

His reaction had said it all ,The way he stares strangely at me and then replaces that look with a smirk all of a sudden.

"You are no longer a Thiango,I paid awesomely for you,even when you aren't Worth that much , that makes you my possession,my slave "He mutters,unshaken by my words.

"I won't be going with you to the meeting, I'm a Thiango,and that won't change ''I added,and he smirks.

"Then be ready to change from Thiango to Coopers"He states , smiling at me .

"What did you mean?"I asked, confused at his statement as he slowly walked over to me , grabbed me by the necks , making sure my face wasn't an itch from him he muttered.

"We are getting married !"He had revealed, Spinning me around,he grabbed me by the waist as I buzzle over his words .

I was trying hard to maintain calmness, perhaps I didn't hear it well and he didn't mean it.Perhaps, it's my thoughts playing foolishly with me once again.

"We are getting Married immediately"He stated once more ,his hands were on my waist and his breath on my neck made me shiver with both fear and pleasure.

"You.... you..... must be joking"I muttered ,shrinked at his lips that were slowly moving around my necks , until his other hands had successfully grabbed hold of my breast.

He then slowly spun me over to face him , this time our eyes matched with each other as an unresisting spark filled me up.

"Thiango Luna ,else forth you would become mine ,and No matter what there's no escape route for you"He mutters into my ears , suddenly grabbing me on my boobs.

A moan found its way in my mouth,Dan it Luna , stopped feeling this way over a monster.

"I won't get married to a monster, definitely not ,never "I stated ,as I pushed him off .

"You can't escape this"He smirks at me walking closer ,I step backwards.

"You are Mine,and Else forth, You are my bride to be ,so go get changed and let go to the meeting together, make sure you do better and These clothes,pick one of it "He said, pointing to another set of dress on his bed .

"And mind you, You won't be staying in your room , starting from today you are my bride and we would be sleeping together on the same bed and do what couples do together"He added , staring lustfully at me.

"Couples, Does that also include sex?"I asked in awl, still unable to believe every word coming out of his mouth.

"Yes,Sex and fun!"He mutters.

"I am not your sex toy "I stated and he smirked.

"You become one the Moment,I paid for your freedom"

"You never did, You make my life more miserable and unbearable "I stated and he stood at his spot, shaking my words.