
THE MAFIA LORD CAPTIVE MATE :You are mine , little mate

"We start with one million," Gio voices echo into the room as chatters and whistles fill my ears. My leg is trembling and my hand is unable to move. "Gio !" I called, ignoring the audience, whom I could not see. All I could feel was the fact that I was standing in front of many people. I was in an auction stand, to be precise. The room was as quiet as an empty, abandoned room. The atmosphere, judging by whatever is going on, looks terrifying enough, especially when I'm blind-founded. Forcefully claimed by a Ruthless Mafia boss, Luna would do anything to make sure she pissed him off and out of her life . But will she succeed when he has another plan for her?

Doreen_emo · Ciudad
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14 Chs


Maxwell Pov.

"What ?" Nathan yelled when he heard my last statement.

"Arrange the meeting, and I will be going with her!" I ordered and then stood up to leave.

"But you already know how stubborn and arrogant she can be; don't you think you should substitute for her?" He asked, standing up to his feet while he stared at me in the hope that I might buy his ideas.

"I don't answer to anyone; I make the rules, and everyone else follows, "I mentioned, and he nodded in approval as he dared not disapprove of me.

"That's the end of the discussion. I would be going to the meeting with the Diang clan alongside cargo. Call me when the time is scheduled for the Croops meeting."

"Sure !" He nodded, and we both maintained silence, and after some time I took the stairs to my room.

And then I used the remortgaged controller to open the door and walk in.

"On, here you are. Can you at least take me to my own room? I can't share a room with such an abrupt you," she said, with her hands crossed to her hips, which made her look more sexy and crazier than I thought. My Wolf suddenly started craving her, and he fought for dominance over me.

"You aren't sharing a room with me; I don't need to spell it out to you that you are now my captive, my possession,my slave, and I own you, "I stated to her, and she scoffed, walking closer to me with bravery.

"You do not owe me, and I do not submit to you, Maxwell Coopers of the Cooper clan, the only brutal and most dangerous lord of all the clan, " she responded,bravely staring at me as her breast danced in her chest.

"You don't get to talk to me in that manner and that tone, "I yelled, and she flinched.

"Don't scare our little mate!" My wolf sid yelled within me.

"Fuck you, damn asshole!"I Whispers, taking a step backwards from her as my wolf tries to take over once more.

"Can I get a room for myself?" She was staring at me.

"We are not at the Martinez Clan; you dare not order me around like your slave; in here, I make the rules and you follow. "I responded, and she scoffed and then rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Rules are meant to be broken, just like trust is meant to be broken." She muttered and then walked to the bed.

"Not under my watch. Will the rules be broken when I'm the boss here? "I stated.

"What's your stake?" She asked and stood up from the bed while walking towards me boldly.

"What did you mean?" I asked in return.

"There must be a reason for bringing me in here. What the fuck is your reason, asshole? "she yelled and then paused.

"Oh, you must already know about my dad's case and how badly I wanted to put the culprits behind bars. Is this your way of keeping me shot? "She beckoned angrily at me as I clenched my fist in anger.

If not for Sid , I guess I must have strangled the helm out of this girl standing before me.

"Who the fuck are you? I make the rules, and you dare not raise your voice at me, "I voiced out, my body already vibrating with anger.

"Just let me go. I don't have any problem with you while you claim possession of me."

"I guess your late dad didn't teach you the rules of the mafia business and how it is run." I asked, and she became quiet.

"Don't you dare call my dad into this!" She flinched and said, angrily staring at me.

"Now you listen to me. "I paused and drew closer to her till she couldn't move. Her back landed forcefully on the bed, and I climbed on to her, having free access to her.

I parted her leg wide open and lay in between, savoring Her skin and her breath were a beat too deep, and she soon tried to fight me off her.

"Get the hell out of me, you Asshole! "she yelled, hitting on my chest, and with one Swift, I held onto her hands and then dragged it off and pinned it to the bed with one hand.

She flinched and stared at me, her eyes boring deep into mine.

"You are my possession, and the better you start acting like one, the sooner it will be for you." I warned her, and she scoffed.

"I am not your possession, "she responded, breathing heavily. My eyes landed on her already heavily exposed breast, and my wolf sidled in joy immediately. Wanting to take over me and claim her.

I groaned at the site of my already-erected joystick,which was closed to her thighs. Dammit,my brain always had a mind of its own.

Unaware of what was happening,she kicked me on my balls as I wallowed in an unexpected pain.

She smiled evilly and then tried to run off.

"Suit yourself; next time you won't claim possession of someone without their consent." She beamed happily while I wallowed in unbearable pain.

Soon she was at the door, ready to break through, but she couldn't, and she slowly cursed her luck.

I struggled to get out of bed, and when I finally succeeded,with the excruciating pain, I dragged her over the bed forcefully and then flipped her to it.

"How dare you?" I yelled out loud, unable to control my anger any longer. I strangled her until she was beginning to lose her breath and coughing out blood, but I was careless since she had already brought out the beast in me.

"Stop, you are going to kill her." Sid muttered, ready to take the lead,but I was too angry to give in.

"Let me go ass..." She pleaded with a tear in her eyes, unable to complete her last statement.She fell unconsciously to the bed.

"Little mate, I called in panicked.