
THE MAFIA LORD CAPTIVE MATE :You are mine , little mate

"We start with one million," Gio voices echo into the room as chatters and whistles fill my ears. My leg is trembling and my hand is unable to move. "Gio !" I called, ignoring the audience, whom I could not see. All I could feel was the fact that I was standing in front of many people. I was in an auction stand, to be precise. The room was as quiet as an empty, abandoned room. The atmosphere, judging by whatever is going on, looks terrifying enough, especially when I'm blind-founded. Forcefully claimed by a Ruthless Mafia boss, Luna would do anything to make sure she pissed him off and out of her life . But will she succeed when he has another plan for her?

Doreen_emo · Ciudad
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14 Chs

She's not My Mate

Maxwell Pov.

"I shall not come to your room." Her voice rings in my ears. Everyone, including the shocked maid, shivers at her response as they all await what will become of her for standing up to me.

Slowly,I scoffed and walked up to her, stepping closer to her. She shivered and stepped backwards.

"How brave must you be, and yet you shiver like a coward? "I mocked her, as she narrowed her eyes towards me.

"I am not a coward; you are!" She chanted, and everyone else in the room gasped.

Angry at her statement,I walked closer to her and angrily grabbed hold of her wrists as I flubbed her over.

She staggers with fright while trying to maintain her balance, and the room suddenly goes quiet.

The maid once again shivers and then begins to disappear, leaving me and this arrogant and stubborn jerk in the room.

"What did I say in the car?" I asked her angrily as I clenched my fist in anger while walking closer to her. She shuddered backwards in fear.

"What the fuckin hell was the rule, Sly Queen? "I yelled, and she flinched in fear, but she soon composed herself and then faced me bravely.

"I am not submissive to you; you don't own me, "she yelled back bravely.

What the hell , the audacity she gets to yell at me? I guess she doesn't know who the fuck I am yet and how merciless I can be.

The only reason I was so soft on her was because somehow I got attracted to her, and she's my mate.

"How dare you, yell at me, you fuckin? Witch"

"Don't hurt her; she's our mate." My wolf mutters and I come to stop. As much as I would love to hurt her and forcefully make her submit to me,I couldn't. Each time I tried to be merciless with her, Sid would always take over.

"She's not, A rude and arrogant brat, that's what she is, "she mutters to my wolf as she stares strangely at me.

She scoffed when I bent over to her, blood gushing from the corner of her mouth due to the way I flipped her over. She sustained an injury.

"Now, listen to me. You just got here, and making trouble for yourself would only cause you more pain. "I mutter at her, and she ends up scoffing.

"You sign up for the worst; immediately, you choose to buy me over." She states, Smiling devilishly at me.

"Fuck you, dam asshole! "I yelled and stood up on my feet as she sighed and also stood to her feet.

"Untied her immediately, "I ordered, and Cargo rushed to her to loosen the robbery from her hands.

She sighs after that, and there was a red spot on her hands due to the tying.

"Get her to my room and make sure she eats."I ordered once more.

"I shall not go to your room, you fuckin asshole. Take me back to my territory; you cannot have a thiango clan in your fuckin clan, "she yelled again. She struggles against Cargo, who violently lifted her up and forcefully took her away.

"Asshole, Ruthless Animal: "She continues to call me names while being dragged off by Cargo.

Her voice soon became faint after some time, and I fell on the chair exhausted.

"Definitely a long day with her already,when it's not even up to 24 hours, "Nathan said from behind me as he came to sit near me.

"Are you sure you can cope with her? You have anger issues; you might kill her within two days if she is this stubborn, "he said, and then paused to stare at me.

"Oh, she is your mate. I guess she might survive, "he mutters.

"She's not my mate, but my slave... I own her; she is my possession. "I corrected him, and he scoffed.

"Definitely, I guess!" He mutters to me once more.

"The Martinez Clan, How come they sold her off to you just like that? She used to be their personal lawyer, and her dad is Mr. Martinez's best friend." Nathan had asked, and I sighed.

"I don't know, everyone wanted her, and yes, I also wanted her,"I said. No doubt, she is quite beautiful, despite how rude she is.

She is still beautiful, and even in the bidding box, the old Mafia were all dying to buy her, and sure, she would have been their sex slave for life.

She should be thankful. I picked up her interest. I wasn't even ready to spend that amount of money on her, but when she was brought in, my wolf wanted her immediately, and I couldn't just ignore his constant pleas.

I had to give in and get her. She isn't different from any of the other girls I had sex with. I don't know why my wolf would go for this fuckin arrogant girl.

"What are your thoughts?" Nathan asked again, staring at me.

"How was the meeting with the Croops Clan? Did they agree to our terms?" I asked instead,to divert his interest from my little stubborn mate.

Nathan has always been my beta in the pack, and my best friend in the underworld.

He is more like a brother to me, and we've been working together for too long.

"It didn't go that well. They want you to bring your bride to the next meeting; otherwise, there is no way of forming an alliance with you," he revealed.

"And what if I don't? I don't answer to anyone, remember?" I asked, and he nodded.

"I guess the deal is sealed and closed. We will shift to the other clan, "I said, and he nodded.

How dare they demand a bride when they know too well that I do not answer to anyone? The fuckin audacity they've had for the past few days.

"Arrange a meeting with the croops. Is it either we go for blood or blood?"
