
THE MAFIA LORD CAPTIVE MATE :You are mine , little mate

"We start with one million," Gio voices echo into the room as chatters and whistles fill my ears. My leg is trembling and my hand is unable to move. "Gio !" I called, ignoring the audience, whom I could not see. All I could feel was the fact that I was standing in front of many people. I was in an auction stand, to be precise. The room was as quiet as an empty, abandoned room. The atmosphere, judging by whatever is going on, looks terrifying enough, especially when I'm blind-founded. Forcefully claimed by a Ruthless Mafia boss, Luna would do anything to make sure she pissed him off and out of her life . But will she succeed when he has another plan for her?

Doreen_emo · Ciudad
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14 Chs


Maxwell Pov.

"Little mate!" I called as Panicked soon enveloped me.

What the fuck have I done?

There was no response from her, and she is lying lifelessly on the bed, causing my heart to flutter in unbearable pain. Gosh, I had ignorantly hurt my mate, and she might die from it.

Still there, shaking her vigorously and lost on what to do, Cargo walked into the room to see her on the bed,breathless.

"Boss!"he panicked.

"Call doctor Chester immediately," I ordered, rushing her to another private room.

I was eloped in fear of what might have happened to her as she lay in my private room, still unconscious.

Doctor Chester rushed in, and there was an awkward look between us two.

"Get to work immediately, "I said, panicking.

"Sure, boss. "He obeyed and started working on her immediately.

I walked in and out of the room, in a hurry, scared that I might have dragged her to her early grave.Silently,I prayed for the mood goddess to spare her life.

I do not want to be a wolf without a mate, thereby wallowing in pain for the rest of my life.

Doctor Chester sighed after some time, and I turned to look at him.

"How is she?" I asked, running to him.

"Calm, she is fine. She was just passing through anxiety and shock, for she just experienced something she hadn't experienced for once. "He explains, and I mutter an Oh.

"Fuck !!! She pushed me to it. "I mutter, and the doctor stares at me.

"I understand you can be aggressive and ruthless,but don't be this ruthless to a girl, "Dr. Chester advises.

"I will be off; she would need food if she woke up!" He added, before he walked off and Cargo bowed and followed him off.

I sigh, sitting next to her as she sleeps calmly, her breath normal, and her heart rate in a normal rage.

"Little mate will be scared of us when she wakes up, "Sid mutters sadly.

"She won't be Sid; she is an arrogant, stubborn jerk." I mutter to him, and he chuckles.

"And you are more brutal. She fits your arrogance, "Sid had said, and he chuckled.

"Mate is cute; even when she sleeps, I can't wait to claim her!" He said that, and then giggled within ,he was ready to pump out of me.

"Focus Sid; she is sick and needs medical attention, not your attention!" I half-yelled, and he giggled.

"Why then are you erected from just watching her sleep? "he asked, and I looked at my hard Joystick as I muttered,

"Fuck! What the hell? She is making me go hard and hard."

"Accept her; she is yours, and she is making you go wide, "Sid said, chiming in.

"She is my possession and not my mate; I don't need a mate and a weakness, "I declare, and he goes silent.

Soon, she slowly opens her eyes and stares at me.

"Why the fuck am I still here?" She jerks her eyes open narrowly, and she immediately springs to her feet.

"You... lost consciousness." I said, staring at her as she scoffed.

"Guess the cold-hearted asshole finally Knocked me out, "she mutters and scoffed before she lays back to the bed.

"I watched your tongue, woman!" I half yelled,my anger slowly burning up, but Sid suddenly intervened.

"Little Mate will be scared, If you yelled at her. "Sid warned, and I immediately composed myself.

She chuckled, and the way she did it made my little brother down there stand at the erected.

"Damn it," I groaned, and then stood on my feet , ready to leave her.

"Go get changed and come out for dinner, "I ordered, and then turned to leave.

"At least I need a private room. I don't want perverts and stalkers around my room, "she stated, and she scoffed like I was hers to use and order.

"Watch what you say to me, woman! ''I said.

"If I don't, "she asked, staring at me.

"Don't fuckin push me, "I warned, and she scoffed.

I walked out of the room before she could get me more annoyed, and off I went, walking the golden pivoted area to my next super private and big room.Immediately I entered the room ,I set all the cameras in her room, and then sat down to watch her activities.

The first thing she did was to look around the room.

"Make sure she eats something; don't let her starve." I put a call through to cargo,who responded.

Soon, she stood up from her bed and then went over to the bathroom to take her bath. She came back with towels tied around her waist.

Her skin was glowing,her hair was tied in ponytails, and her thighs were exposed.

She sat on the bed and then began to look around for something of which I was not sure I was aware.

"What the fuck is she looking for?" I asked no one in particular.

The door to her room sprung open, and before my eyes, Cargo was in the room.Damn it, how dare he walk in on my mate when she is still naked?She exhaled deeply when he walked, and from the way she spoke, she must have definitely yelled at him angrily.

He left the food on her table and then walked off as she fell to the bed, ready to take her towel off.I switched off the camera,not ready to invade her privacy.

Cargo soon showed up in my room, his head on the floor.

"Next time, knock before you go in there!" I warned, and he nodded.

"Why are you here?" I asked, and he bowed again.

"The ex-President of the cosmic clan, what a business meeting with you! "he said, and I laughed hysterically.

"Arrange for one, then, "I ordered.

"But sir!" Cargo said, and he shuddered.

"I don't answer to you."